713 research outputs found

    Dissipation and fluctuations in elongated bosonic Josephson junctions

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    We investigate the dynamics of bosonic atoms in elongated Josephson junctions. We find that these systems are characterized by an intrinsic coupling between the Josephson mode of macroscopic quantum tunneling and the sound modes. This coupling of Josephson and sound modes gives rise to a damped and stochastic Langevin dynamics for the Josephson degree of freedom. From a microscopic Lagrangian, we deduce and investigate the damping coefficient and the stochastic noise, which includes thermal and quantum fluctuations. Finally, we study the time evolution of relative-phase and population-imbalance fluctuations of the Josephson mode and their oscillating thermalization to equilibrium.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, improved version with more detailed explanations, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transition with Rabi-coupled bosons

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    We theoretically investigate the superfluid-normal-state Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in a binary mixture of bosonic atoms with Rabi coupling under balanced densities. We find the nonmonotonic behavior of the transition temperature with respect to the intercomponent coupling and amplification of the transition temperature for finite values of Rabi coupling, but for small intracomponent couplings. We develop the Nelson-Kosterlitz renormalization-group equations in the two-component Bose mixture and obtain the Nelson-Kosterlitz criterion modified by a fractional parameter, which is responsible for half-integer vortices, and by Rabi coupling. Adopting the renormalization-group approach, we clarify the dependence of the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition temperature on the Rabi coupling and the intercomponent coupling. Analysis of the first and second sound velocities also reveals the suppression of quasicrossing of the two sound modes with a finite Rabi coupling in the low-temperature regime. Our results for a two-dimensional binary Bose superfluid contribute to the understanding of a broad range of multicomponent quantum systems such as two-dimensional multiband superconductors

    Okaramine insecticidal alkaloids show similar activity on both exon 3c and exon 3b variants of glutamate-gated chloride channels of the larval silkworm, Bombyx mori

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    The okaramine indole alkaloids were recently shown to be more selective than ivermectin in activating the glutamate-gated chloride channels of the silkworm larvae of Bombyx mori (BmGluCls). Those studies were carried out using the exon 3b variant as a representative of BmGluCls. However, it remains unknown whether okaramines are similarly effective on other silkworm GluCl variants and whether they share the same binding site as ivermectin on GluCls. To begin to address these questions, we examined the potency of four okaramines on the exon 3c variant of BmGluCls by two-electrode voltage clamp voltage recordings of glutamate-induced chloride currents. The potency of okaramines in activating the exon 3c BmGluCl agreed well with findings on the exon 3b BmGluCl and insecticidal potency. Okaramine B (10μM) reduced the maximum binding (Bmax) but not the dissociation constant (KD) of [(3)H]ivermectin in studies on plasma membrane fractions of HEK293 cells expressing the exon 3c variant. These findings indicate that activation of GluCls is important in the insecticidal actions of okaramines

    Studies of aerosol at a coastal site using two aerosol mass spectrometry instruments and identification of biogenic particle types

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    International audienceDuring August 2004 an Aerosol Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer (TSI ATOFMS Model 3800-100) and an Aerodyne Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (AMS) were deployed at Mace Head during the NAMBLEX campaign. Single particle data (size, positive and negative mass spectra) from the ATOFMS were imported into ART 2a, a neural network algorithm, which assigns individual particles to clusters on the basis of their mass spectral similarities. Results are very consistent with previous time consuming manual classifications (Dall'Osto et al., 2004). Three broad classes were found: sea-salt, dust and carbon-containing particles, with a number of sub-classes within each. The Aerodyne (AMS) instrument was also used during NAMBLEX, providing online, real time measurements of the mass of non-refractory components of aerosol particles as function of their size. The ATOFMS detected a type of particle not identified in our earlier analysis, with a strong signal at m/z 24, likely due to magnesium. This type of particle was detected during the same periods as pure unreacted sea salt particles and is thought to be biogenic, originating from the sea surface. AMS data are consistent with this interpretation, showing an additional organic peak in the corresponding size range at times when the Mg-rich particles are detected. The work shows the ATOFMS and AMS to be largely complementary, and to provide a powerful instrumental combination in studies of atmospheric chemistry

    The fungal alkaloid Okaramine-B activates an L-glutamate-gated chloride channel from Ixodes scapularis, a tick vector of Lyme disease

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    A novel L-glutamate-gated anion channel (IscaGluCl1) has been cloned from the black-legged tick, Ixodes scapularis, which transmits multiple pathogens including the agents of Lyme disease and human granulocytic anaplasmosis. When mRNA encoding IscaGluCl1 was expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes, we detected robust 50–400 nA currents in response to 100 μM L-glutamate. Responses to L-glutamate were concentration-dependent (pEC50 3.64 ± 0.11). Ibotenate was a partial agonist on IscaGluCl1. We detected no response to 100 μM aspartate, quisqualate, kainate, AMPA or NMDA. Ivermectin at 1 μM activated IscaGluCl1, whereas picrotoxinin (pIC50 6.20 ± 0.04) and the phenylpyrazole fipronil (pIC50 6.90 ± 0.04) showed concentration-dependent block of the L-glutamate response. The indole alkaloid okaramine B, isolated from fermentation products of Penicillium simplicissimum (strain AK40) grown on okara pulp, activated IscaGluCl1 in a concentration-dependent manner (pEC50 5.43 ± 0.43) and may serve as a candidate lead compound for the development of new acaricides

    Microscopic description of light unstable nuclei with the stochastic variational method

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    The structure of the light proton and neutron rich nuclei is studied in a microscopic multicluster model using the stochastic variational method. This approach enables us to describe the weakly bound nature of these nuclei in a consistent way. Applications for various nuclei 6−9^{6-9}Li, 7^7Be, 8^8B, 9^9C, 9−10^{9-10}Be, 9−10^{9-10}B presented. The paper discusses the relation of this model to other models as well as the possible extension for p and sd shell nuclei.Comment: 11 pages, latex, no figures

    Fe-Pt thick-film magnets prepared by electroplating method

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    Fe-Pt thick-films were electroplated on Ta substrates using a direct current, and the magnetic properties of the film were evaluated. The Fe-Pt films with the thickness from 3 to 23 μm were obtained by changing in the plating time from 2 to 20 min. As the as-plated Fe-Pt films had the disordered fcc (face-centered-cubic) structure and low coercivity (<5 kA/m), we annealed the films at 700 °C for 60 min. The annealing induced the phase transformation from fcc structure to fct (face-centered-tetragonal) one, and we consequently obtained the Fe50Pt50 thick-films with large coercivity of approximately 700 kA/m. The large coercivity was observed in the wide thickness range for our experimental conditions. Therefore, we concluded that our prepared Fe-Pt film is one of the attractive thick-film magnets
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