23 research outputs found

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    Fatigue performance of bonding-assisted fillet weld roots by inserting adhesive material

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    Jiahao M., Mikihito H., Yifei X., et al. Fatigue performance of bonding-assisted fillet weld roots by inserting adhesive material. Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, (2024); https://doi.org/10.1111/ffe.14400.This study proposes a novel method to prevent fatigue cracks at the root of fillet welds in steel bridge supports by inserting epoxy resin as an adhesive material. A total of 36 specimens, categorized into welded-only and bonding-assisted types, were subjected to a series of four-point bending fatigue tests to simulate cyclic tensile stress conditions. Additionally, finite element analysis was employed to investigate the impact of epoxy insertion on stress distribution near the weld root. The results demonstrated that bonding-assisted specimens exhibited significantly improved fatigue life compared to welded-only specimens, with a notable reduction in tensile stress at the weld root. Furthermore, a displacement-based method was employed to evaluate weld root fatigue performance, yielding consistent results. These findings highlight the potential of integrating adhesive bonding in fillet welds to improve the durability and service life of steel bridge structures by effectively mitigating fatigue-related issues

    List of papers published in “Physicochemical Mechanics of Materials” in 2010

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    Methodology for pressure equipment risk assessment based on fracture mechanics and influence of human and organizational factors

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    During the last couple of decades, there was a definitive increase in the need for process safety control due to working conditions and systems becoming more complex, up to a point where the existing methodologies could no longer provide satisfying results. Hence, the topic of this paper involves the development of an original methodology for risk assessment of pressure equipment, based on fracture mechanics and the influence of human and organizational factors. This methodology resulted from the systemization of existing knowledge in the filed of process safety, innovations and integration of existing tools and models for risk assessment, as well as from improvements in working with pressure equipment in general and combining of above approaches with fracture mechanics, which allowed the solving of main issues that existed in these fields. This was achieved by establishing and verifying new methodologies and models, with particular focus on simplicity and adaptability to practical application, along with solving of problems related to the lack of systematic and practical approach to assessing of the influence of human and organizational factors on risk. In order to verify the newly proposed methodology, a case study was conducted in Serbia, related to Bajina Bašta hydropower plant, which confirmed the accuracy and simplicity of the methodology in question. It was shown that the application of this methodology enabled a systematic approach to quantitative risk assessment for pressure equipment in any and all companies which work with such equipment, regardless of their size or field of work. Thus, it was concluded that the proposed methodology has offered valuable insights, both to the scientific and public communities, through its improvement of process safety

    Methodology for pressure equipment risk assessment based on fracture mechanics and influence of human and organizational factors

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    During the last couple of decades, there was a definitive increase in the need for process safety control due to working conditions and systems becoming more complex, up to a point where the existing methodologies could no longer provide satisfying results. Hence, the topic of this paper involves the development of an original methodology for risk assessment of pressure equipment, based on fracture mechanics and the influence of human and organizational factors. This methodology resulted from the systemization of existing knowledge in the filed of process safety, innovations and integration of existing tools and models for risk assessment, as well as from improvements in working with pressure equipment in general and combining of above approaches with fracture mechanics, which allowed the solving of main issues that existed in these fields. This was achieved by establishing and verifying new methodologies and models, with particular focus on simplicity and adaptability to practical application, along with solving of problems related to the lack of systematic and practical approach to assessing of the influence of human and organizational factors on risk. In order to verify the newly proposed methodology, a case study was conducted in Serbia, related to Bajina Bašta hydropower plant, which confirmed the accuracy and simplicity of the methodology in question. It was shown that the application of this methodology enabled a systematic approach to quantitative risk assessment for pressure equipment in any and all companies which work with such equipment, regardless of their size or field of work. Thus, it was concluded that the proposed methodology has offered valuable insights, both to the scientific and public communities, through its improvement of process safety

    Projekt oraz weryfikacja wytrzymałościowa skrzyni akumulatorowej i aparaturowej górniczej maszyny mobilnej

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    W artykule przedstawiono wyniki prac projektowych konstrukcji skrzyń akumulatorowej i aparaturowej, przeznaczonych dla górniczej maszyny mobilnej. Prace realizowano w ramach projektu HYDKOM 75 pt.: „Innowacyjna maszyna mobilna z uniwersalnym układem napędu elektrycznego, podwyższającym poziom bezpieczeństwa technicznego" współfinansowanego ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego. Projekt jest realizowany na podstawie umowy o dofinansowanie z Narodowym Centrum Badań i Rozwoju w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Innowacyjny Rozwój, Działanie 4.1.2 Regionalne agendy naukowo-badawcze. Współwykonawcą projektu jest przedsiębiorstwo Hydrotech SA. W artykule omówiono budowę skrzyń oraz przedstawiono wyniki weryfikacji wytrzymałościowej metodą elementów skończonych. Przedstawiono wymagania formalno-prawne oraz warunki niezbędne do spełnienia wymagań zasadniczych ujętych w Dyrektywie ATEX

    Basel III as a Response to Shortcomings in Banking Regulation and Supervision and its Impact on the Banking Sector of the European Union and the Czech Republic

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    Import 11/07/2012Cílem diplomové práce je objasnit komplexní obraz o vývoji bankovní regulace a dohledu v Evropské unii a České republice před a po nedávné světové finanční krizi a dále posoudit dopady nových pravidel přijatých na základě dohody o kapitálových požadavcích Basel III na český bankovní sektor. Práce se skládá ze čtyř částí a byly v ní použity metody deskripce a analýzy a doplňujícími metodami jsou metoda klasifikace a indukce. Bankovní regulace a dohled a jejich budoucí podoba je jedno z nejdiskutovanějších témat od doby propuknutí krize mezi ekonomy, politiky, národními i mezinárodními institucemi zabývajícími se bankovní regulací a dohledem. Všechny tyto subjekty se shodnou na tom, že bankovní regulace a dohled je nezbytně nutná, ale diskutabilní zůstává její míra a pravidla. Reakcí na nedostatky v bankovní regulaci a dohledu je nová dohoda o kapitálové přiměřenosti Basel III, vydaná Basilejským výborem pro bankovní dohled. Zavedení nových pravidel zakotvených v této dohodě by mělo pomoci předcházet a zmírnit nepříznivé dopady možných budoucích finančních krizí nebo jen lehčích hospodářských výkyvů.The aim of this thesis is to clarify the complex picture of the development of the banking regulation and the supervision in the European Union and the Czech Republic before and after the recent global financial crisis and to assess the impacts of the new rules of Basel III on the Czech banking sector adopted on base of the capital requirements. The thesis consists of four parts and there were used the description and analysis methods and there were used classification and induction as a additional methods. Banking regulation and supervision and their future shape are one of the most discussed topics among economists, politicians, national and international institutions engaged in banking regulation and supervision since the crisis erupted . All these subjects argree with the idea that banking regulation and supervision is necessary, but their intensity and rules are questionable. The reacition on the deficiencies in banking regulation and supervision is a new agreement of capital adequacy Basel III, issued by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. The introduction of new rules contained in this agreement should help to prevent and to mitigate of the adverse impacts of possible future financial crises or only of the mild economic fluctuations.156 - Katedra národohospodářskávelmi dobř

    Committee of European Banking Supervisors Annual Report 2009

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