8,920 research outputs found

    Parameterization of the Angular Distribution of Gamma Rays Produced by p-p Interaction in Astronomical Environment

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    We present the angular distribution of gamma rays produced by proton-proton interactions in parameterized formulae to facilitate calculations in astrophysical environments. The parameterization is derived from Monte Carlo simulations of the up-to-date proton-proton interaction model by Kamae et al. (2005) and its extension by Kamae et al. (2006). This model includes the logarithmically rising inelastic cross section, the diffraction dissociation process and Feynman scaling violation. The extension adds two baryon resonance contributions: one representing the Delta(1232) and the other representing multiple resonances around 1600 MeV/c^2. We demonstrate the use of the formulae by calculating the predicted gamma-ray spectrum for two different cases: the first is a pencil beam of protons following a power law and the second is a fanned proton jet with a Gaussian intensity profile impinging on the surrounding material. In both cases we find that the predicted gamma-ray spectrum to be dependent on the viewing angle.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, figure 7 updated, accepted for publication in ApJ, text updated to match changes by the editor, two refs updated from preprints to full journal

    Frequency-Tunable Josephson Junction Resonator for Quantum Computing

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    We have fabricated and measured a high-Q Josephson junction resonator with a tunable resonance frequency. A dc magnetic flux allows the resonance frequency to be changed by over 10 %. Weak coupling to the environment allows a quality factor of \thicksim7000 when on average less than one photon is stored in the resonator. At large photon numbers, the nonlinearity of the Josephson junction creates two stable oscillation states. This resonator can be used as a tool for investigating the quality of Josephson junctions in qubits below the single photon limit, and can be used as a microwave qubit readout at high photon numbers.Comment: 3 pages, 5 figure

    Diffuse MeV Gamma-rays and Galactic 511 keV Line from Decaying WIMP Dark Matter

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    The origin of both the diffuse high-latitude MeV gamma-ray emission and the 511 keV line flux from the Galactic bulge are uncertain. Previous studies have invoked dark matter physics to independently explain these observations, though as yet none has been able to explain both of these emissions within the well-motivated framework of Weakly-Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs). Here we use an unstable WIMP dark matter model to show that it is in fact possible to simultaneously reconcile both of these observations, and in the process show a remarkable coincidence: decaying dark matter with MeV mass splittings can explain both observations if positrons and photons are produced with similar branching fractions. We illustrate this idea with an unstable branon, which is a standard WIMP dark matter candidate appearing in brane world models with large extra dimensions. We show that because branons decay via three-body final states, they are additionally unconstrained by searches for Galactic MeV gamma-ray lines. As a result, such unstable long-lifetime dark matter particles provide novel and distinct signatures that can be tested by future observations of MeV gamma-rays.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    STS-1 operational flight profile. Volume 5: Descent, cycle 3

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    The trajectory data presented are to be used for orbiter systems and subsystems evalation, flight and mission control center software verification, flight techniques and timeline development, crew training, and evaluation of operational mission suitability. The entry profile is very similar to cycle 2, however, elevon and body flap temperature margins have increased and the elevon schedule was changed. The terminal area energy management (TAEM) profile was completely reshaped to conform with new angle of attack constraints and left hand turn around the heading alignment cylinder. Also, the entry/TAEM interface was adjusted to minimize guidance induced angle of attack transients across the interface. The approach and landing phase was reshaped for a 20 deg glideslope and reduced velocity at touchdown. The definition of the runway threshold was standardized for all landing sites. This results in a shift at Edwards Air Force Base in aim points and touchdown relative to the threshold of 1000 feet. The rollout remains essentially unchanged with the exception of the speedbrake, which is now deployed to 50 percent at touchdown

    Gamma-Ray Emission from Molecular Clouds Generated by Penetrating Cosmic Rays

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    We analyze the processes governing cosmic-ray (CR) penetration into molecular clouds and the resulting generation of gamma-ray emission. The density of CRs inside a cloud is depleted at lower energies due to the self-excited MHD turbulence. The depletion depends on the effective gas column density ("size") of the cloud. We consider two different environments where the depletion effect is expected to be observed. For the Central Molecular Zone, the expected range of CR energy depletion is E10E\lesssim 10 GeV, leading to the depletion of gamma-ray flux below Eγ2E_\gamma\approx 2 GeV. This effect can be important for the interpretation of the GeV gamma-ray excess in the Galactic Center, which has been revealed from the standard model of CR propagation (assuming the CR spectrum inside a cloud to be equal to the interstellar spectrum). Furthermore, recent observations of some local molecular clouds suggest the depletion of the gamma-ray emission, indicating possible self-modulation of the penetrating low-energy CRs.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Diffuse continuum gamma rays from the Galaxy

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    A new study of the diffuse Galactic gamma-ray continuum radiation is presented, using a cosmic-ray propagation model which includes nucleons, antiprotons, electrons, positrons, and synchrotron radiation. Our treatment of the inverse Compton (IC) scattering includes the effect of anisotropic scattering in the Galactic interstellar radiation field (ISRF) and a new evaluation of the ISRF itself. Models based on locally measured electron and nucleon spectra and synchrotron constraints are consistent with gamma-ray measurements in the 30-500 MeV range, but outside this range excesses are apparent. A harder nucleon spectrum is considered but fitting to gamma rays causes it to violate limits from positrons and antiprotons. A harder interstellar electron spectrum allows the gamma-ray spectrum to be fitted above 1 GeV as well, and this can be further improved when combined with a modified nucleon spectrum which still respects the limits imposed by antiprotons and positrons. A large electron/IC halo is proposed which reproduces well the high-latitude variation of gamma-ray emission. The halo contribution of Galactic emission to the high-latitude gamma-ray intensity is large, with implications for the study of the diffuse extragalactic component and signatures of dark matter. The constraints provided by the radio synchrotron spectral index do not allow all of the <30 MeV gamma-ray emission to be explained in terms of a steep electron spectrum unless this takes the form of a sharp upturn below 200 MeV. This leads us to prefer a source population as the origin of the excess low-energy gamma rays.Comment: Final version accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal (vol. 537, July 10, 2000 issue); Many Updates; 20 pages including 49 ps-figures, uses emulateapj.sty. More details can be found at http://www.gamma.mpe-garching.mpg.de/~aws/aws.htm

    Propagation of cosmic-ray nucleons in the Galaxy

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    We describe a method for the numerical computation of the propagation of primary and secondary nucleons, primary electrons, and secondary positrons and electrons. Fragmentation and energy losses are computed using realistic distributions for the interstellar gas and radiation fields, and diffusive reacceleration is also incorporated. The models are adjusted to agree with the observed cosmic-ray B/C and 10Be/9Be ratios. Models with diffusion and convection do not account well for the observed energy dependence of B/C, while models with reacceleration reproduce this easily. The height of the halo propagation region is determined, using recent 10Be/9Be measurements, as >4 kpc for diffusion/convection models and 4-12 kpc for reacceleration models. For convection models we set an upper limit on the velocity gradient of dV/dz < 7 km/s/kpc. The radial distribution of cosmic-ray sources required is broader than current estimates of the SNR distribution for all halo sizes. Full details of the numerical method used to solve the cosmic-ray propagation equation are given.Comment: 15 pages including 23 ps-figures and 3 tables, latex2e, uses emulateapj.sty (ver. of 11 May 1998, enclosed), apjfonts.sty, timesfonts.sty. To be published in ApJ 1998, v.509 (December 10 issue). More details can be found at http://www.gamma.mpe-garching.mpg.de/~aws/aws.html Some references are correcte

    Balloon-borne radiometer measurement of Northern Hemisphere mid-latitude stratospheric HNO3 profiles spanning 12 years

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    Low-resolution atmospheric thermal emission spectra collected by balloon-borne radiometers over the time span of 1990–2002 are used to retrieve vertical profiles of HNO3, CFC-11 and CFC-12 volume mixing ratios between approximately 10 and 35 km altitude. All of the data analyzed have been collected from launches from a Northern Hemisphere mid-latitude site, during late summer, when stratospheric dynamic variability is at a minimum. The retrieval technique incorporates detailed forward modeling of the instrument and the radiative properties of the atmosphere, and obtains a best fit between modeled and measured spectra through a combination of onion-peeling and global optimization steps. The retrieved HNO3 profiles are consistent over the 12-year period, and are consistent with recent measurements by the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment-Fourier transform spectrometer satellite instrument. This suggests that, to within the errors of the 1990 measurements, there has been no significant change in the HNO3 summer mid-latitude profile

    TEXES Observations of M Supergiants: Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Wind Acceleration

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    We have detected [Fe II] 17.94 um and 24.52 um emission from a sample of M supergiants using TEXES on the IRTF. These low opacity emission lines are resolved at R = 50, 000 and provide new diagnostics of the dynamics and thermodynamics of the stellar wind acceleration zone. The [Fe II] lines, from the first excited term, are sensitive to the warm plasma where energy is deposited into the extended atmosphere to form the chromosphere and wind outflow. These diagnostics complement previous KAO and ISO observations which were sensitive to the cooler and more extended circumstellar envelopes. The turbulent velocities, Vturb is about 12 to 13 km/s, observed in the [Fe II] forbidden lines are found to be a common property of our sample, and are less than that derived from the hotter chromospheric C II] 2325 Angstrom lines observed in alpha Ori, where Vturb is about 17 to 19 km/s. For the first time, we have dynamically resolved the motions of the dominant cool atmospheric component discovered in alpha Ori from multi-wavelength radio interferometry by Lim et al. (1998). Surprisingly, the emission centroids are quite Gaussian and at rest with respect to the M supergiants. These constraints combined with model calculations of the infrared emission line fluxes for alpha Ori imply that the warm material has a low outflow velocity and is located close to the star. We have also detected narrow [Fe I] 24.04 um emission that confirms that Fe II is the dominant ionization state in alpha Ori's extended atmosphere.Comment: 79 pages including 10 figures and 2 appendices. Accepted by Ap

    Production and propagation of cosmic-ray positrons and electrons

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    We have made a new calculation of the cosmic-ray secondary positron spectrum using a diffusive halo model for Galactic cosmic-ray propagation. The code computes self-consistently the spectra of primary and secondary nucleons, primary electrons, and secondary positrons and electrons. The models are first adjusted to agree with the observed cosmic-ray Boron/Carbon ratio, and the interstellar proton and Helium spectra are then computed; these spectra are used to obtain the source function for the secondary positrons/electrons which are finally propagated with the same model parameters. The primary electron spectrum is evaluated, again using the same model. Fragmentation and energy losses are computed using realistic distributions for the interstellar gas and radiation fields, and diffusive reacceleration is also incorporated. Our study includes a critical re-evaluation of the secondary decay calculation for positrons. The predicted positron fraction is in good agreement with the measurements up to 10 GeV, beyond which the observed flux is higher than that calculated. Since the positron fraction is now accurately measured in the 1-10 GeV range our primary electron spectrum should be a good estimate of the true interstellar spectrum in this range, of interest for gamma ray and solar modulation studies. We further show that a harder interstellar nucleon spectrum, similar to that suggested to explain EGRET diffuse Galactic gamma ray observations above 1 GeV, can reproduce the positron observations above 10 GeV without requiring a primary positron component.Comment: 25 pages including 8 figures and 1 table, latex, aaspp4.sty. To be published in ApJ 1998, v.493 (February 1 issue). Details can be found at http://www.gamma.mpe-garching.mpg.de/~aws/aws.htm