1,069 research outputs found

    Parallel implementation of stochastic simulation for large-scale cellular processes

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    Experimental and theoretical studies have shown the importance of stochastic processes in genetic regulatory networks and cellular processes. Cellular networks and genetic circuits often involve small numbers of key proteins such as transcriptional factors and signaling proteins. In recent years stochastic models have been used successfully for studying noise in biological pathways, and stochastic modelling of biological systems has become a very important research field in computational biology. One of the challenge problems in this field is the reduction of the huge computing time in stochastic simulations. Based on the system of the mitogen-activated protein kinase cascade that is activated by epidermal growth factor, this work give a parallel implementation by using OpenMP and parallelism across the simulation. Special attention is paid to the independence of the generated random numbers in parallel computing, that is a key criterion for the success of stochastic simulations. Numerical results indicate that parallel computers can be used as an efficient tool for simulating the dynamics of large-scale genetic regulatory networks and cellular processes

    Stochastic neural network models for gene regulatory networks

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    Recent advances in gene-expression profiling technologies provide large amounts of gene expression data. This raises the possibility for a functional understanding of genome dynamics by means of mathematical modelling. As gene expression involves intrinsic noise, stochastic models are essential for better descriptions of gene regulatory networks. However, stochastic modelling for large scale gene expression data sets is still in the very early developmental stage. In this paper we present some stochastic models by introducing stochastic processes into neural network models that can describe intermediate regulation for large scale gene networks. Poisson random variables are used to represent chance events in the processes of synthesis and degradation. For expression data with normalized concentrations, exponential or normal random variables are used to realize fluctuations. Using a network with three genes, we show how to use stochastic simulations for studying robustness and stability properties of gene expression patterns under the influence of noise, and how to use stochastic models to predict statistical distributions of expression levels in population of cells. The discussion suggest that stochastic neural network models can give better description of gene regulatory networks and provide criteria for measuring the reasonableness o mathematical models

    Effective simulation techniques for biological systems

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    In this paper we give an overview of some very recent work on the stochastic simulation of systems involving chemical reactions. In many biological systems (such as genetic regulation and cellular dynamics) there is a mix between small numbers of key regulatory proteins, and medium and large numbers of molecules. In addition, it is important to be able to follow the trajectories of individual molecules by taking proper account of the randomness inherent in such a system. We describe different types of simulation techniques (including the stochastic simulation algorithm, Poisson Runge-Kutta methods and the Balanced Euler method) for treating simulations in the three different reaction regimes: slow, medium and fast. We then review some recent techniques on the treatment of coupled slow and fast reactions for stochastic chemical kinetics and discuss how novel computing implementations can enhance the performance of these simulations

    Look before you leap: a confidence-based method for selecting species criticality while avoiding negative populations in Ď„\tau-leaping

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    The stochastic simulation algorithm was introduced by Gillespie and in a different form by Kurtz. There have been many attempts at accelerating the algorithm without deviating from the behavior of the simulated system. The crux of the explicit τ\tau-leaping procedure is the use of Poisson random variables to approximate the number of occurrences of each type of reaction event during a carefully selected time period, τ\tau. This method is acceptable providing the leap condition, that no propensity function changes “significantly” during any time-step, is met. Using this method there is a possibility that species numbers can, artificially, become negative. Several recent papers have demonstrated methods that avoid this situation. One such method classifies, as critical, those reactions in danger of sending species populations negative. At most, one of these critical reactions is allowed to occur in the next time-step. We argue that the criticality of a reactant species and its dependent reaction channels should be related to the probability of the species number becoming negative. This way only reactions that, if fired, produce a high probability of driving a reactant population negative are labeled critical. The number of firings of more reaction channels can be approximated using Poisson random variables thus speeding up the simulation while maintaining the accuracy. In implementing this revised method of criticality selection we make use of the probability distribution from which the random variable describing the change in species number is drawn. We give several numerical examples to demonstrate the effectiveness of our new metho

    Fast stochastic simulation of biochemical reaction systems by\ud alternative formulations of the Chemical Langevin Equation

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    The Chemical Langevin Equation (CLE), which is a stochastic differential equation (SDE) driven by a multidimensional Wiener process, acts as a bridge between the discrete Stochastic Simulation Algorithm and the deterministic reaction rate equation when simulating (bio)chemical kinetics. The CLE model is valid in the regime where molecular populations are abundant enough to assume their concentrations change continuously, but stochastic fluctuations still play a major role. The contribution of this work is that we observe and explore that the CLE is not a single equation, but a parametric family of equations, all of which give the same finite-dimensional distribution of the variables. On the theoretical side, we prove that as many Wiener processes are sufficient to formulate the CLE as there are independent variables in the equation. On the practical side, we show that in the case where there are m1 pairs of reversible reactions and m2 irreversible reactions only m1+m2 Wiener processes are required in the formulation of the CLE, whereas the standard approach uses 2m1 + m2. We illustrate our findings by considering alternative formulations of the CLE for a\ud HERG ion channel model and the Goldbeter–Koshland switch. We show that there are considerable computational savings when using our insights

    An efficient implementation of an implicit FEM scheme for fractional-in-space reaction-diffusion equations

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    Fractional differential equations are becoming increasingly used as a modelling tool for processes with anomalous diffusion or spatial heterogeneity. However, the presence of a fractional differential operator causes memory (time fractional) or nonlocality (space fractional) issues, which impose a number of computational constraints. In this paper we develop efficient, scalable techniques for solving fractional-in-space reaction diffusion equations using the finite element method on both structured and unstructured grids, and robust techniques for computing the fractional power of a matrix times a vector. Our approach is show-cased by solving the fractional Fisher and fractional Allen-Cahn reaction-diffusion equations in two and three spatial dimensions, and analysing the speed of the travelling wave and size of the interface in terms of the fractional power of the underlying Laplacian operator

    Numerical analysis of systems of ordinary and stochastic differential equations. (Book Review)

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    Fourier spectral methods for fractional-in-space reaction-diffusion equations

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    Fractional differential equations are becoming increasingly used as a powerful modelling approach for understanding the many aspects of nonlocality and spatial heterogeneity. However, the numerical approximation of these models is computationally demanding and imposes a number of computational constraints. In this paper, we introduce Fourier spectral methods as an attractive and easy-to-code alternative for the integration of fractional-in-space reactiondiffusion equations. The main advantages of the proposed schemes is that they yield a fully diagonal representation of the fractional operator, with increased accuracy and efficiency when compared to low-order counterparts, and a completely straightforward extension to two and three spatial dimensions. Our approach is show-cased by solving several problems of practical interest, including the fractional Allen–Cahn, FitzHugh–Nagumo and Gray–Scott models,together with an analysis of the properties of these systems in terms of the fractional power of the underlying Laplacian operator

    Stochastic B-series analysis of iterated Taylor methods

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    For stochastic implicit Taylor methods that use an iterative scheme to compute their numerical solution, stochastic B--series and corresponding growth functions are constructed. From these, convergence results based on the order of the underlying Taylor method, the choice of the iteration method, the predictor and the number of iterations, for It\^o and Stratonovich SDEs, and for weak as well as strong convergence are derived. As special case, also the application of Taylor methods to ODEs is considered. The theory is supported by numerical experiments

    Higher-order numerical methods for stochastic simulation of\ud chemical reaction systems

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    In this paper, using the framework of extrapolation, we present an approach for obtaining higher-order -leap methods for the Monte Carlo simulation of stochastic chemical kinetics. Specifically, Richardson extrapolation is applied to the expectations of functionals obtained by a fixed-step -leap algorithm. We prove that this procedure gives rise to second-order approximations for the first two moments obtained by the chemical master equation for zeroth- and first-order chemical systems. Numerical simulations verify that this is also the case for higher-order chemical systems of biological importance. This approach, as in the case of ordinary and stochastic differential equations, can be repeated to obtain even higher-order approximations. We illustrate the results of a second extrapolation on two systems. The biggest barrier for observing higher-order convergence is the Monte Carlo error; we discuss different strategies for reducing it
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