87 research outputs found

    Polarization Analysis of p̄ Produced in pA Collisions

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    A quite simple procedure for the generation of a polarized antiproton beam could be worked out if antiprotons are produced with some polarization. In order to investigate this possibility measurements of the polarization of produced antiprotons have been started at a CERN/PS test beam. The polarization will be determined from the asymmetry of the elastic antiproton scattering at a liquid hydrogen target in the CNI region for which the analyzing power is well known. The data are under analysis and an additional measurement is done in 2018. Details on the experiment and the ongoing data analysis will be given

    Acoustic Diagnostics of Electrical Origin Fault Modes with Readily Available Consumer-Grade Sensors

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    Acoustic diagnostics, traditionally associated with mechanical fault modes, can potentially solve a wider range of monitoring applications. Typically, fault modes are induced purposefully by the researcher through physical component damage whilst the system is shutdown. This paper presents low-cost real-time fault diagnostics of a previously unreported acute electrical origin fault that manifests sporadically during system operation with no triggering intervention. A suitability study into acoustic measurements from readily available consumer-grade sensors for low-cost real-time diagnostics of audible faults, and a brief overview of the theory and configuration of the wavelet packet transform (including optimal wavelet selection methods) and empirical mode decomposition processing algorithms is also included. The example electrical origin fault studied here is an unpredictable current instability arising with the PWM-controller of a BrushLess DC motor. Experimental trials positively detect 99.9 % of the 1160 resultant high-bandwidth torque transients using acoustic measurements from a USB microphone and a smartphone. While the use of acoustic techniques for detecting emerging electrical origin faults remains largely unexplored, the techniques demonstrated here can be readily adopted for the prevention of catastrophic failure of drive and power electronic components

    Using jasmonates and salicylates to reduce losses within the fruit supply chain

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    The fresh produce industry is constantly growing, due to increasing consumer demand. The shelf-life of some fruit, however, is relatively short, limited by microbial contamination or visual, textural and nutritional quality loss. Thus, techniques for reducing undesired microbial contamination, spoilage and decay, as well as maintaining product’s visual, textural and nutritional quality are in high demand at all steps within the supply chain. The postharvest use of signalling molecules, i.e. jasmonates and salicylates seems to have unexplored potential. The focus of this review is on the effects of treatment with jasmonates and salicylates on the fresh produce quality, defined by decay incidence and severity, chilling injury, maintenance of texture, visual quality, taste and aroma, and nutritional content. Postharvest treatments with jasmonates and salicylates have the ability to reduce decay by increasing fruit resistance to diseases and reducing chilling injury in numerous products. These treatments also possess the ability to improve other quality characteristics, i.e. appearance, texture maintenance and nutritional content. Furthermore, they can easily be combined with other treatments, e.g. heat treatment, ultrasound treatment. A good understanding of all the benefits and limitations related to the postharvest use of jasmonates and salicylates is needed, and relevant information has been reviewed in this paper

    Simplified automatic method for measuring the visual field using the perimeter ZERK 1

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    Background: Currently available perimeters have limited capabilities of performing measurements of the visual field in children. In addition, they do not allow for fully automatic measurement even in adults. The patient in each case (in any type of perimeter) has at his disposal a button which he uses to indicate that he has seen a light stimulus. Such restrictions have been offset in the presented new perimeter ZERK 1. Methods: The paper describes a new type of automated, computerized perimeter designed to test the visual field in children and adults. The new perimeter and proprietary software enable to carry out tests automatically (without the need to press any button). The presented full version of the perimeter has been tested on a head phantom. The next steps will involve clinical trials and a comparison with measurements obtained using other types of perimeters. Results: The perimeter ZERK 1 enables automatic measurement of the visual field in two axes (with a span of 870 mm and a depth of 525 mm) with an accuracy of not less than 1o (95 LEDs on each arm) at a typical position of the patient's head. The measurement can be carried out in two modes: default/typical (lasting about 1 min), and accurate (lasting about 10 min). Compared with available and known types of perimeters, it has an open canopy, proprietary software and cameras tracking the eye movement, automatic control of fixation points, light stimuli with automatically preset light stimulus intensity in the following ranges: 550-700 mcd (red 620-630 nm), 1100-1400 mcd (green 515-530 nm), 200-400 mcd (blue 465-475 nm). Conclusions: The paper presents a new approach to the construction of perimeters based on automatic tracking of the eye movements in response to stimuli. The unique construction of the perimeter and the software allow for its mobile use in the examination of children and bedridden patients

    Poly-Logarithmic Side Channel Rank Estimation via Exponential Sampling

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    Rank estimation is an important tool for a side-channel evaluations laboratories. It allows estimating the remaining security after an attack has been performed, quantified as the time complexity and the memory consumption required to brute force the key given the leakages as probability distributions over dd subkeys (usually key bytes). These estimations are particularly useful where the key is not reachable with exhaustive search. We propose ESrank, the first rank estimation algorithm that enjoys provable poly-logarithmic time- and space-complexity, which also achieves excellent practical performance. Our main idea is to use exponential sampling to drastically reduce the algorithm\u27s complexity. Importantly, ESrank is simple to build from scratch, and requires no algorithmic tools beyond a sorting function. After rigorously bounding the accuracy, time and space complexities, we evaluated the performance of ESrank on a real SCA data corpus, and compared it to the currently-best histogram-based algorithm. We show that ESrank gives excellent rank estimation (with roughly a 1-bit margin between lower and upper bounds), with a performance that is on-par with the Histogram algorithm: a run-time of under 1 second on a standard laptop using 6.5 MB RAM

    Charakterystyka tusz oraz jakość mięsa ekstensywnie wypasanych owiec rasy wrzosówka polska

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    Carcass characteristics and meat quality of extensive grazed Polish Heath Sheep. Slaughter value and fatty acid profile from group of rams and castrates, that were kept on fallow lands used for past 15 years only for sheep production were analyzed. Positive impact of extensive grazing on animals production results during grazing season have been shown. Slaughter analysis have shown beneficial effects of this form of grazing on fatty acid profile. Rams castration may be advantageous in case of conducting the production in such areas because number of animals groups is reduced and its affects cost reduction.Charakterystyka tusz oraz jakość mięsa ekstensywnie wypasanych owiec rasy Wrzosówka polska. Przeanalizowano wartość rzeźną i profil kwasów tłuszczowych od grypy tryczków i kastratów, które utrzymywane były na terenie odłogowanym na którym od 15 lat prowadzona była produkcja owczarska. Wykazano pozytywny wpływ ekstensywnego wypasu na wyniki produkcyjne zwierząt w trakcie sezonu pastwiskowego. Analizy rzeźne dowiodły korzystnego wpływu takiej formy wypasu na profil kwasów tłuszczowych. Wykazano, iż zabieg kastracji tryczków może okazać się korzystny w przypadku prowadzenia produkcji na takich terenach, gdyż ogranicza liczbę grup zwierząt, a przez to wpływa na ograniczenie kosztów

    Polymorphism of the prion protein gene (PRNP) in Polish Merino and Suffolk sheep flocks

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    Celem niniejszej pracy było zbadanie frekwencji alleli białka prionowego PRNP w stadach owiec rasy merynos polski i suffolk. Badania przeprowadzono w latach 2012-2017 na macior- kach i trykach rasy merynos polski i suffolk utrzymywanych w owczarni Golina Wielka (woj. wielkopolskie). Wszystkie zwierzęta (264 ♀ i 64 ♂ rasy merynos polski oraz 98 ♀ i 73 ♂ rasy suffolk) w wieku do 1 roku były poddane identyfikacji genu białka prionowego PRNP. Stwierdzono wysoko istotny wpływ rasy na frekwencje alleli i genotypów trzęsawki oraz istotny wpływ roku na ww. frekwencje u merynosa polskiego. Wykazano występowanie pięciu alleli (ALRR, ALRQ, ALHQ, AFRQ i VLRQ), co prowadziło do zidentyfikowana 10 genotypów białka PRNP u merynosa polskiego oraz trzech alleli (ALRR, ALRQ i ALHQ) i trzech genotypów u rasy suffolk. U merynosa polskiego stwierdzono wysoką frekwencję genotypu ALRR/ALRQ, a następnie ALRR/ALRR, przy bardzo niskim poziomie występo- wania genotypów zawierających walinę w kodonie 136. U rasy suffolk wykazano bardzo wy- soką frekwencję genotypu ALRR/ALRR i brak alleli zawierających walinę w kodonie 136. Dodatkowo u merynosa polskiego stwierdzono występowanie uwarunkowania zawierającego w kodonie 141 fenyloalaninę tylko w formie allelu AFRQ, który pojawił się w dwóch genoty- pach (w kombinacji z ALRR i ALRQ)

    Polymorphism of the prion protein PrP in Polish Heath Sheep and Zelaznienska Sheep flocks from the Experimental Farm in Zelazna

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    Badaniami objęto stado podstawowe matek i tryków rasy wrzosówka polska i owca żelaźnieńska, utrzymywanych w Doświadczalnej Fermie Owiec i Kóz im. Prof. A. Skoczylasa w Żelaznej w latach 2009-2011. Zbadano 538 matek stada podstawowego i 29 tryków rozpłodowych wrzosówki polskiej oraz 293 matki stadne i 18 tryków rozpłodowych owcy żelaźnieńskiej. Wszystkie zwierzęta poddane były ocenie występowania mutacji genu białka prionowego PrP. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych prac badawczych stwierdzono mniejsze zróżnicowanie genetyczne w zakresie występowania alleli i genotypów białka prionowego u tryków rozpłodowych (3 genotypy i 3 allele u wrzosówki polskiej oraz 2 genotypy i 2 allele u owcy żelaźnieńskiej) aniżeli u matek stada podstawowego (6 genotypów i 3 allele u wrzosówki polskiej oraz 5 genotypów i 3 allele u owcy żelaźnieńskiej). W ostatnim roku badań u obu ras w grupie tryków rozpłodowych występowały już tylko osobniki o genotypie ARR/ARR. Stwierdzono nieistotny wpływ roku obserwacji na frekwencję występowania alleli i genotypów białka prionowego u matek stadnych i tryków rozpłodowych, z wyjątkiem istotnego oddziaływania stwierdzonego jedynie u tryków rozpłodowych rasy wrzosówka polska.The study was conducted in the Experimental Farm in Żelazna on foundation stocks and stud rams of two breeds: Polish Heath Sheep and Żelaźnieńska Sheep. The research included 538 foundation stock ewes and 29 stud rams of Polish Heath Sheep and 293 foundation stock ewes and 18 stud rams of Żelaźnieńska Sheep. Identification of the PrP prion protein gene was carried out in all animals. Genetic diversity in the frequency of scrapie alleles and genotypes was found to be lower in stud rams (3 genotypes and 3 alleles in Polish Heath Sheep and 2 genotypes and 2 alleles in Żelaźnieńska Sheep) than in foundation stock ewes (6 genotypes and 3 alleles in Polish Heath Sheep and 5 genotypes and 3 alleles in Żelaźnieńska Sheep). In the last year of the study, only rams with the ARR/ARR genotype were noted in stud rams of both breeds. The year of research had no significant effect on the frequency of scrapie alleles and genotypes in the foundation stock ewes and stud rams except in Polish Heath Sheep stud rams