45 research outputs found

    Логико-вероятностная оценка риска ущербов от аварийного излива воды из бассейна суточного регулирования Зарамагской ГЭС-1

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    Наведено результати оцінки ризику збитків від аварійного виливу води з басейну добового регулювання Зарамагської ГЕС-1, що будується в Росії на ріці Ардон. Розглянуто три можливі сценарії аварійного виливу води з басейну з різними очікуваними збитками. Під час оцінки ймовірності аварії на гідроспоруді за модельними сценаріями використано логіко-імовірнісний метод дерев відмов та статистично-експериментальні дані щодо відмов і несправностей обладнання та пошкодження гідроспоруд у процесі експлуатації. Оцінка узагальненого ризику збитків від аварії проводилася в рамках класичної моделі ризику у вигляді добутку збитку та ймовірності його реалізації з використанням байєсівського перетворення ймовірностей. У результаті досліджень встановлено найбільш ризикований сценарій можливої аварії, який слід приймати до уваги під час розробки заходів щодо підвищення безпеки гідроспоруд.The results of assessment of risk of damages due to fail water pouring out the daily regulation basin of the Zaramagskaya HPP-1 which is under construction in Russia on the river Ardon are given. Three possible scenarios for emergency spills water from the pool with different expected losses are considered. The logic-probabilistic fault tree method and statistical and experimental data on failures and malfunctions of equipment and damage of hydraulic structures in service were used in assessment of the accident probability. Assessment of overall risk of damages of the accident was carried out in the frame of classical risk model as a product of damage and its probability using Bayesian probability transformation. As a result of studies the most risky scenario of the possible accident that should be taken into account while designing measures to improve the safety of hydraulic structures of the hydro power plant is found.Приведены результаты оценки риска ущербов от аварийного излива воды из бассейна суточного регулирования Зарамагской ГЭС-1, строящейся в России на р. Ардон. Рассмотрены три возможных сценария аварийного излива воды 0441 из бассейна с различными ожидаемыми ущербами. При оценке вероятности аварии был использован логико-вероятностный метод деревьев отказов и статистически-экспериментальные данные относительно отказов и неисправностей оборудования и повреждения гидросооружений в процессе эксплуатации. Оценка обобщенного риска ущербов от аварии осуществлялась в рамках классической модели риска в виде произведения ущерба и вероятности его реализации с использованием байесовского преобразования вероятностей. В результате исследований установлен наиболее рискованный сценарий возможной аварии, который следует принимать во внимание при разработке мероприятий по повышению безопасности гидросооружений ГЭС

    "Feed from the Service": Corruption and Coercion in the State-University Relations in Central Eurasia

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    Education in Central Eurasia has become one of the industries, most affected by corruption. Corruption in academia, including bribery, extortions, embezzlement, nepotism, fraud, cheating, and plagiarism, is reflected in the region’s media and addressed in few scholarly works. This paper considers corruption in higher education as a product of interrelations between the government and academia. A substantial block of literature considers excessive corruption as an indicator of a weak state. In contrast to standard interpretations, this paper argues that in non-democratic societies corruption is used on a systematic basis as a mechanism of direct and indirect administrative control over higher education institutions. Informal approval of corrupt activities in exchange for loyalty and compliance with the regime may be used in the countries of Central Eurasia for the purposes of political indoctrination. This paper presents the concept of corruption and coercion in the state-university relations in Central Eurasia and outlines the model which incorporates this concept and the “feed from the service” approach. It presents implications of this model for the state-university relations and the national educational systems in Central Eurasia in general and offers some suggestions on curbing corruption

    Dynamic Evolution of Pathogenicity Revealed by Sequencing and Comparative Genomics of 19 Pseudomonas syringae Isolates

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    Closely related pathogens may differ dramatically in host range, but the molecular, genetic, and evolutionary basis for these differences remains unclear. In many Gram- negative bacteria, including the phytopathogen Pseudomonas syringae, type III effectors (TTEs) are essential for pathogenicity, instrumental in structuring host range, and exhibit wide diversity between strains. To capture the dynamic nature of virulence gene repertoires across P. syringae, we screened 11 diverse strains for novel TTE families and coupled this nearly saturating screen with the sequencing and assembly of 14 phylogenetically diverse isolates from a broad collection of diseased host plants. TTE repertoires vary dramatically in size and content across all P. syringae clades; surprisingly few TTEs are conserved and present in all strains. Those that are likely provide basal requirements for pathogenicity. We demonstrate that functional divergence within one conserved locus, hopM1, leads to dramatic differences in pathogenicity, and we demonstrate that phylogenetics-informed mutagenesis can be used to identify functionally critical residues of TTEs. The dynamism of the TTE repertoire is mirrored by diversity in pathways affecting the synthesis of secreted phytotoxins, highlighting the likely role of both types of virulence factors in determination of host range. We used these 14 draft genome sequences, plus five additional genome sequences previously reported, to identify the core genome for P. syringae and we compared this core to that of two closely related non-pathogenic pseudomonad species. These data revealed the recent acquisition of a 1 Mb megaplasmid by a sub-clade of cucumber pathogens. This megaplasmid encodes a type IV secretion system and a diverse set of unknown proteins, which dramatically increases both the genomic content of these strains and the pan-genome of the species

    Eye protection for welders

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    Логіко-імовірнісна оцінка ризику збитків від аварійного виливу води з басейну добового регулювання Зарамагської ГЕС-1

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    The results of assessment of risk of damages due to fail water pouring out the daily regulation basin of the Zaramagskaya HPP-1 which is under construction in Russia on the river Ardon are given. Three possible scenarios for emergency spills water from the pool with different expected losses are considered. The logic-probabilistic fault tree method and statistical and experimental data on failures and malfunctions of equipment and damage of hydraulic structures in service were used in assessment of the accident probability. Assessment of overall risk of damages of the accident was carried out in the frame of classical risk model as a product of damage and its probability using Bayesian probability transformation. As a result of studies the most risky scenario of the possible accident that should be taken into account while designing measures to improve the safety of hydraulic structures of the hydro power plant is found.Приведены результаты оценки риска ущербов от аварийного излива воды из бассейна суточного регулирования Зарамагской ГЭС-1, строящейся в России на р. Ардон. Рассмотрены три возможных сценария аварийного излива воды 0441 из бассейна с различными ожидаемыми ущербами. При оценке вероятности аварии был использован логико-вероятностный метод деревьев отказов и статистически-экспериментальные данные относительно отказов и неисправностей оборудования и повреждения гидросооружений в процессе эксплуатации. Оценка обобщенного риска ущербов от аварии осуществлялась в рамках классической модели риска в виде произведения ущерба и вероятности его реализации с использованием байесовского преобразования вероятностей. В результате исследований установлен наиболее рискованный сценарий возможной аварии, который следует принимать во внимание при разработке мероприятий по повышению безопасности гидросооружений ГЭС.Наведено результати оцінки ризику збитків від аварійного виливу води з басейну добового регулювання Зарамагської ГЕС-1, що будується в Росії на ріці Ардон. Розглянуто три можливі сценарії аварійного виливу води з басейну з різними очікуваними збитками. Під час оцінки ймовірності аварії на гідроспоруді за модельними сценаріями використано логіко-імовірнісний метод дерев відмов та статистично-експериментальні дані щодо відмов і несправностей обладнання та пошкодження гідроспоруд у процесі експлуатації. Оцінка узагальненого ризику збитків від аварії проводилася в рамках класичної моделі ризику у вигляді добутку збитку та ймовірності його реалізації з використанням байєсівського перетворення ймовірностей. У результаті досліджень встановлено найбільш ризикований сценарій можливої аварії, який слід приймати до уваги під час розробки заходів щодо підвищення безпеки гідроспоруд

    Endothelial dysfunction and prognosis after coronary interventions in patients with coronary heart disease and arterial hypertension

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    Aim. To assess the effects of endothelial dysfunction (ED) on the post-coronary intervention (CI) prognosis in patients with acute and chronic coronary heart disease (CHD) and arterial hypertension (AH). Material and methods. In total, the study included 142 CHD patients and 64 blood donors (control group, CG). Group I included patients with chronic CHD, who underwent CI 5-8 years ago (sub-groups A and B included, respectively, patients with good and poor post-CI prognosis). Group II included patients with chronic CHD, treated conservatively. Group III and IV, respectively, included patients with myocardial infarction (MI), treated by CI or conservatively. ED assessment was performed, using the levels of nitrates and nitrites (NOx), nitrates only (NO3-), citrulline (LC), arginine (LА), and desquamated endotheliocytes (DE).Results. Plasma concentrations of NO3-, LА, and DE, or NOx, LC, and DE comprised one integral parameter of endothelial dysfunction (EDIP). In Groups I and II, EDIP levels were similar and close to 0. Compared to Group I, Group IV demonstrated a decrease in NOх and LC, DE increase, and a substantial EDIP reduction. In Group III, NOx and LC levels, as well as EDIP, were increased. At baseline, Group I subgroup A had lower DE levels than subgroup B. Five-eight years after CI, subgroup A demonstrated increased NO production and reduced endothelial desquamation. Based on EDIP values, subgroup B had significantly more pronounced ED, both at baseline and after CI. Conclusion. A complex index EDIP was developed. In patients with chronic CHD, ED was compensated regardless of therapeutic strategy. In MI patients, decompensation of the NO-endothelium system was followed by its relatively fast post-CI recovery. Among individuals with poor post-CI prognosis, ED was manifested to a greater extent than in patients with good prognosis

    Corneal nerve and nerve conduction abnormalities in children with type 1 diabetes

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    Objective: In vivo corneal confocal microscopy (CCM) is a novel, rapid, and non-invasive technique that identifies early small fiber damage and can predict the progression and development of clinical neuropathy in adults with type 1 diabetes. However, its usefulness in children is not well established. This study compared corneal confocal microscopy with neuropathic symptoms, signs, and objective measures of neuropathy for the diagnosis of diabetic neuropathy in children with type 1 diabetes. Research design and methods: A total of 83 children with type 1 diabetes and 83 healthy participants of similar age underwent assessment of neuropathy symptoms, signs, nerve conduction studies, quantitative sensory and autonomic function testing, and in vivo CCM. Results: Only of 3/83 (4%) children with type 1 diabetes had subclinical neuropathy. However, corneal nerve fiber density (p = 0.001), branch density (p = 0.006), fiber length (p = 0.002), tibial motor nerve amplitude and conduction velocity, and sural sensory nerve amplitude and conduction velocity (all p \u3c 0.004) were lower in participants with type 1 diabetes than in the controls. Vibration, cooling, and warm perception thresholds and deep breathing heart rate variability were not found to be different (all p \u3e 0.05) between children with type 1 diabetes and healthy controls. Multivariate regression analysis identified a possible association between body mass index and decreased corneal nerves. Conclusions: Decreased corneal nerves and abnormal nerve conduction were found in children with type 1 diabetes. CCM may allow rapid objective detection of subclinical diabetic neuropathy in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes