1,922 research outputs found

    State of Utah v. Bret Ray Arbon and Kimberly Sue Milligan : Brief of Appellee

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    High resolution measurements of density structures in the Jovian plasma sheet

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    A recent effort to digitize the plasma density by using the low frequency cutoff of trapped continuum radiation in the vicinity of the Jovian plasma sheet has revealed the existence of sharply defined density structures in the plasma sheet. These structures typically have a plasma density which is relatively constant but of order 50 percent greater or less than in the surrounding plasma. At the boundaries of these structures, the transitions from low to high density occur on time scales of about ten seconds, which correspond to spatial dimensions on the order of a few ion Larmor radii. The structures themselves last for intervals from less than a minute to more than five minutes, corresponding to size scales from a fraction of a Jovian radius to more than a Jovian radius, depending of the velocity of the structure relative to the spacecraft. In view of the importance of near corotation plasma flows, these structures are likely to be limited in both the longitudinal and radial dimensions and, therefore, could represent flux tubes with greatly varying plasma content. These observations are presented as among the first to directly address the theoretically proposed interchange instability

    ВИЧ/СПИД-пандемия - так с чем же в действительности мы столкнулись?

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    ВИЧ/СПИД-пандемия — это не отдельный эпидемический процесс, вызванный проникновением в человеческие популяции нового вируса, а одно из проявлений более сложного природного явления — эволюционного процесса, протекающего под маской инфекционного. В эволюционном аспекте ВИЧ играет роль фактора естественного отбора, ускоряющего процессы, определяемые активностью HERV-K (HML-2) и другими эндогенными ретроэлементами (усложнение вида и/или его «расщепление» на дочерние виды). Пандемия ВИЧ/СПИДа — это терминация неадаптивного вида, она имеет критическое значение для нашего существования как биологического вида.ВІЛ/ СНІД-Пандемія — це не окремий епідемічний процес, викликаний проникненням у людські популяції нового вірусу, а одне із проявів більше складного природного явища — еволюційного процесу, що протікає під маскою інфекційного. В еволюційному аспекті ВІЛ відіграє роль фактора природного добору, що прискорює процеси, обумовлені активністю HERV-K (HML-2) і іншими ендогенними ретроэлементами (ускладнення виду й/або його "розщеплення" на дочірні види). Пандемія ВІЛ/СНІД - це терминация не адаптивного виду, вона має критичне значення для нашого існування як біологічного виду.HIV/AIDS pandemic is not the separate epidemic process called by penetration into human populations of a new virus, and one of developments of more comprehensive natural phenomenon - the evolutionary process leaking under a mask infectious. In evolutionary aspect of a HIV plays a role of the factor of natural selection accelerating processes, determined by activity of HERV-K (HML-2) and others retroviridae. HIV/AIDS pandemic is possible termination of non-adaptive biological species

    Kurth v. Wiarda : Brief of Appellee

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    Is the promise of methadone Kenya's solution to managing HIV and addiction? A mixed-method mathematical modelling and qualitative study.

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Promoted globally as an evidence-based intervention in the prevention of HIV and treatment of heroin addiction among people who inject drugs (PWID), opioid substitution treatment (OST) can help control emerging HIV epidemics among PWID. With implementation in December 2014, Kenya is the third Sub-Saharan African country to have introduced OST. We combine dynamic mathematical modelling with qualitative sociological research to examine the 'promise of methadone' to Kenya. METHODS, SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: We model the HIV prevention impact of OST in Nairobi, Kenya, at different levels of intervention coverage. We draw on thematic analyses of 109 qualitative interviews with PWID, and 43 with stakeholders, to chart their narratives of expectation in relation to the promise of methadone. RESULTS: The modelled impact of OST shows relatively slight reductions in HIV incidence (5-10%) and prevalence (2-4%) over 5 years at coverage levels (around 10%) anticipated in the planned roll-out of OST. However, there is a higher impact with increased coverage, with 40% coverage producing a 20% reduction in HIV incidence, even when accounting for relatively high sexual transmissions. Qualitative findings emphasise a culture of 'rationed expectation' in relation to access to care and a 'poverty of drug treatment opportunity'. In this context, the promise of methadone may be narrated as a symbol of hope-both for individuals and community-in relation to addiction recovery. CONCLUSIONS: Methadone offers HIV prevention potential, but there is a need to better model the effects of sexual HIV transmission in mediating the impact of OST among PWID in settings characterised by a combination of generalised and concentrated epidemics. We find that individual and community narratives of methadone as hope for recovery coexist with policy narratives positioning methadone primarily in relation to HIV prevention. Our analyses show the value of mixed methods approaches to investigating newly-introduced interventions

    Are Emotions Perceptions of Value (and Why this Matters)?

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    In Emotions, Values & Agency, Christine Tappolet develops a sophisticated, perceptual theory of emotions and their role in wide range of issues in value theory and epistemology. In this paper, we raise three worries about Tappolet's proposal

    Facilitators and Barriers to Prescribing PreExposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) for the Prevention of HIV

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    Background: What is PrEP and who gets it? PrEP is the use of medication by individuals to prevent HIV contraction, approved in 2012 after demonstrating safety and efficacy in the iPrEx study and Partners PrEP2 trials. HIV infection risk is 92% lower in patients using PrEP. Truvada®, a combination of tenofovir and emtricitabine taken orally daily, is the only approved PrEP regimen and is intended to compliment other prevention strategies such as condoms. HIV negative-individuals at risk for exposure to HIV have been identified as men who have sex with men (MSM), IV drug users, heterosexuals who have unprotected sex with partners of unknown HIV status, and those in serodiscordant relationships. Barriers to PrEP Implementation PrEP is effective when patients adhere; however, both the medical community and some high-risk populations have been slow to adopt it as an HIV prevention strategy. Surveys have shown clinicians perceived barriers to PrEP such as adverse side effects, viral drug resistance, increased high-risk behavior, cost, and training. HIV in Vermont New diagnoses of HIV among Vermont residents has remained relatively stable over the last twenty years. Vermont CARES, a non-profit, offers free and anonymous HIV tests and in-person risk-reduction counseling. Clients are increasingly asking about PrEP as a prevention strategy, but the response from the medical community is difficult to ascertain.https://scholarworks.uvm.edu/comphp_gallery/1235/thumbnail.jp