45,090 research outputs found

    Oscillator strengths for OII ions

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    Oscillator strengths between various doublet states of OII ions are calculated in which extensive multi-configuration wave functions are used. The lower levels for the transitions are of the 2p(3) D(2)o and 2p(3) 2po states, and the upper levels are 2p(4), 3s, and 3d states. The results, which are estimated to have errors of less than 10% for individual transitions, agree quite well with the beam foil experiments, as well as with the calculations by use of the non-closed shell many electron theory (NCMET). The agreement with the rocket measurements is also good except for the 538/581 A pair, in which the 538 A line is believed to be blend with the other stronger quartet line. However, a comparison with the recent branching ratio measurement indicates that discrepances between the present calculation and th experiment do exist for certain transistions

    H2S paper strip method - A bacteriological test for faecal coliforms in drinking water at various temperatures

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    Epidemics arising from waterborne diseases are a global health problem. Faecal contamination of drinking water is the main cause of these outbreaks. According to WHO (1996) for drinking water to be safe, a 100 ml sample should not contain any coliform bacteria. The standard methods currently used for routine testing have many limitations especially when applied in remote areas. The H2S method has been developed as an on-site, inexpensive and easy to use method to test drinking water for remote and rural areas. The present work analyses the reliability of the H2S method for detecting faecal contamination in drinking water. The minimum level of faecal coliforms that could be detected and the incubation period required at various levels of contamination were studied. The range of temperatures at which the method was effective and the incubation period required at various temperatures were also determined. The H2S method was found to be able to detect contamination down to a level of 1 CFU/100 ml of coliform bacteria. Although the H2S method could be used at a temperature range of 20 to 44oC, temperatures between 28 to 37oC gave faster results. An incubation period of only 24 hours was required at 37oC, which was found to be the most suitable incubation temperature. The incubation period increased with a decrease or increase in temperature

    Biodegradable Polylactic Acid (PLA) Microstructures for Scaffold Applications

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    In this research, we present a simple and cost effective soft lithographic process to fabricate PLA scaffolds for tissue engineering. In which, the negative photoresist JSR THB-120N was spun on a glass subtract followed by conventional UV lithographic processes to fabricate the master to cast the PDMS elastomeric mold. A thin poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) layer was used as a mode release such that the PLA scaffold can be easily peeled off. The PLA precursor solution was then cast onto the PDMS mold to form the PLA microstructures. After evaporating the solvent, the PLA microstructures can be easily peeled off from the PDMS mold. Experimental results show that the desired microvessels scaffold can be successfully transferred to the biodegradable polymer PLA.Comment: Submitted on behalf of EDA Publishing Association (http://irevues.inist.fr/EDA-Publishing

    Retrospective study of more than 9000 feline cutaneous tumours in the UK: 2006–2013

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    The aim of the study was to utilise a large database available from a UK-based, commercial veterinary diagnostic laboratory to ascertain the prevalence of different forms of cutaneous neoplasia within the feline population, and to detect any breed, sex or age predilections for the more common tumours

    Protein transduction: A novel tool for tissue regeneration

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    Tissue regeneration in humans is limited and excludes vitals organs like heart and brain. Transformation experiments with oncogenes like T antigen have shown that retrodifferentiation of the respective cells is possible but hard to control. To bypass the risk of cancer formation a protein therapy approach has been developed. The transient delivery of proteins rather than genes could still induce terminallydifferentiated cells to reenter the cell cycle. This approach takes advantage of proteintransducing domains that mediate the transfer of cargo proteins into cells. The goal of this brief review is to outline the basics of protein transduction and to discuss potential applications for tissue regeneration

    Probabilistic evaluation of SSME structural components

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    The application is described of Composite Load Spectra (CLS) and Numerical Evaluation of Stochastic Structures Under Stress (NESSUS) family of computer codes to the probabilistic structural analysis of four Space Shuttle Main Engine (SSME) space propulsion system components. These components are subjected to environments that are influenced by many random variables. The applications consider a wide breadth of uncertainties encountered in practice, while simultaneously covering a wide area of structural mechanics. This has been done consistent with the primary design requirement for each component. The probabilistic application studies are discussed using finite element models that have been typically used in the past in deterministic analysis studies

    Two--Electron Atoms in Short Intense Laser Pulses

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    We discuss a method of solving the time dependent Schrodinger equation for atoms with two active electrons in a strong laser field, which we used in a previous paper [A. Scrinzi and B. Piraux, Phys. Rev. A 56, R13 (1997)] to calculate ionization, double excitation and harmonic generation in Helium by short laser pulses. The method employs complex scaling and an expansion in an explicitly correlated basis. Convergence of the calculations is documented and error estimates are provided. The results for Helium at peak intensities up to 10^15 W/cm^2 and wave length 248 nm are accurate to at least 10 %. Similarly accurate calculations are presented for electron detachment and double excitation of the negative hydrogen ion.Comment: 14 pages, including figure

    Stress-Induced Delamination Of Through Silicon Via Structures

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    Continuous scaling of on-chip wiring structures has brought significant challenges for materials and processes beyond the 32 nm technology node in microelectronics. Recently three-dimensional (3-D) integration with through-silicon-vias (TSVs) has emerged as an effective solution to meet the future interconnect requirement. Thermo-mechanical reliability is a key concern for the development of TSV structures used in die stacking as 3-D interconnects. This paper examines the effect of thermal stresses on interfacial reliability of TSV structures. First, the three-dimensional distribution of the thermal stress near the TSV and the wafer surface is analyzed. Using a linear superposition method, a semi-analytic solution is developed for a simplified structure consisting of a single TSV embedded in a silicon (Si) wafer. The solution is verified for relatively thick wafers by comparing to numerical results obtained by finite element analysis (FEA). Results from the stress analysis suggest interfacial delamination as a potential failure mechanism for the TSV structure. Analytical solutions for various TSV designs are then obtained for the steady-state energy release rate as an upper bound for the interfacial fracture driving force, while the effect of crack length is evaluated numerically by FEA. Based on these results, the effects of TSV designs and via material properties on the interfacial reliability are elucidated. Finally, potential failure mechanisms for TSV pop-up due to interfacial fracture are discussed.Aerospace Engineerin
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