2,140 research outputs found

    Layered Higgs Phase as a Possible Field Localisation on a Brane

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    So far it has been found by using lattice techniques that in the anisotropic five--dimensional Abelian Higgs model, a layered Higgs phase exists in addition to the expected five--dimensional one. The exploration of the phase diagram has shown that the two Higgs phases are separated by a phase transition from the confining phase. This transition is known to be first order. In this paper we explore the possibility of finding a second order transition point in the critical line which separates the first order phase transition from the crossover region. This is shown to be the case only for the four--dimensional Higgs layered phase whilst the phase transition to the five--dimensional broken phase remains first order. The layered phase serves as the possible realisation of four--dimensional spacetime dynamics which is embedded in a five--dimensional spacetime. These results are due to gauge and scalar field localisation by confining interactions along the extra fifth direction.Comment: 1+15 pages, 12 figure

    Sneutrino condensate as a candidate for the hot big bang cosmology

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    If inflationary paradigm is correct, then it must create conditions for the hot big bang model with all observed matter, baryons and the seed perturbations for the structure formation. In this paper we propose a scenario where the inflaton energy density is dumped into the bulk in a brane world setup, and all the required physical conditions are created by the right handed neutrino sector within supersymmetry. The scalar component of the right handed Majorana neutrino is responsible for generating the scale invariant fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background radiation, reheating the Universe at a temperature~Trh≀109T_{rh}\leq 10^{9} GeV, and finally generating the lepton/baryon asymmetry, nB/s∌10−10n_{B}/s\sim 10^{-10}, with no lepton/baryon isocurvature fluctuations.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures. Some discussion on neutrino masses and baryogenesis, and other small changes adde

    Antiferromagnetically coupled CoFeB/Ru/CoFeB trilayers

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    This work reports on the magnetic interlayer coupling between two amorphous CoFeB layers, separated by a thin Ru spacer. We observe an antiferromagnetic coupling which oscillates as a function of the Ru thickness x, with the second antiferromagnetic maximum found for x=1.0 to 1.1 nm. We have studied the switching of a CoFeB/Ru/CoFeB trilayer for a Ru thickness of 1.1 nm and found that the coercivity depends on the net magnetic moment, i.e. the thickness difference of the two CoFeB layers. The antiferromagnetic coupling is almost independent on the annealing temperatures up to 300 degree C while an annealing at 350 degree C reduces the coupling and increases the coercivity, indicating the onset of crystallization. Used as a soft electrode in a magnetic tunnel junction, a high tunneling magnetoresistance of about 50%, a well defined plateau and a rectangular switching behavior is achieved.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure

    Is There a Peccei-Quinn Phase Transition?

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    The nature of axion cosmology is usually said to depend on whether the Peccei-Quinn (PQ) symmetry breaks before or after inflation. The PQ symmetry itself is believed to be an accident, so there is not necessarily a symmetry during inflation at all. We explore these issues in some simple models, which provide examples of symmetry breaking before and after inflation, or in which there is no symmetry during inflation and no phase transition at all. One effect of these observations is to relax the constraints from isocurvature fluctuations due to the axion during inflation. We also observe new possibilities for evading the constraints due to cosmic strings and domain walls, but they seem less generic.Comment: 14 pages. Several references adde

    Curvaton paradigm can accommodate multiple low inflation scales

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    Recent arguments show that some curvaton field may generate the cosmological curvature perturbation. As the curvaton is independent of the inflaton field, there is a hope that the fine-tunings of inflation models can be cured by the curvaton scenario. More recently, however, D.H.Lyth discussed that there is a strong bound for the Hubble parameter during inflation even if one assumes the curvaton scenario. Although the most serious constraint was evaded, the bound seems rather crucial for many models of a low inflation scale. In this paper we try to remove this constraint. We show that the bound is drastically modified if there were multiple stages of inflation.Comment: 9pages, no figure, references added, final versio

    Gauge Unification in Higher Dimensions

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    A complete 5-dimensional SU(5) unified theory is constructed which, on compactification on the orbifold with two different Z_2's (Z_2 and Z_2'), yields the minimal supersymmetric standard model. The orbifold accomplishes SU(5) gauge symmetry breaking, doublet-triplet splitting, and a vanishing of proton decay from operators of dimension 5. Until 4d supersymmetry is broken, all proton decay from dimension 4 and dimension 5 operators is forced to vanish by an exact U(1)_R symmetry. Quarks and leptons and their Yukawa interactions are located at the Z_2 orbifold fixed points, where SU(5) is unbroken. A new mechanism for introducing SU(5) breaking into the quark and lepton masses is introduced, which originates from the SU(5) violation in the zero-mode structure of bulk multiplets. Even though SU(5) is absent at the Z_2' orbifold fixed point, the brane threshold corrections to gauge coupling unification are argued to be negligibly small, while the logarithmic corrections are small and in a direction which improves the agreement with the experimental measurements of the gauge couplings. Furthermore, the X gauge boson mass is lowered, so that proton decay to e^+ \pi^0 is expected with a rate within about one order of magnitude of the current limit. Supersymmetry breaking occurs on the Z_2' orbifold fixed point, and is felt directly by the gauge and Higgs sectors, while squarks and sleptons acquire mass via gaugino mediation, solving the supersymmetric flavor problem.Comment: 21 pages, Latex, references added, final versio

    Curvaton Potential Terms, Scale-Dependent Perturbation Spectra and Chaotic Initial Conditions

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    The curvaton scenario predicts an almost scale-invariant spectrum of perturbations in most inflation models. We consider the possibility that renormalisable phi^4 or Planck scale-suppressed non-renormalisable curvaton potential terms may result in an observable deviation from scale-invariance. We show that if the curvaton initially has a large amplitude and if the total number of e-foldings of inflation is less than about 300 then a running blue perturbation spectrum with an observable deviation from scale-invariance is likely. D-term inflation is considered as an example with a potentially low total number of e-foldings of inflation. A secondary role for the curvaton, in which it drives a period of chaotic inflation leading to D-term or other flat potential inflation from an initially chaotic state, is suggested.Comment: 12 pages LaTeX, minor corrections, to be published in JCA

    Supersymmetric photonic signals at LEP

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    We explore and contrast the single-photon and diphoton signals expected at LEP 2, that arise from neutralino-gravitino (e^+ e^- -> chi + gravitino -> gamma + E_miss) and neutralino-neutralino (e^+ e^- -> chi + chi -> gamma + gamma + E_miss) production in supersymmetric models with a light gravitino. LEP 1 limits imply that one may observe either one, but not both, of these signals at LEP 2, depending on the values of the neutralino and gravitino masses: single-photons for m_chi > Mz and m_gravitino < 3 x 10^-5 eV; diphotons for m_chi < Mz and all allowed values of m_gravitino.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX, 4 figures (included). Shortened version to appear in Physical Review Letter

    A Model of Direct Gauge Mediation

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    We present a simple model of gauge mediation (GM) which does not have a messenger sector or gauge singlet fields. The standard model gauge groups couple directly to the sector which breaks supersymmetry dynamically. This is the first phenomenologically viable example of this type in the literature. Despite the direct coupling, the model can preserve perturbative gauge unification. This is achieved by the inverted hierarchy mechanism which generates a large scalar expectation value compared to the size of supersymmetry breaking. There is no dangerous negative contribution to the squark, slepton masses due to two-loop renormalization group equation. The potentially non-universal supergravity contribution to the scalar masses can be suppressed enough to maintain the virtue of the gauge mediation. The model is completely chiral, and one does not need to forbid mass terms for the messenger fields by hand. Beyond the simplicity of the model, it possesses cosmologically desirable features compared to the original models of GM: an improved gravitino and string moduli cosmology. The Polonyi problem is back unlike in the original GM models, but is still much less serious than in hidden sector models.Comment: LaTeX, 12 page
