299 research outputs found

    Backflow and dissipation during the quantum decay of a metastable Fermi liquid

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    The particle current in a metastable Fermi liquid against a first-order phase transition is calculated at zero temperature. During fluctuations of a droplet of the stable phase, in accordance with the conservation law, not only does an unperturbed current arise from the continuity at the boundary, but a backflow is induced by the density response. Quasiparticles carrying these currents are scattered by the boundary, yielding a dissipative backflow around the droplet. An energy of the hydrodynamic mass flow of the liquid and a friction force exerted on the droplet by the quasiparticles have been obtained in terms of a potential of their interaction with the droplet.Comment: 5 pages (REVTeX), to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Chemical properties of some new quinoneimine derivatives

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    Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine The reactions between some C8-substituted quinonearenalazines (their chloro- and aminoderivatives) and hydrogen chloride were investigated. It is shown that in the case of chloroderivatives these reactions lead to the formation of the aromatic 1,4- and 6,3-addition products mixture, regardless of the used solvent. The ratio between these isomers depends on the oxidation-reduction potential of initial quinoneimine. An increase in the acceptor properties of the substitute in the aromatic ring of substrate results in an increase in the content of 1,4-addition product. The addition products are quinogenic and can be oxidized to the corresponding quinoid forms. The last mentioned compounds exist only in antiform in the case of 6,3-addition of hydrogen chloride, while oxidized 1,4-addition products are the mixture of syn- and anti-isomers, which convincingly follows from the NMR spectra of these compounds. Amino-derivatives of quinonearenalazines do not react neither with hydrogen chloride nor with amines, perhaps, due to a considerable decrease in electron deficiency of quinoid cycle under the influence of entered aminogroup. B. Murashevych, N. Nychyk, N. Toropin, Y. Trush, K. Burmistro


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    Religious messianism has always been one of the most important features of Judaism and infl uenced the history of the Jewish people and Jewish thought throughout their existence. One of the most famous cases of the manifestation of Jewish messianism was the movement of the Sabbateans, which arose on the territory of the Ottoman Empire in the mid-17th century. Sabbatai Zevi, the leader of the movement, was recognized as the Messiah by most Jewish communities of the time. After he converted to Islam in 1666, however, most of his former supporters rejected him. At the same time, his most radical adherents followed him and also adopted a new faith, forming closed groups of “believers” (Hebrew ma’aminim), or “apostates” (Turkish dönmeh). They secretly continued to profess an unorthodox (Sabbatean) version of Judaism, characterized by antinomianism and theological innovations. Dönmeh continued to exist on the territory of the Islamic world during the 18–20th centuries, becoming one of the factors that infl uenced the political and cultural life of the Ottoman Empire. The article examines the teaching of this messianic school, the attitude of its adherents to Islam, the role of Dönmeh in the processes of secularization in the Ottoman Empire and in the revolutionary movement in Turkey at the beginning of the 20th century. In addition, we analyze the myths about the Dönme conspiracy that spread in Turkish society throughout the 20th century and are actively used by various political forces nowadays.Религиозный мессианизм всегда был одной из важнейших черт иудаизма и оказывал влияние на историю еврейского народа и еврейскую мысль на протяжении всего периода их существования. Одним из наиболее известных случаев проявления еврейского мессианизма стало движение саббатианцев, возникшее на территории Османской империи в середине XVII в. После того, как лидер движения Шабтай Цви, признанный мессией значительной частью еврейских общин того времени, в 1666 г. принял ислам, большинство его сторонников отреклись от него. Вместе с тем наиболее радикальные его приверженцы последовали за ним и также приняли новую веру, образовав закрытые группы «верующих» (ивр. мааминим), или «отступников» (тур. дёнме), которые втайне исповедовали неортодоксальную (саббатианскую) версию иудаизма, отличавшуюся антиномизмом и теологическими новшествами. Они продолжали существовать на территории исламского мира на протяжении XVIII–XX вв. и оказали определенное влияние на политическую и культурную жизнь империи. В статье рассматриваются взгляды представителей этого течения, отношение его приверженцев к исламу, их роль в процессах секуляризации в Османской империи и в революционном движении в Турции начала XX в. Кроме того, предметом анализа стали те мифы о дёнме, которые распространялись в турецком обществе на протяжении всего XX в. и активно используются различными политическими силами уже в наши дни

    A Damping of the de Haas-van Alphen Oscillations in the superconducting state

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    Deploying a recently developed semiclassical theory of quasiparticles in the superconducting state we study the de Haas-van Alphen effect. We find that the oscillations have the same frequency as in the normal state but their amplitude is reduced. We find an analytic formulae for this damping which is due to tunnelling between semiclassical quasiparticle orbits comprising both particle-like and hole-like segments. The quantitative predictions of the theory are consistent with the available data.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Renormalization of hole-hole interaction at decreasing Drude conductivity

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    The diffusion contribution of the hole-hole interaction to the conductivity is analyzed in gated GaAs/Inx_xGa1x_{1-x}As/GaAs heterostructures. We show that the change of the interaction correction to the conductivity with the decreasing Drude conductivity results both from the compensation of the singlet and triplet channels and from the arising prefactor αi<1\alpha_i<1 in the conventional expression for the interaction correction.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Spin and Charge Correlations in Quantum Dots: An Exact Solution

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    The inclusion of charging and spin-exchange interactions within the Universal Hamiltonian description of quantum dots is challenging as it leads to a non-Abelian action. Here we present an {\it exact} analytical solution of the probem, in particular, in the vicinity of the Stoner instabilty point. We calculate several observables, including the tunneling density of states (TDOS) and the spin susceptibility. Near the instability point the TDOS exhibits a non-monotonous behavior as function of the tunneling energy, even at temperatures higher than the exchange energy. Our approach is generalizable to a broad set of observables, including the a.c. susceptibility and the absorption spectrum for anisotropic spin interaction. Our results could be tested in nearly ferromagnetic materials.Comment: JETPL class, 6 pages, 2 figure

    Synthesis of amidrazones by the reaction between quinone arenalazines and ammonia

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    The reactions between quinone arenalazines or their chlorine derivatives and ammonia were investigated. It was shown that these reactions lead to the formation of amidrazones of 1,4-benzoquinone. The optimal preparative conditions for this reaction were determined. The reaction scheme involves the 1,8-addition of ammonia similar to the addition of mono-, dialkylamines and arylamines described earlier. The direct product of the addition instantly undergoes oxidation by air oxygen and cannot be separated in a pure form. The yields of the synthesized amidrazones depend on oxidation-reduction potential of initial quinone imine and grow with an increase in its magnitude. The structure of the obtained products was confirmed by the data of NMR spectroscopy and liquid chromatography– mass spectrometry. It was determined that amidrazones of 1,4-benzoquinone exist mainly in quinoid tautomeric form and the amount of other tautomers is negligible. The synthesized substances can be likely used as precursors of high range of heterocyclic compounds

    Two-dimensional electron liquid with disorder in a weak magnetic field

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    We present the effective theory for low energy dynamics of a two-dimensional interacting electrons in the presence of a weak short-range disorder and a weak perpendicular magnetic field, the filling factor ν1\nu \gg 1. We investigate the exchange enhancement of the gg-factor, the effective mass and the decay rate of the simplest spin wave excitations at ν=2N+1\nu = 2 N + 1. We obtain the enhancement of the field-induced gap in the tunneling density of states and dependence of the tunneling conductivity on the applied bias.Comment: 17 pages, no figure

    Out-of-Equilibrium Admittance of Single Electron Box Under Strong Coulomb Blockade

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    We study admittance and energy dissipation in an out-of-equlibrium single electron box. The system consists of a small metallic island coupled to a massive reservoir via single tunneling junction. The potential of electrons in the island is controlled by an additional gate electrode. The energy dissipation is caused by an AC gate voltage. The case of a strong Coulomb blockade is considered. We focus on the regime when electron coherence can be neglected but quantum fluctuations of charge are strong due to Coulomb interaction. We obtain the admittance under the specified conditions. It turns out that the energy dissipation rate can be expressed via charge relaxation resistance and renormalized gate capacitance even out of equilibrium. We suggest the admittance as a tool for a measurement of the bosonic distribution corresponding collective excitations in the system

    The problem of "macroscopic charge quantization" in single-electron devices

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    In a recent Letter by the authors [I.S. Burmistrov and A.M.M. Pruisken, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 056801 (2008)] it was shown that single-electron devices (single electron transistor or SET) display "macroscopic charge quantization" which is completely analogous to the quantum Hall effect observed on very different electron systems. In this investigation we present more detail on these new findings. Based on the Ambegaokar-Eckern-Schoen (AES) theory of the Coulomb blockade we introduce a general response theory that probes the sensitivity of SET to changes in the boundary conditions. This response theory defines a new set of physical observables and we establish the contact with the standard results obtained from ordinary linear response theory. The response parameters generally define the renormalization behavior of the SET in the entire regime from weak coupling with large values of the tunneling conductance all the way down to the strong coupling phase where the system displays the Coulomb blockade. We introduce a general criterion for charge quantization that is analogous to the Thouless criterion for Anderson localization. We present the results of detailed computations on the weak coupling side of the theory, i.e. both perturbative and non-perturbative (instantons). Based on an effective theory in terms of quantum spins we study the quantum critical behavior of the AES model on the strong coupling side. Consequently, a unifying scaling diagram of the SET is obtained. This diagram displays all the super universal topological features of the theta-angle concept that previously arose in the theory of the quantum Hall effect.Comment: RevTex, 22 pages, 10 figure