18 research outputs found

    IIID: A Detailed Look into System Integration of Material Types Through the Use of 3D Printing

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    This thesis wishes to pursue the potential of 3D printing ornamented designs with the use of shale/clay powder. This material compound, through this research, had been shown to be compliable with 3D printing technology so that it can be sculpted by the tools of the architect into complex geometric “blocks.” These can then be printed and red allowing them to become the tectonic building bricks for a new way of building. Through researching this material, I will demonstrate the usefulness and possibilities of this time-tested substance in the creation of new architectural spaces

    Circular Ocean WP3.1: potential applications of 3D printing (3DP) in the recycling of fishing nets & ropes (FNR's)

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    Working paper for Circular Ocean, a three year project (2015-2018) that aims to inspire communities to realise the hidden economic opportunities of discarded fishing nets and ropes in the Northern Periphery and Arctic region. The Circular Ocean project is funded by the ERDF Interreg VB Northern Periphery and Arctic (NPA) Programme, under Priority Axis 2; Promoting Entrepeneurship to Realise the Potential of the Programme Area's Competitive Advantage

    Digitalisierung als Treiber einer sozial-ökologischen Transformation?

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    Die Umweltpolitische Digitalagenda des Bundesumweltministeriums (BMU) bietet einen anspruchsvollen Einstieg in die politische Gestaltung der Digitalisierung aus der Perspektive einer sozial-ökologischen Transformation, aber greift noch zu kurz

    Lessons from the Russian Invasion of Ukraine in 2022: Moving the World Beyond War

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    Russia’s aggression in Ukraine has shaken the post-war liberal order, originally designed to prevent war in Europe and between advanced industrialised countries. While the mechanisms to avoid drawing neighbouring countries (and their allies) into the conflict appear to be holding, the risk of further escalation between Russia and NATO remains considerable. With deterrence, pre-emption and negotiation having failed, Western efforts have now shifted to actions that apply pressure for Russia to cease hostilities and withdraw all forces from Ukraine. The US and its allies have firmly ruled out direct military intervention, leaving escalating economic sanctions as the primary tool with which to respond to Russia’s actions. While the package of sanctions in place to date is unprecedented (and continuing to expand) it remains unclear whether it will compel Russia to negotiate before achieving a military victory in Ukraine. Regardless of Russian military’s success or failure, or the shape of the eventual compromise the parties may reach, the current crisis provides a number of observations and lessons with deep implications for both the parties involved and for the wider global order. If the world is to pre-empt future bloodshed and move conflicts without war, it will need to learn these lessons and create highly effective penalties on regimes as a deterrence against violence

    Интеграция цифрового искусства в традиционную художественную среду

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    The way of art’s development evolves according to changing picture of the world of humanity.Modern human is surrounded by the sphere of digital technologies. The development of technology expands the horizons of knowledge. The machine becomes an integral part of everyday life. Computer has already become an integral part of fine arts. Into contemporary art appear the prerequisites for the formation of a new Grand style. In this scientific paper was considered and analyzed potential of integration of digital art into traditional art environment. The problem is to show the formation of a new epoch in art that is will be called “digital art”.Все виды искусств на протяжении истории имеют тенденцию эволюционировать относитель-но постоянно меняющейся картины мира человечества. Сегодняшний человек окружен сферой цифровых технологий. Также складываются возможности для их полноценного использования в процессе творчества. Благодаря этому, в современном искусстве складываются предпосылки к формированию нового большого стиля. В данной статьей рассмотрен и проанализирован потенциал интеграции цифровых технологий в традиционную художественную среду. Упор в исследовании сделан именно на визуальные виды искусств, и, как следствие, задачей предстает показать формирование новой эпохи в искусстве, ознаменованной возникновением глобального стиля, который уместно назвать «цифровое искусство» («digital art»

    The Parthenon, March 15, 2013

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    The Parthenon, Marshall University’s student newspaper, is published by students Monday through Friday during the regular semester and weekly Thursday during the summer. The editorial staff is responsible for the news and the editorial content

    Creation of modular 3D assets for videogames

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    Hráči počítačových her mají stále vyšší a vyšší nároky na grafické zpracování herního světa a jeho detaily. Aby jim mohlo být vyhověno, grafici musí neustále upravovat svůj přístup a používané modelovací techniky. Jeden z moderních a populárních přístupů je založen na modularitě a modulárním designu. Přestože tento přístup má spoustu benefitů, přesný popis technik a znalostí spojených s tímto konceptem není stále pevně definovaný. Tato práce poskytuje náhled na různé modelovací techniky, software pro 3D modelování a detailní popis modulárního přístupu aplikovaného v aktuálních počítačových hrách. Kombinací procedurálních modelovacích technik a modulárního designu jsme v programu Houdini připravili několik assetů už pouze čekajících na reálné využití. Dále jsme v Unreal Enginu poskládali testovací scénu a tím získali hlubší přehled o výhodách a nevýhodách použitého přístupu k tvorbě grafiky počítačových her.In order to keep up with the ever-increasing player's demand for higher visual fidelity of game environments, artists are continually implementing new modelling techniques and production methods into their workflow. One popular contemporary approach that has emerged is based on the notion of modular design. Although it offers many benefits for production workflow, the particular techniques and skills associated with this concept are still not well defined. This thesis provides an overview of various modelling techniques, 3D modelling software and thorough discussion of the modular design paradigm applied in computer games. We have combined procedural modelling techniques with the concept of modular design to create several game-ready assets in Houdini. We then assembled a simple test scene in Unreal Engine in order to gain a more in-depth insight into the advantages and disadvantages of the discussed workflow