26 research outputs found

    A note on polydegree (n,1)(n,1) rational inner functions, slice matrices, and singularities

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    We analyze certain compositions of rational inner functions in the unit polydisk Dd\mathbb{D}^{d} with polydegree (n,1)(n,1), nNd1n\in \mathbb{N}^{d-1}, and isolated singularities in Td\mathbb{T}^d. Provided an irreducibility condition is met, such a composition is shown to be a rational inner function with singularities in precisely the same location as those of the initial function, and with quantitatively controlled properties. As an application, we answer a dd-dimensional version of a question posed in \cite{BPS22} in the affirmative.Comment: 10p

    The Political Position of the Knesset in the Constitutional System of Modern Israel

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    The article deals with the political position and the role of the Knesset, the unicameral parliament of modern Israel. In the first instance, the author presents the constitutional status of the Knesset, whose legal basis for activity includes – in the absence of a classic written constitution – the Basic Act on the Knesset from 1958. Further reflections focus on the Knesset’s place in the basic principles of the political system of the State of Israel and show the relationship between the Knesset and the executive. The author draws particular attention to the principles of conducting elections to the Knesset, the status of its members, and both its structure and operation. It also does not overlook the fundamental functions of the parliament, especially its legislative function. The concise analysis of the Knesset’s political position made here, makes it convincingly clear that the Israeli parliament has many specific features and plays a decisive role in the system of Israel’s organs of [email protected]ław Bożyk – profesor nadzwyczajny, kierownik Katedry Prawa Konstytucyjnego Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku.Uniwersytet w BiałymstokuAmit R., Les paradoxes constitutionels: lec as de la constitution israélienne, Paris 2007.Bożyk S., Bezpośrednie wybory premiera w systemie konstytucyjnym Izraela (1992-2001), „Białostockie Studia Prawnicze” 2016, z. 20A.Bożyk S., Izrael, (w:) S. Bożyk, M. Grzybowski (red.), Systemy ustrojowe państw współczesnych, Białystok 2012.Bożyk S., Kneset. Parlament Izraela, Warszawa 2002.Bożyk S., Podział władz w systemie konstytucyjnym Izraela, „Gdańskie Studia Prawnicze” 2014, t. 31.Bożyk S., System konstytucyjny Izraela, Warszawa 2002.Bożyk S., Ustawy zasadnicze Knesetu jako podstawa demokratycznego ustroju Państwa Izrael, (w:) M. Aleksandrowicz, A. Jamróz, L. Jamróz (red.), Demokratyczne państwo prawa. Zagadnienia wybrane, Białystok 2014.Chojnowski A., Tomaszewski J., Izrael, Warszawa 2001.Diskin A., Elections and Voters in Israel, New York 1991.Elazar D.J. (red.), Constitutionalism. The Israeli and American Experiences, Jerusalem 1990.Gallagher M., Mitchell P. (red.), The Politics of Electoral Systems, Oxford 2005.Konstytucja Izraela, wstęp K. Wojtyczek, Warszawa 2001.Likhovski E., Israel’s Parliament, Oxford 1971.Mahler G. S., Kneset. Parlament w systemie politycznym Izraela, Warszawa 1996.Navot S., Constitutional Law of Israel, Alphen aan den Rijn 2007.Navot S., The Constitution of Israel. A Constitutional Analysis, Oxford 2014.Sapir G., The Israeli Constitution: from Evolution to Revolution, New York 2018.Sapir G., Barak-Erez D., Barak A. (red.), Israeli Constitutional Law in Making, Oxford 2013.Wolf-Philips L., The Westminster Model in Israel, „Parliamentary Affairs” 1973, nr 26.Zidon A., Knesset: the Parliament of Israel, New York 1967.24415317

    Clark measures on polydiscs associated to product functions and multiplicative embeddings

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    We study Clark measures on the unit polydisc, giving an overview of recent research and investigating the Clark measures of some new examples of multivariate inner functions. In particular, we study the relationship between Clark measures and multiplication; first by introducing compositions of inner functions and multiplicative embeddings, and then by studying products of one-variable inner functions.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figure

    Proximate Analysis and Organoleptic Properties of therapeutic Kadha tablet for Immunity Booster

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    Kadha is a traditional drink with a variety of medicinal benefits. It has been utilized in India since ancient times, but the corona pandemic 2020 has brought it to the forefront. As we are all aware that prevention is preferable to treatment, improving the body's natural defense system (immunity) is crucial to maintaining good health. Ayurveda, as the science of life, promotes nature's gifts in sustaining health. The medicinal plants play a supplementary role in developing the immune system and fighting deadly viruses including COVID-19. The objective of this study is to evaluate the nutritional content through proximate analysis and organoleptic properties of Kadha tablet for immunity booster. Result showed that it has a good sensory property and nutritional content making it a good choice for consumer for achieving better immunity