16,147 research outputs found

    On vanishing sums of m\,m\,th roots of unity in finite fields

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    In an earlier work, the authors have determined all possible weights nn for which there exists a vanishing sum ζ1++ζn=0\zeta_1+\cdots +\zeta_n=0 of mmth roots of unity ζi\zeta_i in characteristic 0. In this paper, the same problem is studied in finite fields of characteristic pp. For given mm and pp, results are obtained on integers n0n_0 such that all integers nn0n\geq n_0 are in the ``weight set'' Wp(m)W_p(m). The main result (1.3)(1.3) in this paper guarantees, under suitable conditions, the existence of solutions of x1d++xnd=0x_1^d+\cdots+x_n^d=0 with all coordinates not equal to zero over a finite field

    Comment on ``Dynamic behavior of anisotropic non-equilibrium driving lattice gases''

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    In a recent Letter Albano and Saracco study the dynamic critical behavior of some anisotropic driven lattice gases by Monte Carlo (MC) simulations. In this Comment we point out that the Ans\"atze they use to relate the measured scaling exponents with the critical exponents analytically computed within different field-theoretical approaches do not take properly into account the strongly anisotropic nature of the phase transition, by implicitly assuming z=z=zz = z_{\bot} = z_{\parallel}. As a consequence, at variance with the claims by the authors, their MC data are not conclusive to determine which one of the field theories proposed in the literature correctly describes the universal properties of the phase transition in these lattice gases.Comment: 1 pag

    Novel Phases and Finite-Size Scaling in Two-Species Asymmetric Diffusive Processes

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    We study a stochastic lattice gas of particles undergoing asymmetric diffusion in two dimensions. Transitions between a low-density uniform phase and high-density non-uniform phases characterized by localized or extended structure are found. We develop a mean-field theory which relates coarse-grained parameters to microscopic ones. Detailed predictions for finite-size (LL) scaling and density profiles agree excellently with simulations. Unusual large-LL behavior of the transition point parallel to that of self-organized sandpile models is found.Comment: 7 pages, plus 6 figures uuencoded, compressed and appended after source code, LATeX, to be published as a Phys. Rev. Let

    Comparing two financial crises: the case of Hong Kong real estate markets

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    Hong Kong is no stranger to bubbles or crisis. During the Asian Financial Crisis(AFC), the Hong Kong housing price index drops more than 50% in less than a year. The same market then experiences the Internet Bubble, the SARS attack, and recently the Global Financial Crisis (GFC). This paper attempts to provide some “stylized facts” of the real estate markets and the macroeconomy, and follow the event-study methodology to examine whether the markets behave differently in the AFC and GFC, and discuss the possible linkage to the change in government policies (“learning effect”) and the flow of Chinese consumers and investors to Hong Kong (“China factor”).regime switching, structural change, small open economy, bounded rationality, banking policy

    Polygonal Representation of Digital Curves

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    Microwave conductivity in the ferropnictides with specific application to Ba1x_{1-x}Kx_xFe2_2As2_2

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    We calculate the microwave conductivity of a two band superconductor with s±s^\pm gap symmetry. Inelastic scattering is included approximately in a BCS model augmented by a temperature dependent quasiparticle scattering rate assumed, however, to be frequency independent. The possibility that the s-wave gap on one or the other of the electron or hole pockets is anisotropic is explored including cases with and without gap nodes on the Fermi surface. A comparison of our BCS results with those obtained in the Two Fluid Model (TFM) is provided as well as with the case of the cuprates where the gap has d-wave symmetry and with experimental results in Ba1x_{1-x}Kx_xFe2_2As2_2. The presently available microwave conductivity data in this material provides strong evidence for large anisotropies in the electron pocket s-wave gap. While a best fit favors a gap with nodes on the Fermi surface this disagrees with some but not all penetration depth measurements which would favor a node-less gap as do also thermal conductivity and nuclear magnetic resonance data.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures. Phys. Rev. B (submitted