129 research outputs found

    French Prisoners of War in South of Soviet Russia in Spring and Summer of 1919

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    The article examines the plot about the stay of French servicemen in captivity in the south of  Russia  at  the  end  of  the  intervention  of the Entente countries (spring-summer 1919). The relevance of the study is due to the need to revise the point of view established in Russian historiography about the voluntary and massive transition of the French military to the side of the Bolsheviks. The author dwells on the circumstances of captivity and the period of detention of foreigners. Particular attention is paid to the attempt by the Bolsheviks to spread the ideas of the left movement and attract prisoners to the ranks of the Red Army. This activity was carried out through the creation of communist groups at the Foreign Collegium in Odessa. Using the example of the work of the French Communist Group employees, it was possible to identify agitation and propaganda methods of persuading the compatriots to the side of the Bolsheviks. The novelty of the study is seen in the fact that for the reconstruction of the  methods of campaigning, the author involved materials from the archives of the French Ministry of Defense, which make it possible to determine the circle of agitators and concretize methods of recruiting foreigners. The author proved that there was no mass transition to the side of the Bolsheviks, the agitators managed to persuade only a few prisoners of the French and most of the servicemen remained faithful to this oath

    French Communist Group in Moscow: Formation and Activities (1918—1920)

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    The problem of studying the activities of the French Communist Group (FCG), created in Russia in 1918 on the initiative of the Russian Communist Party, is examined. In domestic and foreign historiography, there are works devoted to the history of the formation of this organization and the composition of the group. An analysis of the works shows that the work of the French group in several cities of Russia is presented as the activity of one organization. In this article, special attention is paid to studying the work of the main bureau of the FCG, located in Moscow in the 1918—1920s, as the key core of the organization. The source base of the study is archival documents and sources of personal origin. The appearance, activity and dissolution of the Moscow bureau of the Federal Financial Group are analyzed, the quantitative and professional composition of the participants, the structure of subordination and the distribution of responsibilities are revealed. The main task facing the bureau members was determined — propaganda activities. The main lines of propaganda activity of the Moscow bureau among compatriots are systematized: publication and distribution of print media, holding meetings and rallies, personal meetings and conversations, participation in the First and Second Congresses of the Comintern, work with the parliamentary opposition in France to end the intervention and spread of world revolution ideas. It is proved that, in addition to campaigning, there was also active assistance of the bureau members to French citizens residing or arrested in Russia

    French deserter in the diplomatic service: the role of Marcel Body in the process of recognition of the USSR by Norway

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    The article discusses the process of establishing trade and state contacts between Soviet Russia and Norway. Based on the recollections of the participants in the events, the author was able to personify the history of this process. The role of M. Body, a former functionary of the French military mission in Russia, in recognizing the USSR as a northern neighbor is revealed. The author concludes that, being accepted into the Soviet diplomatic service, and becoming an assistant to A. Kollontai, M. Body played one of the key roles in resuming trade contacts, and then inestablishing diplomatic relations with Norway.В статье рассмотрен процесс установления торговых и государственных контактов между Советской Россией и Норвегией. На основе воспоминаний участников событий автору удалось персонифицировать историю этого процесса. Выявлена роль М. Боди, бывшего функционера французской военной миссии в России, в признании СССР северным соседом

    The Process of the Recognition of the USSR by Norway According to the Memoirs of A. Kollontai and M. Body (1921–1924)

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    The report discusses the process of establishing diplomatic contacts between the USSR and Norway based on the memoirs of the participants in these events A. Kollontai and M. Body. The author concludes that due to the coordinated work of this tandem, it was possible to restore good neighborly relations between the two countries.В докладе рассмотрен процесс установления дипломатических контактов СССР и Норвегии по мемуарам участников указанных событий А. Коллонтай и М. Боди. Автор приходит к выводу, что благодаря слаженной работе данного тандема удалось восстановить добрососедские взаимоотношения между двумя странами.Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РФФИ в рамках научного проекта № 19–39–90025 «Деятельность Французской коммунистической группы в Москве: пропаганда идей большевизма и эволюция взглядов ее участников (1917 — середина 1930‑х годов)»

    Between Diplomacy and Intrigue: Informal Aspects of Franco-Russian Relations in 1870s-1880s

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    The article deals with the informal aspects of the preparation of the Franco-Russian rapprochement in the 1870s–1880s, which later resulted in the military alliance concluded in 1894 between France and Russia. The authors consider the process of formation and strengthening of many informal networks that contributed to the emergence of a favorable basis for concluding an alliance between countries. Particular attention in the article is paid to the specifics of the activities of the salons of E.E. Trubetskoy and J. Adam, which became a platform for establishing personal contacts between persons aimed at the alliance of France and Russia. The authors dwell on a detailed analysis of the formed ties between French and Russian intellectuals, the point of contact of which was the formation of “cultural pan-Slavism”. In this regard, the activity of the editor of “Moskovskie Vedomosti” M.N. Katkov is highlighted and those vast networks and political influence that he managed to establish is identified. The authors come to the conclusion that the Franco-Russian rapprochement in the 1870s-1880s actively developed on the wave of the idea of revanchism in France and the popularity of pan-Slavism, as well as through the contacts and initiatives of individuals connected by a network of informal ties with the government circles of both states


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    В статье рассматривается работа подпольной большевистской организации Иностранная коллегия в Одессе. Проанализированы два периода деятельности коллегии – до и после установления Советской власти в Одессе. Автор приходит к выводу, что при Советской власти организация была трансформирована из агитационного-пропагандистского в информационное бюро, где ее сотрудники занимались агентурной работой в пользу большевистского правительства.The article examines the work of the underground Bolshevik organization Foreign Collegium in Odessa. Two periods of the collegium’s activity are analyzed - before and after the establishment in Soviet regime. The author comes to the conclusion that under Soviet rule the organization was transformed from an agitation-propaganda into an information bureau and its employees were engaged in undercover work in favor of the Bolshevik government.Исследование выполнено за счет гранта Российского Научного Фонда (проект № 20-78-10014 «От Согласия к Пакту: франко-русские/франко-советские отношения в период 1890-1930-х гг.»)

    Low homology between 2019-nCoV Orf8 protein and its SARS-CoV counterparts questions their identical function

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    SARS-CoV accessory protein Orf8b is involved in suppressing interferon-mediated immune response of the infected cell and this might lead to supposition that the corresponding protein 2019-nCoV Orf8 shares the same role. But the tertiary structures of these proteins are still unknown, and the primary structures demonstrate very low homology and different calculating parameters. This time they both are affected by stabilizing selection and in natural viral populations do not tend to be deleted. The question whether in this case very different proteins could share the same function rises from the present dat

    Analysis of 16S rRNA gene variability in soil nitrifying bacteria of the genus Nitrosomonas

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    The main goal of the work was to assess variability of 16S rRNA gene sequence within the nitrifying bacterial genus Nitrosomonas to find specific sequences for its detection. To achieve it, we had to find and to assess sequences that are highly conservative on the level of the genus and to find and to assess sequences variable on the level of genus but conserved on the level of species. In the SILVA database of ribosomal RNA sequences, 231 sequences of 16S rRNAs of bacteria of the genus Nitrosomonas were collected, of which were sorted 132 sequences by length from 1400 to 1541 (full-sized gene) nucleotides. We conducted an analysis of the taxon-specificity of sequences conserved at the genus leve

    Comparing ‘apples with apples’: professional accounting practices in university classroom discourse

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    How are professional accounting practices represented in university classroom discourse and what are the implications of this for theory and practice in professional learning? Professional accounting practices order the world, and are also ordered. In reducing the complexities of social activity to abstract meanings that render it measurable, diverse and complex structures can be compared ‘apples with apples’. This study investigates the relocalization of professional accounting practices in university classroom discourse, working with tools from Legitimation Code Theory, systemic functional linguistics and critical discourse analysis. Findings draw on digital recordings of seminars presented by three lecturers in different subjects of a Master of Accounting program in an Australian metropolitan university. The analysis examines movements between context-independent and more context-dependent meanings in classroom discourse that mark shifts in emphasis from accounting as a system of representation, to accounting as interpersonal exchange. It considers two sets of social relations at play in the professional classroom: those between lecturers and students, and those within professional practice that are relocalized in classroom discourse. The framework developed in this study complements current research within the sociology of education. Discussion connects the analysis with recent explorations of knowledge practices in education within Legitimation Code Theory. It draws on foundational principles of a systemic functional model of language, considering the basis of professional practice and professional learning in interpersonal exchange. Conclusions are oriented towards theory and practice in professional learning, recognizing professional educators as agents of change and mediators of ways of thinking and acting in their field that are potentially transformative