18 research outputs found

    Sugar Beet Root Storage Properties Are Unaffected by Cercospora Leaf Spot

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    © 2023 The American Phytopathological Society. This is the accepted manuscript version of an article which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-09-22-2156-RECercospora leaf spot (CLS; causal agent Cercospora beticola Sacc.) is endemic in many sugar beet production regions due to the widespread distribution of C. beticola and the inability of current management practices to provide complete control of the disease. Roots harvested from plants with CLS, therefore, are inevitably incorporated into sugar beet root storage piles, even though the effects of CLS on root storage properties are largely unknown. Research was conducted to determine the effects of CLS on storage properties including root respiration rate, sucrose loss, invert sugar accumulation, loss in recoverable sucrose yield, and changes in sucrose loss to molasses with respect to CLS disease severity and storage duration. Roots were obtained from plants with four levels of CLS severity in each of three production years, stored at 5°C and 95% relative humidity for up to 120 days, and evaluated for storage characteristics after 30, 90 and 120 days storage. No significant or repeatable effects of CLS on root respiration rate, sucrose loss, invert sugar accumulation, loss in recoverable sucrose yield, or change in sucrose loss to molasses were detected after 30, 90 or 120 days storage regardless of the severity of CLS disease symptoms. Therefore, no evidence was found that CLS accelerates sugar beet storage losses, and it is concluded that roots harvested from plants with CLS can be stored without additional or specialized precaution, regardless of CLS symptom severity.Peer reviewe

    Natural elicitors enhanced suberin polyphenolic accumulation in wounded potato tuber tissues

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    IntroductionUnintended wounding or bruising during harvest or postharvest handling leads to significant tuber loss and imposes economic burden to potato industry. Therefore, finding effective strategies to mitigate wound-related tuber losses is very important from industry perspectives. Formation of protective barrier through accumulation of suberin polyphenolics (SPP) is a natural and initial response of potato tuber tissues to wounding.Materials and methodsIn this study, efficacy of two natural elicitors, such as chitosan oligosaccharide (COS 0.125 g L-1) and cranberry pomace residue (Nutri-Cran 0.125 g L-1) was investigated using a mechanically wounded tuber tissue model and by histological determination of SPP formation in five agronomically relevant and red-skin potato cultivars (Chieftain, Dakota Rose, Dakota Ruby, Red LaSoda, Red Norland). Furthermore, the potential role of stress protective metabolic regulation involving phenolic metabolites, proline, and antioxidant enzymes in tuber WH processes were also investigated during 0-9 days after wounding.Results and discussionExogenous treatments of both COS and Nutri-Cran resulted into enhanced SPP formation in wounded surface, but the impact was more rapid with Nutri-Cran treatment in select cultivars. Greater contents of total soluble phenolic, ferulic acid, chlorogenic acid, total antioxidant activity, and superoxide dismutase activity were also observed in elicitor treated tuber tissues at different time points after wounding. Nutri-Cran treatment also reduced the activity of succinate dehydrogenase in Red Norland and Dakota Ruby at 3 d, indicating a suppression in respiration rate. Collectively, these results suggest that Nutri-Cran can be potentially utilized as an effective WH treatment to potato tubers for minimizing wound-related losses

    Methyl jasmonate effects on sugarbeet root responses to postharvest dehydration

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    Background Sugarbeet (Beta vulgaris L.) roots are stored under conditions that cause roots to dehydrate, which increases postharvest losses. Although exogenous jasmonate applications can reduce drought stress in intact plants, their ability to alleviate the effects of dehydration in postharvest sugarbeet roots or other stored plant products is unknown. Research was conducted to determine whether jasmonate treatment could mitigate physiological responses to dehydration in postharvest sugarbeet roots. Methods Freshly harvested sugarbeet roots were treated with 10 µM methyl jasmonate (MeJA) or water and stored under dehydrating and non-dehydrating storage conditions. Changes in fresh weight, respiration rate, wound healing, leaf regrowth, and proline metabolism of treated roots were investigated throughout eight weeks in storage. Results Dehydrating storage conditions increased root weight loss, respiration rate, and proline accumulation and prevented leaf regrowth from the root crown. Under dehydrating conditions, MeJA treatment reduced root respiration rate, but only in severely dehydrated roots. MeJA treatment also hastened wound-healing, but only in the late stages of barrier formation. MeJA treatment did not impact root weight loss or proline accumulation under dehydrating conditions or leaf regrowth under non-dehydrating conditions. Both dehydration and MeJA treatment affected expression of genes involved in proline metabolism. In dehydrated roots, proline dehydrogenase expression declined 340-fold, suggesting that dehydration-induced proline accumulation was governed by reducing proline degradation. MeJA treatment altered proline biosynthetic and catabolic gene expression, with greatest effect in non-dehydrated roots. Overall, MeJA treatment alleviated physiological manifestations of dehydration stress in stored roots, although the beneficial effects were small. Postharvest jasmonate applications, therefore, are unlikely to significantly reduce dehydration-related storage losses in sugarbeet roots

    Wounding rapidly alters transcription factor expression, hormonal signaling, and phenolic compound metabolism in harvested sugarbeet roots

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    Injuries sustained by sugarbeet (Beta vulgaris L.) roots during harvest and postharvest operations seriously reduce the yield of white sugar produced from stored roots. Although wound healing is critically important to reduce losses, knowledge of these processes is limited for this crop as well as for roots in other species. To better understand the metabolic signals and changes that occur in wounded roots, dynamic changes in gene expression were determined by RNA sequencing and the activity of products from key genes identified in this analysis were determined in the 0.25 to 24 h following injury. Nearly five thousand differentially expressed genes that contribute to a wide range of cellular and molecular functions were identified in wounded roots. Highly upregulated genes included transcription factor genes, as well as genes involved in ethylene and jasmonic acid (JA) biosynthesis and signaling and phenolic compound biosynthesis and polymerization. Enzyme activities for key genes in ethylene and phenolic compound biosynthesis and polymerization also increased due to wounding. Results indicate that wounding causes a major reallocation of metabolism in sugarbeet taproots. Although both ethylene and JA are likely involved in triggering wound responses, the greater and more sustained upregulation of ethylene biosynthesis and signaling genes relative to those of JA, suggest a preeminence of ethylene signaling in wounded sugarbeet roots. Changes in gene expression and enzymes involved in phenolic compound metabolism additionally indicate that barriers synthesized to seal off wounds, such as suberin or lignin, are initiated within the first 24 h after injury

    Evidence for contemporary plant mitoviruses

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    Mitoviruses have small RNA(+) genomes, replicate in mitochondria, and have been shown to infect only fungi to date. For this report, sequences that appear to represent nearly complete plant mitovirus genomes were recovered from publicly available transcriptome data. Twenty of the refined sequences, 2684–2898 nt long and derived from 10 different species of land plants, appear to encompass the complete coding regions of contemporary plant mitoviruses, which furthermore constitute a monophyletic cluster within genus Mitovirus. Complete coding sequences of several of these viruses were recovered from multiple transcriptome (but not genome) studies of the same plant species and also from multiple plant tissues. Crop plants among implicated hosts include beet and hemp. Other new results suggest that such genuine plant mitoviruses were immediate ancestors to endogenized mitovirus elements now widespread in land plant genomes. Whether these mitoviruses are wholly cryptic with regard to plant health remains to be investigated.INTA. CIAP. Instituto de Patología VegetalFil: Nibert, Max L. Harvard Medical School. Department of Microbiology & Immunobiology; Estados UnidosFil: Fugate, Karen K. United States Department of Agriculture. Red River Valley Agricultural Research Center. Sugarbeet and Potato Research; Estados UnidosFil:. Vong, Minh. Harvard Medical School.Department of Microbiology & Immunobiology; Estados UnidosFil: Debat, Humberto J. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Patología Vegetal; Argentin

    Cold temperature delays wound healing in postharvest sugarbeet roots

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    Storage temperature affects the rate and extent of wound-healing in a number of root and tuber crops. The effect of storage temperature on wound-healing in sugarbeet (Beta vulgaris L.) roots, however, is largely unknown. Wound-healing of sugarbeet roots was investigated using surface-abraded roots stored at 6 and 12 °C for 28 days. Surface abrasions are common injuries of stored roots, and the storage temperatures used are typical of freshly harvested or rapidly cooled roots. Transpiration rate from the wounded surface and root weight loss were used to quantify wound healing. At 12 °C, transpiration rate from the wounded surface declined within 14 days and wounded roots lost weight at a rate similar to unwounded controls. At 6 °C, transpiration rate from the wounded surface did not decline in the 28 days after injury, and wounded roots lost 44% more weight than controls after 28 days storage. Melanin formation, lignification, and suberization occurred more rapidly at 12 °C than at 6 °C, and a continuous layer of lignified and suberized cells developed at 12 °C, but not at 6 °C. Examination of enzyme activities involved in melanin, lignin, and suberin formation indicated that differences in melanin formation at 6 and 12 °C were related to differences in polyphenol oxidase activity, although no relationships between suberin or lignin formation and phenylalanine ammonia lyase or peroxidase activity were evident. Wound-induced respiration was initially greater at 12 °C than at 6 °C. However, with continued storage, respiration rate of wounded roots declined more rapidly at 12 °C, and over 28 days, the increase in respiration due to injury was 52% greater in roots stored at 6 °C than in roots stored at 12 °C. The data indicate that storage at 6° C severely slowed and impaired wound- healing of surface-abraded sugarbeet roots relative to roots stored at 12°C and suggest that postharvest losses may be accelerated if freshly harvested roots are cooled too quickly

    Using Nectar-Related Traits to Enhance Crop-Pollinator Interactions

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    Floral nectar and other reward facilitate crop pollination, and in so doing, increase the amount and breadth of food available for humans. Though abundance and diversity of pollinators (particularly bees) have declined over the past several decades, a concomitant increase in reliance on pollinators presents a challenge to food production. Development of crop varieties with specific nectar or nectar-related traits to attract and retain pollinating insects is an appealing strategy to help address needs of agriculture and pollinators for several reasons. First, many crops have specific traits which have been identified to enhance crop–pollinator interactions. Also, an improved understanding of mechanisms that govern nectar-related traits suggest simplified phenotyping and breeding are possible. Finally, the use of nectar-related traits to enhance crop pollination should complement other measures promoting pollinators and will not limit options for crop production or require any changes by growers (other than planting varieties that are more attractive or rewarding to pollinators). In this article, we review the rationale for improving crop-pollinator interactions, the effects of specific plant traits on pollinator species, and use cultivated sunflowers as a case study. Recent research in sunflower has (i) associated variation in bee visitation with specific floral traits, (ii) quantified benefits of pollinators to hybrid yields, and (iii) used genetic resources in sunflower and other plants to find markers associated with key floral traits. Forthcoming work to increase pollinator rewards should enable sunflower to act as a model for using nectar-related traits to enhance crop–pollinator interactions

    Glycolysis Is Dynamic and Relates Closely to Respiration Rate in Stored Sugarbeet Roots

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    Although respiration is the principal cause of the loss of sucrose in postharvest sugarbeet (Beta vulgaris L.), the internal mechanisms that control root respiration rate are unknown. Available evidence, however, indicates that respiration rate is likely to be controlled by the availability of respiratory substrates, and glycolysis has a central role in generating these substrates. To determine glycolytic changes that occur in sugarbeet roots after harvest and to elucidate relationships between glycolysis and respiration, sugarbeet roots were stored for up to 60 days, during which activities of glycolytic enzymes and concentrations of glycolytic substrates, intermediates, cofactors, and products were determined. Respiration rate was also determined, and relationships between respiration rate and glycolytic enzymes and metabolites were evaluated. Glycolysis was highly variable during storage, with 10 of 14 glycolytic activities and 14 of 17 glycolytic metabolites significantly altered during storage. Changes in glycolytic enzyme activities and metabolites occurred throughout the 60 day storage period, but were greatest in the first 4 days after harvest. Positive relationships between changes in glycolytic enzyme activities and root respiration rate were abundant, with 10 of 14 enzyme activities elevated when root respiration was elevated and 9 glycolytic activities static during periods of unchanging respiration rate. Major roles for pyruvate kinase and phosphofructokinase in the regulation of postharvest sugarbeet root glycolysis were indicated based on changes in enzymatic activities and concentrations of their substrates and products. Additionally, a strong positive relationship between respiration rate and pyruvate kinase activity was found indicating that downstream TCA cycle enzymes were unlikely to regulate or restrict root respiration in a major way. Overall, these results establish that glycolysis is not static during sugarbeet root storage and that changes in glycolysis are closely related to changes in sugarbeet root respiration