52 research outputs found

    Effects of Task Identity on Employee Motivation: A Survey of Eldoret Polytechnic, Kenya

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    Motivation is one of the major challenges in human resource management and without a motivated workforce; organizations stand to suffer in terms of production and efficiency The study sought to determine the effect of task identity on employee motivate ion using Hackmansā€™s job characteristics model and the content theories of motivation.Ā  The context of study is localized, and this forms the research gap.Ā  A study/survey of Eldoret Polytechnic was done.Ā  The objective of the study was determination of relationship between task identity, and employee motivation. Thus the research hypothesis was to determine whether there is significant relationship between task identity and employee level of motivation. The research design used correlational research design which correlated task identity to employee motivation.Methodology of research used was descriptive and inferential statistics. The model for methodology is: Y0= X1; where Y is the dependent variable which is employee motivation, and independent variable X1, to represent task identity, respectively. A sample of 110 employees was obtained from a population of 364 employees. The population was stratified into administrative staff, teaching staff and non-teaching staff. Primary data was collected using structured questionnaire questions.Ā  The data collected was edited, coded, and tabulated.Ā  It was analyzed using SPSS (statistical package for social scientists) version 19, to carry out linear regression analysis. Findings showed a correlation between task identity (r=0.531, p=0.000<0.05; B=0.060); The hypothesis was rejected, and the alternative hypothesis was taken, meaning that task identity has a significant effect on employee motivation. This means that up to 67.9% of employee motivation can be explained by task identity factor. The result of the study is that task identity has a positive effect on employee motivation.. The study recommends that managers of organizations can use these findings to make human resource decisions regarding job analysis and also when formulating Policies on human resource aspects like recruitment, remuneration, and retention policies. Keywords: Task Identity, Employee Motivatio

    Intertemporal equity asset pricing with stochastic volatility at the NSE and the JSE

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    This paper explores the implementation of an intertemporal asset pricing model with stochastic volatility. This model is applied to equity asset pricing at the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE) and the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE). The return on the aggregate stock market is modelled using a vector auto regression (VAR) model and the volatility of all shocks to the VAR is modelled using GARCH and EGARCH models. It is shown that the reduced form of the ICAPM with stochastic volatility is inadequate in the context of equity asset pricing at the NSE and JSE. However, the variables indicate the existence of a significant relationship between asset returns and realized market variance and PE ratios to motivate further research

    The Forms and Modes of Training Received by School Principals before and after Appointment: A Case of Nandi County, Kenya

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    Skills and knowledge is a prerequisite for any given activity or labor to be performed. Acquisition of these skills and knowledge are significantly important because most of the functions of an organization cannot be realized without them. Previous studies indicate that experience and level of education are the yard stick to appointing any principal of a secondary school from professional teachers. Despite the fact that they are professionally trained as teachers, they carry out educational management roles, which are meant for professionally trained Human Resource Managers (HRM). To this end these Principals require some training on the new roles theyĀ take up after getting the new appointment. This study thus sought to identify the forms of training and the mode used in training the School Principals in Nandi County, Kenya. The study used a Survey research design with a target population of 140 secondary school principals drawn from Nandi County. Census sampling was used to select the study sample. Data collection was done using self-administered questionnaires after which Coding of responses was done using Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS) for windows Version 16. Analysis of the data was done through descriptive statistics. Data was presented in form of frequency tables and charts. This paper concludes that Lack of human resource management skills and background of the same make the principals of secondary schools not to realize the need of career development of their staff. From the findings it was noted that majority of these principals are graduate teachers therefore they donā€™t see the need of allowing others to advance their career and skills since all of them are at the same level. Keywords: Training Levels, Forms of Training, Secondary school, Principals, Appointment

    Low sensitivity of the careHPVā„¢ Assay for detection of oncogenic Human papillomavirus in cervical samples from HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected Kenyan women

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    Background: Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection causes cervical cancer (CC), a common malignancy among Kenyan women. New CC screening methods rely on oncogenic HPV (ā€œhighriskā€, or HR-HPV) detection, but most have not been evaluated in swabs from Kenyan women. Methods: HPV typing was performed on 155 cervical swabs from Kenyan women using the Roche Linear ArrayĀ® (LA) and careHPVā„¢ (careHPV) assays. Detection of 14 oncogenic HPV types in careHPV assay was compared to LA results. Results: Compared to LA, sensitivity and specifi city of careHPV assay was 53.0% and 80.9%, respectively. The sensitivity and specifi city of careHPV in swabs from women with cervical dysplasia was 74.1% and 65.2%, respectively. The sensitivity and specifi city of careHPV in swabs from HIV-infected women was 55.9% and of 96.4%, respectively. Overall agreements of careHPV assay with LA was substantial. Conclusion: The results for careHPV assay are promising for oncogenic HPV detection in Kenyan women. The low sensitivity of careHPV for detection of HR-HPV could limit itā€™s benefi t as a screening tool. Thus, a full clinical validation study is highly desirable before the careHPV assay can be accepted for cervical cancer screening


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    Information on nutritional status of children under five years is an indicator of the nutritional situation in society. Identification of core factors influencing nutrition of this population supports plans to alleviate child malnutrition and its consequences. This study sought to determine the nutritional status of children under five years and associated factors in Mbeere South District in Kenya. A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted using a structured questionnaire. A total of 144 households was randomly sampled and the nutritional status of one child from each household assessed using anthropometric measurements. Up to 39% of the children were stunted; 7.1% were wasted; and 18.1% underweight. The prevalence of stunting and wasting was significantly higher in boys than in girls (\u3a7 =6.765, P =.034) and (\u3a7= 13.053, P = .036), respectively. The individual dietary diversity score showed that the most consumed food group was cereals. Eggs and meat were the least consumed foods. Low diversity scores were recorded for 41.9% of the children (<4 food groups), 35.7% had medium scores (4-5 food groups); while 22.5% had high scores (6- 8 food groups). There was significant association between household size and nutritional status (P =0.047). The findings indicate that malnutrition and dietary diversity are major challenges to good nutrition. Future interventions should focus on improving food access and availability for enhanced diet diversification for the rising population.L\u2019information sur le status nutritionnel des enfants de moins de cinq ans est un indicateur de la situation nutritionnelle dans une soci\ue9t\ue9. L\u2019identification des facteurs cl\ue9s influen\ue7ant la nutrition de cette population soutient les plans d\u2019\ue9radication de la malnutrition infantile et ses cons\ue9quences. Cette \ue9tude \ue9tait men\ue9e pour d\ue9terminer le statut nutritionnel des enfants de moins de cinq ans et les facteurs associ\ue9s dans le district de Mbeere Sud au Kenya. Une \ue9tude transversale \ue9tait conduite avec un questionnaire structur\ue9. Un total de 144 m\ue9nages \ue9taient al\ue9atoirement \ue9chantillonn\ue9s et le statut nutritionnel d\u2019un enfant dans chaque m\ue9nage \ue9valu\ue9 par l\u2019utilisation des mesures anthropom\ue9triques.Trente neuf pourcent des enfants \ue9taient victimes du nanisme; 7.1% \ue9taient maigres , et 18.1% avaient un poids inf\ue9rieur \ue0 la normale . La pr\ue9valence du nanisme et de la maigreur \ue9tait significativement \ue9lev\ue9e chez les gar\ue7ons que chez les filles (c =6.765, P =.034) et (c = 13.053, P = .036), respectivement. Le score de la diversit\ue9 di\ue9t\ue9tique individuelle a montr\ue9 que la plupart consommait la nourriture du groupe des c\ue9r\ue9ales. Des scores bas de diversit\ue9 \ue9taient enregistr\ue9s chez 41.9% d\u2019enfants (<4 groupes d\u2018aliments), 35.7% avaient des scores moyens (< 4-5 groupes d\u2019aliments); pendant que 22.5% avaient des scores \ue9lev\ue9s (< 6- 8 groupes d\u2019aliments). Il y avait une association significative entre la taille des m\ue9nages et le statut nutritionnel (P =0.047). Ces r\ue9sultats indiquent que la malnutrition et la diversit\ue9 di\ue9t\ue9tique constituent des contraintes majeurs \ue0 une bonne nutrition. Des interventions futures devraient \ueatre centr\ue9e sur l\u2019am\ue9lioration de l\u2019acc\ue8s et la disponibilit\ue9 de la nourriture pour une meilleure diversification di\ue9t\ue9tique face \ue0 la population croissante

    Spatial and temporal distribution of notified tuberculosis cases in Nairobi County, Kenya, between 2012 and 2016

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    Background: Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease of major public health concern globally. The disease has showed spaceā€time variations across settings. Spatial temporal assessment can be used to understand the distribution and variations of TB disease.Objective: To determine the spatial and temporal distribution of notified TB cases in Nairobi County, Kenya, between 2012 and 2016Design: A cross sectional studySetting: Nairobi County, KenyaSubjects: Tuberculosis cases notified in Tuberculosis Information for Basic Units from 2012 to 2016Results: A total of 70,505 cases of TB were notified in Nairobi County between 2012 and 2016, with male to female ratio of 3:2 and HIV coinfection rate of 38%.The temporal analysis showed a declining trend of the notified cases. The spatial clusters showed stability in most areas while others varied annually during the study period. The spaceā€time analysis also detected the four most likely clusters or hotspots. Cluster 1 which covered the informal settlements of Kibera, Kawangware and Kangemi with 4,011observed cases against 2,977expected notified TB cases(relative risk (RR) 1.37, p<0.001). Further, Cluster 2 covered Starehe and parts of Kamukunji, Mathare, Makadara, Kibra and Dagoretti North Constituencies (RR 1.93, p<0.001; observed and expected cases were 4,206 and 2,242, respectively.Conclusion: This study identified high TB case notifications, declining temporal trends and clustering of TB cases in Nairobi. Evidence of clustering of TB cases indicates the need for focused interventions in the hotspot areas. Strategies should be devised for continuous TB surveillance and evidence based decision making

    Recurrent plasmodium falciparum malaria infections in kenyan children diminish t-cell immunity to epstein barr virus lytic but not latent antigens

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    Plasmodium falciparum malaria (Pf-malaria) and Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) infections coexist in children at risk for endemic Burkitt's lymphoma (eBL); yet studies have only glimpsed the cumulative effect of Pf-malaria on EBV-specific immunity. Using pooled EBV lytic and latent CD8+ T-cell epitope-peptides, IFN-Ī³ ELISPOT responses were surveyed three times among children (10 months to 15 years) in Kenya from 2002ā€“2004. Prevalence ratios (PR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were estimated in association with Pf-malaria exposure, defined at the district-level (Kisumu: holoendemic; Nandi: hypoendemic) and the individual-level. We observed a 46% decrease in positive EBV lytic antigen IFN-Ī³ responses among 5ā€“9 year olds residing in Kisumu compared to Nandi (PR: 0.54; 95% CI: 0.30ā€“0.99). Individual-level analysis in Kisumu revealed further impairment of EBV lytic antigen responses among 5ā€“9 year olds consistently infected with Pf-malaria compared to those never infected. There were no observed district- or individual-level differences between Pf-malaria exposure and EBV latent antigen IFN-Ī³ response. The gradual decrease of EBV lytic antigen but not latent antigen IFN-Ī³ responses after primary infection suggests a specific loss in immunological control over the lytic cycle in children residing in malaria holoendemic areas, further refining our understanding of eBL etiology

    Holoendemic malaria exposure is associated with altered epstein-barr virus-specific CD8+ T-cell differentiation

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    Coinfection with Plasmodium falciparum malaria and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a major risk factor for endemic Burkitt lymphoma (eBL), still one of the most prevalent pediatric cancers in equatorial Africa. Although malaria infection has been associated with immunosuppression, the precise mechanisms that contribute to EBV-associated lymphomagenesis remain unclear. In this study, we used polychromatic flow cytometry to characterize CD8+ T-cell subsets specific for EBV-derived lytic (BMFL1 and BRLF1) and latent (LMP1, LMP2, and EBNA3C) antigens in individuals with divergent malaria exposure. No malaria-associated differences in EBV-specific CD8+ T-cell frequencies were observed. However, based on a multidimensional analysis of CD45RO, CD27, CCR7, CD127, CD57, and PD-1 expression, we found that individuals living in regions with intense and perennial (holoendemic) malaria transmission harbored more differentiated EBV-specific CD8+ T-cell populations that contained fewer central memory cells than individuals living in regions with little or no (hypoendemic) malaria. This profile shift was most marked for EBV-specific CD8+ T-cell populations that targeted latent antigens. Importantly, malaria exposure did not skew the phenotypic properties of either cytomegalovirus (CMV)-specific CD8+ T cells or the global CD8+ memory T-cell pool. These observations define a malaria-associated aberration localized to the EBV-specific CD8+ T-cell compartment that illuminates the etiology of eBL
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