431 research outputs found


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    Innovative technology includes LTE connected drones with payloads, portable LTE network and portable data center for data analysis and storage for emergency and rescue situations. Portable LTE network can be set up anywhere even where the network does not exist which helps rescuers to get information at the right time to save the lives from disaster. Disasters are unpredictable and might affect the infrastructures and put the lives into danger. In such a scenario, an innovative technical solution is useful to save time during the critical period where life and death of people depend on a fraction of second. A literature review identified different phases of disaster management and showed a use case of drones and LTE network, challenges and solutions in natural disaster situations The thesis presents the Nokia Saving lives (NSL) case which includes the analysis of Nokia innovative technical solution to manage the disaster which was deployed in the Philippines live demo on 23rd Nov 2018. This research also shows how three different parties (Nokia, Smart and Philippine Red Cross) collaborate together with their own expertise to manage the disaster. The use case of LTE connected drones and portable LTE network was developed based on mixed research approach (both qualitative and quantitative) to develop a framework for organizations to manage the disaster by using the Nokia portable technology. The deeper understanding of real-time data from LTE connected drones in support of portable LTE network will further enable humanitarian actors and other non-governmental organizations to take effective measures in the disaster relief operations

    Fissidens linearis (Fissidentaceae: Bryophyta) a new record for India

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    Abstract Fissidens linearis var. obscurirete, is reported as a new record of occurrence to India from the Western Ghats of Kerala

    The genus Drepanolejeunea (Spruce) Schiffn. (Lejeuneaceae; Marchantiophyta) in the Western Ghats with special reference to Kerala

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    Diversity of the genus Drepanolejeunea (Spruce) Schiffn. of the family Lejeuneaceae in Kerala is discussed in detail. So far, 8 species have been reported from the Western Ghats, of which 6 occur in Kerala. This paper provides detailed descriptions of 5 of the species collected from Kerala during the present survey. Among these, Drepanolejeunea erecta (Steph.) Mizut. is new to the Western Ghats, D. fleischeri (Steph.) Grolle & Zhu, D. pentadactyla (Mont.) Steph. and D. ternatensis (Gottsche) Steph. are new records for Kerala

    Capstone Case Study Guide MAPFRE

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    Mapfre is a Top-Notch insurer and a competitive and fast-evolving insurance company. Clark team will help Mapfre to organize to secure systems availability and resilience to support the business process. Assist and recommend the IT team for further analysis and identify data, trends, and patterns and come up with to improve the service

    A synopsis of the family Pottiaceae (Bryophyta) of Kerala, India

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    The Potttiaceae are one of the dominant acrocarpic moss family of India with 26 genera and 130 species. The present paper is a synopsis of the family Pottiaceae in Kerala State. Here we report 18 species distributed among 13 genera such as Anoectangium aestivum, A. bicolor, Barbula tenuirostris, B. indica, Hyophila involuta, H. nymaniana, Hymenostylium recurvirostrum, Hy-menostomum edentulum, Indopottia zanderii, Oxystegus cylindricus, Pottia bry-oides, Scopelophila cataractae, S. ligulata, Syntrichia fragilis, T. muralis, Tor-tella tortuosa, Trichostomum wayanadense and T. crispulum. Among these one species viz., Pottia bryoides is a new record for India. Scopelophila ligulata is widely known as “copper moss” but this species was not recorded yet from Pen-insular India. This report is then new to Peninsular India. Two species viz; Bar-bula tenuirostris Brid. and Syntrichia fragilis (Tayl.) Ochyra. are new records for Kerala and Indopottia zanderii is endemic to Western Ghats

    Contribution to the bryophyte flora of India

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    The bryophyte flora of the Silent Valley National Park is catalogued. The catalogue consists of 148 taxa (109 mosses, 36 liverworts, 3 hornworts), of which nine species viz., Chrysocladium flammeum (Mitt.) M.Fleisch., Gymnostomum calcareum Nees & Hornsch., Glossadelphus bilobatus (Dix.) Broth., Hypnum flaccens Besch., Notoscyphus paroicus Schiffn., Macromitrium turgidum Dix., Calyptothecium pinnatum Nog., Brotherella amblystegia (Mitt.) Broth. and Wijkia deflexifolia (Ren. & Card.) Crum. are newly reported for Peninsular India. Another four species viz., Lejeunea cavifolia (Ehrh.) Lindb., Radula obscura Mitt., Radula meyeri Steph. and Barbella turgida Nog. are new record of occurrence for Kerala State. Trichostelium stigmosum (Manju et al., 2012) and Aerobryopsis wallichii (Brid.) Fleisch. (Prajitha et al., in press), has been reported as new records for India from Silent Valley

    Selection of stable housekeeping genes for gene expression studies in different varieties of black pepper (Piper nigrum L.)

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    Real Time quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) is a widely used technique to study the transcript level modulation of genes during developmental stages of crop plants as well as in stress responses. Suitable reference genes have not been validated in many plants including black pepper. In this study, expression stability of six commonly used housekeeping genes viz., actin, ?-tubulin, elongation factor, initiation factor, ubiquitin and glyceraldehyde 3- phosphate dehydrogenase were evaluated by RT-qPCR during the growth of the black pepper inflorescence of varieties viz., Panniyur 1, Karimunda and Thekken. The results were analyzed using geNorm and Normfinder statistical algorithms. Stable reference gene is critical for the accurate normalization of target gene data in RT-qPCR. In this study actin, elongation factor and initiation factor were identified as the most stable housekeeping gene in different black pepper varieties viz., Thekken, Panniyur 1 and Karimunda respectively. Actin in combination with GAPDH and elongation factor were obtained as optimal reference genes for Thekken. It is the first report on identification of stable housekeeping gene in different varieties of black pepper and can aid in expression studies in black pepper for yield improvement. The study will aid in normalization of gene expression studies in different varieties of black pepper

    Cololejeunea manilalia (Lejeuneaceae, Marchantiophyta), a new species from the Western Ghats of India

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    Cololejeunea manilalia sp. nov., an epiphyllous leafy liverwort, collected from the high altitude, tropical wet evergreen shola (cloud forest) of the New Amarambalam Reserved Forest in the Western Ghats of India is described and illustrated


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    Objective: In this study, an attempt was made to generate information based on botanical, physicochemical and HPTLC data needed for proper identification and authentication of M. emarginata and C. asiatica belonging to two different families. Methods: Botanical study comprises of macroscopy, microscopy and powder microscopy of leaves of both crude drugs. The physicochemical parameters such as water-soluble extractive, alcohol soluble extractive and loss on drying at 105℃, total ash, acid insoluble ash, and volatile oil were determined according to standard methods. HPTLC studies of chloroform extracts of leaves of both drugs were conducted at 254 nm, 366 nm and 575 nm after derivatisation using vanillin-sulphuric acid and the results were documented. Results: The present study reveals that microscopy and most of the physicochemical parameters of both the plant materials are different. Anatomy of the leaves showed two main characteristic differences. First plenty of trichome with trichome base and calcium oxalate crystal is common in M. emarginata, which is not observed in C. asiatica. Both plants have different venation patterns and leaf constants. The total ash content and the solubility in alcohol and water for leaves of C. asiatica are higher than that of M. emarginata. The HPTLC fingerprinting pattern obtained for both drugs are different. Conclusion: All the results obtained from this study help in determining differences and similarities of leaves of M. emarginata and C. asiatica and thereby preventing adulteration and substitution and emphasizing the importance of standardization