268 research outputs found

    The polar layered deposits on Mars: Inference from thermal inertia modeling and geologic studies

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    It is widely believed that the Martian polar layered deposits record climate variations over at least the last 10 to 100 m.y., but the details of the processes involved and their relative roles in layer formation and evolution remain obscure. Weathering of the Martian layered deposits by sublimation of water ice can account for the thermal inertias, water vapor abundances, and geologic relationships observed in the Martian polar regions. The nonvolatile components of the layered deposits appears to consist mainly of bright red dust, with small amounts of dark dust. Dark dust, perhaps similar to the magnetic material found at the Viking Lander sites, may preferentially form filamentary residue particles upon weathering of the deposits. Once eroded, these particles may saltate to form the dark dunes found in both polar regions. This scenario for the origin and evolution of the dark material within the polar layered deposits is consistent with the available imaging and thermal data. Further experimental measurements of the thermophysical properties of magnetite and maghemite under Martian conditions are needed to better test this hypothesis

    Weathering and erosion of the polar layered deposits on Mars

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    The Martial polar layered deposits are widely believed to be composed of water ice and silicates, but the relative amount of each component is unknown. The conventional wisdom among Mars researchers is that the deposits were formed by periodic variations in the deposition of dust and ice caused by climate changes over the last 10 to 100 million years. It is assumed here that water ice is an important constituent of the layered deposits, that the deposits were formed by eolian processes, and that the origin and evolution of the north and south polar deposits were similar. Weathering of the layered deposits by sublimation of water ice can account for the geologic relationships in the polar regions. The nonvolatile components of the layered deposits appears to consist mainly of bright red dust, with small amounts of dark dust or sand. Dark dust, perhaps similar to the magnetic material found at the Viking Lander sites, may perferentially form filamentary residue particles upon weathering of the deposits. Once eroded, these particles may saltate to form the dark dunes found in both polar regions

    Mars polar volatiles: Topographic and geologic setting

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    Progress on a project to elucidate the geological and topographic setting of the Martian polar volatiles is reported. The following accomplishments are enumerated: (1) all of the Mariner 9 imaging data sets available through JPL were acquired and copied; (2) Mariner 9 imagery was investigated in terms of the accuracy of the imaging footprints, dark current, and residual image; (3) the transfer functions of both vidicons were investigated; and (4) the magnitude of the atmospheric scattering was examined

    Thermal inertia and radar reflectivity of the Martian north polar ERG: Low-density aggregates

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    The north polar layered deposits on Mars appear to be the source of the dark material that comprises the north polar erg. The physical properties and chemical composition of the erg material therefore have important implications for the origin and evolution of the Martian layered deposits. Viking bistatic radar and infrared thermal mapping (IRTM) data indicate that the bulk density of the erg material is lower than that of the average Martian surface. These data are consistent with hypotheses involving formation of filamentary sublimation residue (FSR) particles from erosion of the layered deposits. The color and albedo of the erg and of the layered deposits, and the presence of magnetic material on Mars, suggest that the dark material is composed of low-density aggregates of magnetic dust grains, perhaps similar to FSR particles created in laboratory experiments

    Geologic Map of the Olympia Cavi Region of Mars (MTM 85200): A Summary of Tactical Approaches

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    The 1:500K-scale geologic map of MTM 85200 - the Olympia Cavi region of Mars - has been submitted for peer review [1]. Physiographically, the quadrangle includes portions of Olympia Rupes, a set of sinuous scarps which elevate Planum Boreum ~800 meters above Olympia Planum. The region includes the high-standing, spiral troughs of Boreales Scopuli, the rugged and deep depressions of Olympia Cavi, and the vast dune fields of Olympia Undae. Geologically, the mapped units and landforms reflect the recent history of repeated accumulation and degradation. The widespread occurrence of both weakly and strongly stratified units implicates the drape-like accumulation of ice, dust, and sand through climatic variations. Similarly, the occurrence of layer truncations, particularly at unit boundaries, implicates punctuated periods of both localized and regional erosion and surface deflation whereby underlying units were exhumed and their material transported and re-deposited. Herein, we focus on the iterative mapping approaches that allowed not only the accommodation of the burgeoning variety and volume of data sets, but also facilitated the efficient presentation of map information. Unit characteristics and their geologic history are detailed in past abstracts [2-3]

    Groundbased monitoring of Martian atmospheric opacity

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    The amount of dust in the Martian atmosphere is variable in both space and time. The presence of aerosols in the Mars atmosphere complicates quantitative analysis of Martian surface properties. We have developed a model for Mars surface and atmospheric scattering based on equations in Hillier et al (1991). This formulation was chosen for its speed of computation and because it accounts for the spherical geometry of atmospheric scattering at high mission angles, i.e., near the planetary limb

    Opportunity Microscopic Imager Results from the Western Rim of Endeavour Crater

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    The Athena science payload on the Mars Exploration Rovers (MER Spirit and Opportunity) includes the Microscopic Imager (MI), a fixed focus close-up camera mounted on the instrument arm. The MI acquires images at a scale of 31 micrometers/pixel over a broad spectral range (400 to 700 nm) using only natural illumination of target surfaces. Radio signals from Spirit have not been received since March 2010, so attempts to communicate with that rover ceased in mid-2011. The Opportunity MI optics were contaminated by a global dust storm in 2007. That contamination continues to reduce the contrast of MI images, and is being monitored by occasionally imaging the sky

    Mariner 9 Observations of the South Polar Cap of Mars' Evidence for Residual COâ‚‚ Frost

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    The first spacecraft observations of the south residual polar cap of Mars were obtained by the Mariner 9 orbiter during the Martian southern summer season, 1971–1972. Analyses of Viking orbiter observations obtained 3 Mars years later have shown that residual carbon dioxide frost was present at the south polar cap in 1977. In this study, Mariner 9 infrared interferometer spectrometer spectra and television camera images are used in conjunction with multispectral thermal emission models to constrain the temperatures of dark bare ground and bright frost regions within the south residual cap. The results provide strong evidence that carbon dioxide frost was present throughout the summer season despite the fact that the residual frost deposits observed by Mariner 9 were less extensive than those observed by Viking

    A digital feedback system for advanced ion manipulation techniques in Penning traps

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    The possibility to apply active feedback to a single ion in a Penning trap using a fully digital system is demonstrated. Previously realized feedback systems rely on analog circuits that are susceptible to environmental fluctuations and long term drifts, as well as being limited to the specific task they were designed for. The presented system is implemented using an FPGA-based platform (STEMlab), offering greater flexibility, higher temporal stability and the possibility for highly dynamic variation of feedback parameters. The system's capabilities were demonstrated by applying feedback to the ion detection system primarily consisting of a resonant circuit. This allowed shifts in its resonance frequency of up to several kHz and free modification of its quality factor within two orders of magnitude, which reduces the temperature of a single ion by a factor of 6. Furthermore, a phase-sensitive detection technique for the axial ion oscillation was implemented, which reduces the current measurement time by two orders of magnitude while simultaneously eliminating model-related systematic uncertainties. The use of FPGA technology allowed the implementation of a fully-featured data acquisition system, making it possible to realize feedback techniques that require constant monitoring of the ion signal. This was successfully used to implement a single-ion self-excited oscillator.Comment: The following article has been accepted by Review of Scientific Instruments. After it is published, it will be found at https://aip.scitation.org/journal/rs

    ChemCam Science Objectives for the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Rover

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    ChemCam consists of two remote sensing instruments. One, a Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) instrument provides rapid elemental composition data on rocks and soils within 13 m of the rover. By using laser pulses, it can remove dust or profile through weathering layers remotely. The other instrument, the Remote Micro-Imager (RMI), provides the highest resolution images between 2 m and infinity. At approximately 80 Rad field of view, its resolution exceeds that of MER Pancam by at least a factor of four. The ChemCam instruments are described in a companion paper by Maurice et al. Here we present the science objectives for the ChemCam instrument package
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