
Profile of Clients Seeking Consultation at Yoga Therapy Department: A Cross Sectional Study


It is estimated that between 10% and 30% of the general practice population are mentally or emotionally disturbed. Physical complaints, multiple aches and pains are construed as signs and symptoms of stress. Although yoga is considered as beneficial, any hidden psychiatric morbidity may go undetected and thus untreated. Thus the aim of this study was to obtain an estimate of hidden psychiatric morbidity in clients seeking consultation at the Department of Yoga. Fifty respondents were administered Life Satisfaction Scale and General Health Questionnaire-12. Majority were females, younger, graduates, married and also scored above the cut off on GHQ, suggesting minor psychiatric disorder/distress; reasons for consultation were related to being over weight, stress, aches and pains, poor concentration. A significant number of persons reported of some dissatisfaction in life. The perceived benefits were related to reducing symptoms, stress, weight, relaxation and improvement in concentration and memory

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