29 research outputs found

    Skin Prick Test Reactivity in Patients with Chronic Eczematous External Otitis

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    ObjectivesTo investigate the incidence of skin prick test (SPT) positivity in patients with eczematous external otitis.MethodsForty-six patients with eczematous external otitis and forty-four healthy volunteers were included in the study. All the patients were skin-tested by prick test. Reactions were assessed by the degree of redness and swelling and the size of the wheal produced.ResultsAccording to SPT positivity and total immunoglobulin E values, the difference between the study and the control groups was statistically significant (P<0.05). The most common skin reactions were against to mites and grasses in this study.ConclusionEczematous external otitis is perhaps the most difficult to treat of all forms of external otitis because the provocative agents usually remain undiagnosed. Patients suffering from eczematous external otitis symptoms should be investigated for allergens and be informed for prevention of the causative agents. SPT might be performed in cases of prolonged or treatment-resistant external otitis

    Ash pollen count in the air of selected Polish cities in 2017

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    The aim of the study was to compare the pollen season of ash in Bialystok, Bydgoszcz, Cracow, Drawsko Pomorskie, Lublin, Olsztyn, Sosnowiec, Szczecin, Warsaw, Wroclaw and Zielona Gora in 2017 year. Measurements of pollen concentration were performed by the use of volumetric method (Burkard or Lanzoni pollen sampler). The pollen season of ash started in all measurement sites in the last week of March and first week of April. The peak values of seasonal pollen count occurred between 31st March and 10th April in all cities. The highest concentration of 772 pollen grains × m-3 was noted in Cracow, and the lowest of 45 pollen grains × m-3 in Bialystok. The risk of pollen allergy because of the presence in the air the high concentrations of ash pollen grains was the biggest in Cracow (10 days) and in Zielona Gora (9 days). The highest annual sum (SPI, Seasonal Pollen Index) of ash pollen grains was recorded in Cracow (1928), and it was over 9 times higher than in Bialystok (218)

    Application of contemporary ARIA guidelines in treating allergic rhinitis in children

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    Cilj Cilj je ovoga rada prikazati primjenu suvremenih dijagnostičkih i terapijskih postupaka u zbrinjavanju alergijskoga rinitisa (AR), prema smjernicama ARIA, a od strane otorinolaringologa i pedijatra u Općoj bolnici Vukovar. Bolesnici i metode U otorinolaringološku ambulantu bilo je upućeno 92 djece od strane pedijatra, pod sumnjom da je riječ o AR, sa simptomima kao što su ovi: nosna opstrukcija, pojačana sekrecija, kihanje i svrbež nosa. Pacijenti su dalje bili podvrgnuti sljedećim pretragama: SPT, obrisak nosa na eozinofile, ECP, ukupni IgE, specifični IgE, objektivni ORL pregled, uključujući i endoskopiju nosa. Ove su pretrage učinjene prije, i nakon liječenja u trajanju od mjesec dana. Analizirali smo uspjeh liječenja u odnosu na izgled sluznice i stupanj nazočnosti simptoma bolesti. Rezultati Na samom početku liječenja prosječna vrijednost ukupnih IgE bila je 58,59 KIU/1, ECP 12,6 KIU/1, što je ukazivalo na visoki stupanj prosječne senzibiliziranosti, kao i visok stupanj opće alergijske reakcije organizma. Veliki je broj djece bio senzibiliziran na grinje (N=74, 80,34%), slično kao i na ambroziju (N=32, 34,78%) i pelud trava (N=42, 45,67%). Rezultati liječenja pokazali su značajno poboljšanje svih parametara sluznice, kao i smanjenje simptoma. Zaključak Korištenjem suvremenih dijagnostičkih i terapeutskih postupaka i u svijetu prihvaćenih smjernica ARIA u liječenju AR-a, otorinolaringolozi i pedijatri Opće bolnice Vukovar ostvarili su značajne rezultate u smanjenju simptoma te poboljšanju objektivnoga nalaza i kvalitete života vezane uz zdravlje oboljele djece.Idea The aim of the study was to present the results of contemporary, world-wide accepted diagnostic and therapeutic doctrines in treating AR used by pediatricians and ENT specialists in General Hospital Vukovar, Croatia. Method 92 children were referred by their pediatricians as AR suspects, with symptoms like nasal obstruction, hypersecretion, sneezing and itching to ENT outpatient unit. These patients were further submitted to the following tests: SPT, Eo nasal mucosal test, total and specific IgE, ECP, ENT exam, nasal endoscopy. These exams were performed both before and after the ARIA-guidelines treatment which had lasted for one month. We analyzed the effectiveness of this treatment regarding the nasal mucosa status and the symptoms. Results At the very start of the treatment the average RIST was 58,59, ECP 12,6, proving high average sensibilisation and high allergic activity. A large number of children were sensitive to house dust mite (N=74, 80,34%), as well as to ambrosia (N=32, 34,78%) and to grass pollen (N=42, 45,67%). Results of the therapy have shown the improvement regarding almost all symptoms and objective parameters. Conclusion By using modem diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, ENT specialists and pediatricians have obtained a noticeable relief of symptoms as well as the improvement of quality of life in children treated in Vukovar

    A new instrument for measuring the viscoelastic properties of dilute polymer solutions

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    The oscillating bubble method

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