3,253 research outputs found

    An Empirical Relation Between The Large-Scale Magnetic Field And The Dynamical Mass In Galaxies

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    The origin and evolution of cosmic magnetic fields as well as the influence of the magnetic fields on the evolution of galaxies are unknown. Though not without challenges, the dynamo theory can explain the large-scale coherent magnetic fields which govern galaxies, but observational evidence for the theory is so far very scarce. Putting together the available data of non-interacting, non-cluster galaxies with known large-scale magnetic fields, we find a tight correlation between the integrated polarized flux density, S(PI), and the rotation speed, v(rot), of galaxies. This leads to an almost linear correlation between the large-scale magnetic field B and v(rot), assuming that the number of cosmic ray electrons is proportional to the star formation rate, and a super-linear correlation assuming equipartition between magnetic fields and cosmic rays. This correlation cannot be attributed to an active linear alpha-Omega dynamo, as no correlation holds with global shear or angular speed. It indicates instead a coupling between the large-scale magnetic field and the dynamical mass of the galaxies, B ~ M^(0.25-0.4). Hence, faster rotating and/or more massive galaxies have stronger large-scale magnetic fields. The observed B-v(rot) correlation shows that the anisotropic turbulent magnetic field dominates B in fast rotating galaxies as the turbulent magnetic field, coupled with gas, is enhanced and ordered due to the strong gas compression and/or local shear in these systems. This study supports an stationary condition for the large-scale magnetic field as long as the dynamical mass of galaxies is constant.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Spiral inflow feeding the nuclear starburst in M83, observed in H-alpha emission with the GHAFAS Fabry-Perot interferometer

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    We present observations of the nearby barred starburst galaxy, M83 (NGC5236), with the new Fabry-Perot interferometer GHAFAS mounted on the 4.2 meter William Herschel Telescope on La Palma. The unprecedented high resolution observations, of 16 pc/FWHM, of the H-alpha-emitting gas cover the central two kpc of the galaxy. The velocity field displays the dominant disk rotation with signatures of gas inflow from kpc scales down to the nuclear regions. At the inner Inner Lindblad Resonance radius of the main bar and centerd at the dynamical center of the main galaxy disk, a nuclear 5.5(±0.9)×108M⊙5.5 (\pm 0.9) \times 10^8 M_\odot rapidly rotating disk with scale length of 60±2060 \pm 20 pc has formed. The nuclear starburst is found in the vicinity as well as inside this nuclear disk, and our observations confirm that gas spirals in from the outer parts to feed the nuclear starburst, giving rise to several star formation events at different epochs, within the central 100 pc radius of M83.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letters. High-resolution version can be found at http://www.astro.su.se/~kambiz/DOC/paper-M83.pd

    Residual meson-meson interaction from lattice gauge simulation in a simple QED model

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    The residual interaction for a meson-meson system is computed utilizing the cumulant, or cluster, expansion of the momentum-space time correlation matrix. The cumulant expansion serves to define asymptotic, or free, meson-meson operators. The definition of an effective interaction is then based on a comparison of the full (interacting) and the free (noninteracting) time correlation matrices. The proposed method, which may straightforwardly be transcribed to other hadron-hadron systems, here is applied to a simple 2+1 dimensional U(1) lattice gauge model tuned such that it is confining. Fermions are treated in the staggered scheme. The effective interaction exhibits a repulsive core and attraction at intermediate relative distances. These findings are consistent with an earlier study of the same model utilizing L\"{u}scher's method where scattering phase shifts are obtained directly.Comment: 28 pages, compressed postscript fil

    Electron Capture Dissociation Mass Spectrometry of Tyrosine Nitrated Peptides

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    In vivo protein nitration is associated with many disease conditions that involve oxidative stress and inflammatory response. The modification involves addition of a nitro group at the position ortho to the phenol group of tyrosine to give 3-nitrotyrosine. To understand the mechanisms and consequences of protein nitration, it is necessary to develop methods for identification of nitrotyrosine-containing proteins and localization of the sites of modification.Here, we have investigated the electron capture dissociation (ECD) and collision-induced association (CID) behavior of 3-nitrotyrosine-containing peptides. The presence of nitration did not affect the CID behavior of the peptides. For the doubly-charged peptides, addition of nitration severely inhibited the production of ECD sequence fragments. However, ECD of the triply-charged nitrated peptides resulted in some singly-charged sequence fragments. ECD of the nitrated peptides is characterized by multiple losses of small neutral species including hydroxyl radicals, water and ammonia. The origin of the neutral losses has been investigated by use of activated ion (AI) ECD. Loss of ammonia appears to be the result of non-covalent interactions between the nitro group and protonated lysine side-chains

    The Representation of Natural Numbers in Quantum Mechanics

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    This paper represents one approach to making explicit some of the assumptions and conditions implied in the widespread representation of numbers by composite quantum systems. Any nonempty set and associated operations is a set of natural numbers or a model of arithmetic if the set and operations satisfy the axioms of number theory or arithmetic. This work is limited to k-ary representations of length L and to the axioms for arithmetic modulo k^{L}. A model of the axioms is described based on states in and operators on an abstract L fold tensor product Hilbert space H^{arith}. Unitary maps of this space onto a physical parameter based product space H^{phy} are then described. Each of these maps makes states in H^{phy}, and the induced operators, a model of the axioms. Consequences of the existence of many of these maps are discussed along with the dependence of Grover's and Shor's Algorithms on these maps. The importance of the main physical requirement, that the basic arithmetic operations are efficiently implementable, is discussed. This conditions states that there exist physically realizable Hamiltonians that can implement the basic arithmetic operations and that the space-time and thermodynamic resources required are polynomial in L.Comment: Much rewrite, including response to comments. To Appear in Phys. Rev.

    Microlocal analysis of quantum fields on curved spacetimes: Analytic wavefront sets and Reeh-Schlieder theorems

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    We show in this article that the Reeh-Schlieder property holds for states of quantum fields on real analytic spacetimes if they satisfy an analytic microlocal spectrum condition. This result holds in the setting of general quantum field theory, i.e. without assuming the quantum field to obey a specific equation of motion. Moreover, quasifree states of the Klein-Gordon field are further investigated in this work and the (analytic) microlocal spectrum condition is shown to be equivalent to simpler conditions. We also prove that any quasifree ground- or KMS-state of the Klein-Gordon field on a stationary real analytic spacetime fulfills the analytic microlocal spectrum condition.Comment: 31 pages, latex2

    Exponential Gain in Quantum Computing of Quantum Chaos and Localization

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    We present a quantum algorithm which simulates the quantum kicked rotator model exponentially faster than classical algorithms. This shows that important physical problems of quantum chaos, localization and Anderson transition can be modelled efficiently on a quantum computer. We also show that a similar algorithm simulates efficiently classical chaos in certain area-preserving maps.Comment: final published versio

    Vacuum Fluctuations, Geometric Modular Action and Relativistic Quantum Information Theory

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    A summary of some lines of ideas leading to model-independent frameworks of relativistic quantum field theory is given. It is followed by a discussion of the Reeh-Schlieder theorem and geometric modular action of Tomita-Takesaki modular objects associated with the quantum field vacuum state and certain algebras of observables. The distillability concept, which is significant in specifying useful entanglement in quantum information theory, is discussed within the setting of general relativistic quantum field theory.Comment: 26 pages. Contribution for the Proceedings of a Conference on Special Relativity held at Potsdam, 200

    Multi-objective reinforcement learning for responsive grids

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    The original publication is available at www.springerlink.comInternational audienceGrids organize resource sharing, a fundamental requirement of large scientific collaborations. Seamless integration of grids into everyday use requires responsiveness, which can be provided by elastic Clouds, in the Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) paradigm. This paper proposes a model-free resource provisioning strategy supporting both requirements. Provisioning is modeled as a continuous action-state space, multi-objective reinforcement learning (RL) problem, under realistic hypotheses; simple utility functions capture the high level goals of users, administrators, and shareholders. The model-free approach falls under the general program of autonomic computing, where the incremental learning of the value function associated with the RL model provides the so-called feedback loop. The RL model includes an approximation of the value function through an Echo State Network. Experimental validation on a real data-set from the EGEE grid shows that introducing a moderate level of elasticity is critical to ensure a high level of user satisfaction
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