1,438 research outputs found

    Probably Safe or Live

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    This paper presents a formal characterisation of safety and liveness properties \`a la Alpern and Schneider for fully probabilistic systems. As for the classical setting, it is established that any (probabilistic tree) property is equivalent to a conjunction of a safety and liveness property. A simple algorithm is provided to obtain such property decomposition for flat probabilistic CTL (PCTL). A safe fragment of PCTL is identified that provides a sound and complete characterisation of safety properties. For liveness properties, we provide two PCTL fragments, a sound and a complete one. We show that safety properties only have finite counterexamples, whereas liveness properties have none. We compare our characterisation for qualitative properties with the one for branching time properties by Manolios and Trefler, and present sound and complete PCTL fragments for characterising the notions of strong safety and absolute liveness coined by Sistla

    Laser induced electron diffraction: a tool for molecular orbital imaging

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    We explore the laser-induced ionization dynamics of N2 and CO2 molecules subjected to a few-cycle, linearly polarized, 800\,nm laser pulse using effective two-dimensional single active electron time-dependent quantum simulations. We show that the electron recollision process taking place after an initial tunnel ionization stage results in quantum interference patterns in the energy resolved photo-electron signals. If the molecule is initially aligned perpendicular to the field polarization, the position and relative heights of the associated fringes can be related to the molecular geometrical and orbital structure, using a simple inversion algorithm which takes into account the symmetry of the initial molecular orbital from which the ionized electron is produced. We show that it is possible to extract inter-atomic distances in the molecule from an averaged photon-electron signal with an accuracy of a few percents

    Two-Color Coherent Photodissociation of Nitrogen Oxide in Intense Laser Fields

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    A simple one-dimensional semi-classical model with a Morse potential is used to investigate the possibility of two-color infrared multi-photon dissociation of vibrationally excited nitrogen oxide. The amplitude ratio effects and adiabatic effects are investigated. Some initial states are found to have thresholds smaller than expected from single-mode considerations and multiple thresholds exist for initial states up to 32. PACS: 42.50.HzComment: 3 pages, old papers, add source files to replace original postscrip

    Coherent Control of Isotope Separation in HD+ Photodissociation by Strong Fields

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    The photodissociation of the HD+ molecular ion in intense short- pulsed linearly polarized laser fields is studied using a time- dependent wave-packet approach where molecular rotation is fully included. We show that applying a coherent superposition of the fundamental radiation with its second harmonic can lead to asymmetries in the fragment angular distributions, with significant differences between the hydrogen and deuterium distributions in the long wavelength domain where the permanent dipole is most efficient. This effect is used to induce an appreciable isotope separation.Comment: Physical Review Letters, 1995 (in press). 4 pages in revtex format, 3 uuencoded figures. Full postcript version available at: http://chemphys.weizmann.ac.il/~charron/prl.ps or ftp://scipion.ppm.u-psud.fr/coherent.control/prl.p

    Monitoring Partially Synchronous Distributed Systems using SMT Solvers

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    In this paper, we discuss the feasibility of monitoring partially synchronous distributed systems to detect latent bugs, i.e., errors caused by concurrency and race conditions among concurrent processes. We present a monitoring framework where we model both system constraints and latent bugs as Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) formulas, and we detect the presence of latent bugs using an SMT solver. We demonstrate the feasibility of our framework using both synthetic applications where latent bugs occur at any time with random probability and an application involving exclusive access to a shared resource with a subtle timing bug. We illustrate how the time required for verification is affected by parameters such as communication frequency, latency, and clock skew. Our results show that our framework can be used for real-life applications, and because our framework uses SMT solvers, the range of appropriate applications will increase as these solvers become more efficient over time.Comment: Technical Report corresponding to the paper accepted at Runtime Verification (RV) 201

    Widely distributed breeding populations of Canada warbler (Cardellina canadensis) converge on migration through Central America

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    Background To effectively conserve migratory species, the entire range encompassed by their annual life cycle needs to be considered. Most research on Nearctic-Neotropical migratory birds has focused on the breeding grounds resulting in a general lack of knowledge regarding the wintering and migratory periods. The Canada Warbler (Cardellina canadensis) has declined by 71% from 1970 to 2012, at a rate of 2.9% per year, and is listed as Threatened in Canada. As with most Nearctic-Neotropical migrants, conservation efforts outside the breeding range are limited by a poor understanding of migration routes and the connectivity between specific breeding and wintering populations. Results To determine migratory routes of multiple breeding populations of Canada Warblers, we directly-tracked individuals using light-level geolocators deployed at four sites across the breeding range, spanning approximately 43 degrees in longitude (Alberta, Manitoba and QuĂ©bec, Canada, and New Hampshire, USA). Twenty-five geolocators with usable data were recovered from three sites and were analyzed using FlightR to determine fall migration routes (n = 18) and individual wintering sites (n = 25). Individuals from all breeding populations took a western fall migration route at the Gulf of Mexico; with 77.8% of birds funnelling into a narrow geographic space along the western side of the Gulf of Mexico (97°W-99°W). We found no evidence for population-specific, parallel migration routes. Most individuals (72%) overwintered in Colombia. The remaining individuals overwintered in Venezuela. Conclusions Our results demonstrate convergence of migratory routes around a migration barrier for individuals originating from widely distributed breeding areas. Further, we suggest the potential importance of habitat around the Gulf of Mexico during migration and Andean forest in Colombia as overwintering habitat for this threatened species. Future research should be directed at understanding how these areas are used by Canada Warblers

    In utero exposure to a maternal high-fat diet alters the epigenetic histone code in a murine model

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    OBJECTIVE: Data from animal models show that in utero exposure to a maternal high-fat diet (HFD) renders susceptibility of these offspring to the adult onset of metabolic syndrome. We and others have previously shown that epigenetic modifications to histones may serve as a molecular memory of the in utero exposure, rendering the risk of adult disease. Because mice heterozygous for the Glut4 gene (insulin sensitive glucose transporter) born to wild-type (WT) mothers demonstrate exacterbated metabolic syndrome when exposed to an HFD in utero, we sought to analyze the genome-wide epigenetic changes that occur in the fetal liver in susceptible offspring. STUDY DESIGN: WT and Glut4(+/-) (G4(+/-)) offspring of WT mothers that were exposed either to a control or an HFD in utero were studied. Immunoblotting was used to measure hepatic histone modifications of fetal and 5-week animals. Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) followed by hybridization to chip arrays (ChIP-on-chip) was used to detect genome-wide changes of histone modifications with HFD exposure. RESULTS: We found that levels of hepatic H3K14ac and H3K9me3 significantly increased with HFD exposure in WT and G4(+/-) fetal and 5-week offspring. Pathway analysis of our ChIP-on-chip data revealed differential H3K14ac and H3K9me3 enrichment along pathways that regulate lipid metabolism, specifically in the promoter regions of Pparg, Ppara, Rxra, and Rora. CONCLUSION: We conclude that HFD exposure in utero is associated with functional alterations to fetal hepatic histone modifications in both WT and G4(+/-) offspring, some of which persist up to 5 weeks of age
