
Geologic Map of the Olympia Cavi Region of Mars (MTM 85200): A Summary of Tactical Approaches


The 1:500K-scale geologic map of MTM 85200 - the Olympia Cavi region of Mars - has been submitted for peer review [1]. Physiographically, the quadrangle includes portions of Olympia Rupes, a set of sinuous scarps which elevate Planum Boreum ~800 meters above Olympia Planum. The region includes the high-standing, spiral troughs of Boreales Scopuli, the rugged and deep depressions of Olympia Cavi, and the vast dune fields of Olympia Undae. Geologically, the mapped units and landforms reflect the recent history of repeated accumulation and degradation. The widespread occurrence of both weakly and strongly stratified units implicates the drape-like accumulation of ice, dust, and sand through climatic variations. Similarly, the occurrence of layer truncations, particularly at unit boundaries, implicates punctuated periods of both localized and regional erosion and surface deflation whereby underlying units were exhumed and their material transported and re-deposited. Herein, we focus on the iterative mapping approaches that allowed not only the accommodation of the burgeoning variety and volume of data sets, but also facilitated the efficient presentation of map information. Unit characteristics and their geologic history are detailed in past abstracts [2-3]

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