613 research outputs found


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    Concentration And Distribution Of Polycyclic Aromatic Hidrocarbons (Pahs) During Bioremediation Processes Of Oil-contaminated Beach Sediments In Karang Song Beach, Indramayu

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    Bioremediation research was conducted from June to September, 2010 in oil-contaminated beach sediment in Karang Song Beach, Indramayu. The objective of this paper is to determine concentration and distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) during bioremediation processes. Upon 90 days biodegradation treatment, PAH concentration was reduced in several mesocosms. Concentration of PAH before treatment and after 90 day incubation were follows, Mesocosm A (110.499 mg/kg to 16.125 mg/kg), Mesocosm B (217.067 mg/kg to 12.239 mg/kg), Mesocosm C (102.016 mg/kg to 16.695 mg/kg), Mesocosm D (124.256 mg/kg to 60.869 mg/kg), Mesocosm E (117.723 mg/kg to 50.663 mg/kg), Mesocosm F (143.495 mg/kg to 38.310 mg/kg), and Mesocosm G (9.838 mg/kg to 4.248 mg/kg). Generally, all mesocosms treatment was reduced of PAH concentration, but there are no stable degraded after 60, and 90 days incubation. Fertilizer application has showed good influence for increasing degradation rate of bacteria to degraded oil contaminant. Keywords: polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), bioremediation, mesocosm, Karang Song, IndramayuPenelitian bioremediasi dilakukan dari Juni hingga September, 2010 di pantai Karang Song, Indramayu yang sedimen telah terkontaminasi minyak. Tujuan penelitian dari makalah ini adalah untuk mengamati konsentrasi dan distribusi Polisklik Aromatik Hidrokarbon (PAH) selama proses bioremediasi. Setelah 90 hari pengamatan biodegradasi, konsentrasi PAH dalam beberapa mesokosme menjadi menurun.. Konsentrasi PAH saat awal perlakuan dan setelah 90 hari inkubasi adalah sebagai berikut:, Mesokosme A (110,499 mg / kg menjadi 16,125 mg / kg), Mesokosme B (217,067 mg / kg menjadi 12,239 mg / kg), Mesokosme C (102,016 mg / kg menjadi 16,695 mg / kg), Mesokosme D (124,256 mg / kg menjadi sampai 60,869 mg / kg), Mesokosme E (117,723 mg / kg menjadi 50,663 mg / kg), Mesokosme F (143,495 mg / kg menjadi 38,310 mg / kg), dan Mesokosme G (9,838 mg / kg menjadi 4,248 mg / kg). Umumnya, semua pengobatan mesokosme menyebabkan berkurang konsentrasi PAH, tetapi tidak ada yang stabil terdegradasi setelah 60, dan 90 hari inkubasi. Pemupukan telah menunjukkan pengaruh yang baik untuk meningkatkan tingkat degradasi bakteri kontaminan minyak terdegradasi

    Scanning Hall Probe Microscopy (SHPM) using quartz crystal AFM feedback

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    Peningkatan Kemurnian Radiokimia Iodium-125 Produksi PRR Dengan Natrium Metabisulfit Dan Reduktor Jones

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    Radioisotop 125iodium cukup dikenal luas manfaatnya, diantaranya adalah sebagai Perunut (tracer) kit RIA/IRMA untuk deteksi in-vitro berbagai penyakit, sebagai sumber radiasi dalam brachytherapy penyakit kanker, sebagai Perunut binding assay dalam berbagai penelitian bioteknologi. Beberapa tahun lalu untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dalam negeri 125I masih diimpor. BATAN, telah memiliki fasilitas produksi radioisotop 125I, tetapi sampai dua tahun terakhir selain efisiensi produksi belum optimal, kualitas produk belum memenuhi persyaratan untuk banyak keperluan di atas. 125I yang digunakan pada bidang kesehatan dalam bentuk larutan Na125-I harus memiliki kemurnian radiokimia tinggi (>95 %) agar mendapatkan hasil penandaan yang baik. Dengan demikian perlu dilakukan peningkatan kemurnian radiokimia 125I- dengan mengurangi pengotor radiokimia yang berasal pengotor ion iodat dan ion periodat. Pada penelitian ini digunakan Na2S2O5 dan reduktor Jones untuk mereduksi ion iodat dan ion periodat menjadi ion iodida. (Na125-I) produksi PRR-BATAN sampai batas yang diharapkan. Pada percobaan ini diperoleh kemurnian radiokimia 125I- 91,49 % dengan penambahan Na2S2O5 0,1 N volume 6 uL, dan 95,16% dengan volume 8 uL. Penggunaan Na2S2O5 dengan konsentrasi 0,3 N volume 2 uL diperoleh kemurnian radiokimia 99 % sedangkan volume 4 uL, 6 uL, dan 8 uL menghasilkan kemurnian radiokimia 100 %. Sedangkan penggunaan reduktor Jones menghasilkan kemurnian radiokimia 125I- yaitu 99,83 %

    On the formulation of parallel position/force control schemes for industrial manipulators

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    In this paper, three commonly-used position/force control schemes namely Impedance, Admittance and Hybrid Position/Force control are investigated for use in industrial manipulators. In order to eliminate the instability problem that may occur in the customary versions of these schemes for large position errors, a modification is proposed, which is based on determining the joint-space position errors using inverse kinematic solutions rather than using the inverse Jacobian matrix. The feasibility of this modification relies on the fact that almost all of the industrial manipulators have easily obtainable inverse kinematic solutions. The simulation results showing the performance of the modified control schemes are also presented as applied on a Puma 560 manipulator

    Karakt£risasi Senyawa Aktif Anti Bakteri Minyak Atsiri Bunga Cengkeh (Syzygium Arimaticum)

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    Water distillation and purification of drought clove (Syzygium arimaticum) interest yields clove interest essential oils 6,5 % (v/w), rust colored ofchocolate, refractive index (25°C) 1,52874, specific mass (25°C) 1,0636 g/ml and condensation in ethanol 70% (1:2) limpid. Oil of clove haves the character of antibacterial to five test bacteriums ( B. subtilis, B. cereus, S. aureus, P. aeroginosa and E. coli). Result of analysis GCMS shows existence of eugenol compound (72,98%), kariaphilena (10,40%), a-humulena (1,04%) and acetate eugenol ( 15,58%). SpectraphotometerJKTI, VOL. 12, No.1, Juni 2010 analysis UV- Vis existence of absorption at Amaks 207,63 nm (ethanol) and 283,76 nm (eugenol). Analysis FTIR existence of bunch - OH (3543,39 em'), aliphatic C-H (1605,79 - 1766,90 em'), aromatic C=C ( 1433,60 - 1514,74 em'), C-Caril (1433,60-1514,74em-I) and cO (1268,44 em')

    Model Intervensi Pengendalian Demam Berdarah Dengue Di Kabupaten Indramayu, Jawa Barat

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    In Indonesia principal of activity control program Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever ( DHF) currently nowinclude epidemiological surveillance, discovery and case management, vector control, communityparticipation, early warning system (EWS), outbreaks, dissemination of information, partnerships, capacitybuilding, research, monitoring and evaluation. However, these activities not yed the expected results, it isindicates the need for other measures in order to improve the program in the prevention of dengue. Theprocess of transmission of dengue is a dynamic process, the study of the transmission of the disease need toinvolve the dynamic aspects of the dependence on time, which has been neglected in many studies that havebeen conducted relating to DHF. By involving the dynamic aspects of the transmission process will be toobtain a more precise conclusion in determining the disease control policies. For reasons these researchhas been done on the development of a model dengue control more specific and dynamic in Indramayudistrict, West Java. The purpose of the study to gain control model that can lower DHF Infection Rate( IR ) to zero percent. Results showed the free larvae index which reflect environmental hygiene at districof Indramayu West Jawa 60,0%. This illustrates that the breeding places eradication program in thedistrict well doing, was being in the district foging implementation in Indramayau was able to reduce theincidence of DHF either primary infection ( detectable IgM) and secondary infection ( IgG and IgMdetected ). Insect repellent can be used as an alternative for the prevention of the spread of dengue fevercan reduce the increase in the number of dengue infections. Basically Insect repellent use can reduce IR.The combination of fogging and insect repellent will be more effective in reducing the number of infections.RDT implementation and then immediately responded by conducting fogging or the use of insect repellentto prevent the spread of dengue fever so that the number of infection will be reduced

    Identification of Acacia Mangium Provenances for Solid-wood Forest Plantations

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    Provenance trial is a planting test aimed at fi nding the best provenance for establishing forest plantations. Such best provenance depends on the type of fi nal harvest or yield expected. The objective of this research was to identify A. mangium provenances that were suitable for forest plantation producing solid woods for construction and furniture. A total of 225 samples of 15 provenances from Papua New Guinea and Australia were planted in three blocks in Parungpanjang, Bogor, West Java. The measured parameters included tree height, clear bole height, stem diameter, tree volume, stem form, branching habit, and crown form. Bi-plot analysis indicated that Kini WP, Keru Village WP, Derideri R. Morehead, and Claudia River were the best provenances in terms of productivity. Correspondence analysis showed that almost all provenances were equally good in stem form, but they varied in branching system as well as crown form. Provenances Kini WP, Keru Village WP, Kiriwo/Serisa WP, and Bimadebun Village possessed the better branching habit. In terms of crown form provenances Dimisi Village WP, Kiriwo/Serisa WP, and Derideri R. Morehead exhibited a good performance. In general, fi ve provenances, i.e. Kini WP, Keru Village WP, Derideri R. Morehead, Kiriwo/Serisa WP, and Claudia River were considered appropriate for seed sources supplying seeds for industrial plantation development intended to produce construction and furniture material