1,195 research outputs found

    Profile of Clients Seeking Consultation at Yoga Therapy Department: A Cross Sectional Study

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    It is estimated that between 10% and 30% of the general practice population are mentally or emotionally disturbed. Physical complaints, multiple aches and pains are construed as signs and symptoms of stress. Although yoga is considered as beneficial, any hidden psychiatric morbidity may go undetected and thus untreated. Thus the aim of this study was to obtain an estimate of hidden psychiatric morbidity in clients seeking consultation at the Department of Yoga. Fifty respondents were administered Life Satisfaction Scale and General Health Questionnaire-12. Majority were females, younger, graduates, married and also scored above the cut off on GHQ, suggesting minor psychiatric disorder/distress; reasons for consultation were related to being over weight, stress, aches and pains, poor concentration. A significant number of persons reported of some dissatisfaction in life. The perceived benefits were related to reducing symptoms, stress, weight, relaxation and improvement in concentration and memory

    Antimicrobial activity and phytochemicals of Solanum trilobatum Linn.

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    In this study, aqueous methanol and n-butanol extracts of aerial parts of Solanum trilobatum L. (Solanaceae) were tested for antimicrobial activity by disc diffusion method. From the results, it was found that extracts from leaves, flowers, stem and fruits revealed antimicrobial activity against Gram (+) and Gram (-) bacteria. Maximal antibacterial activity was seen against Klebsiella with aqueous extract whereas methanol extract of stem showed maximal activity against Staphylococcus aureus. TheMinimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) exhibited by S. trilobatum aqueous extracts against tested organisms ranged between 0.06-0.5 mg/ml. Presence of tannins, saponins, flavanoides, phenoliccompounds, cardiac glycosides and carbohydrates indicates S. trilobatum, is one of the potential medicinal plant for therapeutic use

    Complex free energy landscapes in biaxial nematics and role of repulsive interactions : A Wang - Landau study

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    General quadratic Hamiltonian models, describing interaction between crystal molecules (typically with D2hD_{2h} symmetry) take into account couplings between their uniaxial and biaxial tensors. While the attractive contributions arising from interactions between similar tensors of the participating molecules provide for eventual condensation of the respective orders at suitably low temperatures, the role of cross-coupling between unlike tensors is not fully appreciated. Our recent study with an advanced Monte Carlo technique (entropic sampling) showed clearly the increasing relevance of this cross term in determining the phase diagram, contravening in some regions of model parameter space, the predictions of mean field theory and standard Monte Carlo simulation results. In this context, we investigated the phase diagrams and the nature of the phases therein, on two trajectories in the parameter space: one is a line in the interior region of biaxial stability believed to be representative of the real systems, and the second is the extensively investigated parabolic path resulting from the London dispersion approximation. In both the cases, we find the destabilizing effect of increased cross-coupling interactions, which invariably result in the formation of local biaxial organizations inhomogeneously distributed. This manifests as a small, but unmistakable, contribution of biaxial order in the uniaxial phase.The free energy profiles computed in the present study as a function of the two dominant order parameters indicate complex landscapes, reflecting the difficulties in the ready realization of the biaxial phase in the laboratory.Comment: 23 pages, 12 figure

    Biographical Thoughts of Pattinapalai

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    Pattinapalai is one of the literatures that testifies to the life lived by the ancient Tamil people. This book is composed by the poet Uruthirakannanar. The specialty of the ancient Chola country, its wealth, the heroic deeds of Charikalan and the way of life of the people are highlighted. The song is set at 301 feet. Pattinapalai is the epitome of the charcoal Chola specialty of Kavirippoompattinam. Sangam literature holds a unique place in the creative context of Tamil literary history. The Sangakkala people can be discriminated against as natural morality because they lived with natural morality and as heroic age because of the emphasis on heroic sentiments. Songs are a mixture of literature and life. Sangakkala songs are also known as people's life songs. Most of them are spontaneous poems that express their innermost feelings. The study is set to explore the emotions of the poets, the lifestyles of the people, and the thoughts of life

    Heuristic Optimization Algorithm with Ensemble Learning Model for Intelligent Intrusion Detection and Classification

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    Intrusion Detection (ID) for network security prevents and detects malicious behaviours or unauthorized activities that occurs in the network. An ID System (IDS) refers to a safety tool that monitors events or network traffic for responding to and identifying illegal access attempts or malevolent activities. IDS had a vital role in network security by finding and alerting security teams or administrators about security breaches or potential intrusions. Machine Learning (ML) methods are utilized for ID by training methods for recognizing behaviours and patterns linked with intrusions. Deep Learning (DL) methods are implemented to learn complicated representations and patterns in network data. DL methods have witnessed promising outcomes in identifying network intrusions by automatically learning discriminatory features from raw network traffic. This article presents a new Teaching and Learning based Optimization with Ensemble Learning Model for Intelligent Intrusion Detection and Classification (TLBOEL-IDC) technique. The presented TLBOEL-IDC method mainly detects and classifies the intrusions in the network. To attain this, the TLBOEL-IDC method primarily preprocesses the input networking data. Besides, the TLBOEL-IDC technique involves the design of an ensemble classifier by the integration of three DL models called Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU), and Bidirectional LSTM (BLSTM). Moreover, the hyperparameter tuning of the DL models takes place using the TLBO approach that improves the overall ID outputs. The simulation assessment of the TLBOEL-IDC approach takes place on a benchmark dataset and the outputs are measured under various factors. The comparative evaluation emphasized the best accomplishment of the TLBOEL-IDC technique over other present models by means of diverse metrics
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