64,457 research outputs found

    Merging White Dwarfs and Thermonuclear Supernovae

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    Thermonuclear supernovae result when interaction with a companion reignites nuclear fusion in a carbon-oxygen white dwarf, causing a thermonuclear runaway, a catastrophic gain in pressure, and the disintegration of the whole white dwarf. It is usually thought that fusion is reignited in near-pycnonuclear conditions when the white dwarf approaches the Chandrasekhar mass. I briefly describe two long-standing problems faced by this scenario, and our suggestion that these supernovae instead result from mergers of carbon-oxygen white dwarfs, including those that produce sub-Chandrasekhar mass remnants. I then turn to possible observational tests, in particular those that test the absence or presence of electron captures during the burning.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figures, accepted for publication in Phil. Tr. A, proc. of New windows on transients across the Universe, ed. P. O'Brien et al.; v2 includes changes following comments by the 2 referee

    Observation of sub-Poisson photon statistics in the cavity-QED microlaser

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    We have measured the second-order correlation function of the cavity-QED microlaser output and observed a transition from photon bunching to antibunching with increasing average number of intracavity atoms. The observed correlation times and the transition from super- to sub-Poisson photon statistics can be well described by gain-loss feedback or enhanced/reduced restoring action against fluctuations in photon number in the context of a quantum microlaser theory and a photon rate equation picture. However, the theory predicts a degree of antibunching several times larger than that observed, which may indicate the inadequacy of its treatment of atomic velocity distributions.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Electronic structure and magnetic properties of Gd-doped and Eu-rich EuO

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    The effects of Gd doping and O vacancies on the magnetic interaction and Curie temperature of EuO are studied using first-principles calculations. Linear response calculations in the virtual crystal approximation show a broad maximum in the Curie temperature as a function of doping, which results from the combination of the saturating contribution from indirect exchange and a decreasing contribution from the f-d hopping mechanism. Non-Heisenberg interaction at low doping levels and its effect on the Curie temperature are examined. The electronic structure of a substitutional Gd and of an O vacancy in EuO are evaluated. When the 4f spins are disordered, the impurity state goes from single to double occupation, but correlated bound magnetic polarons are not ruled out. At higher vacancy concentrations typical for Eu-rich EuO films, the impurity states broaden into bands and remain partially filled. To go beyond the homogeneous doping picture, magnetostructural cluster expansions are constructed, which describe the modified exchange parameters near Gd dopants or O vacancies. Thermodynamic properties are studied using Monte Carlo simulations. The Curie temperature for Gd-doped EuO agrees with the results of the virtual crystal approximation and shows a maximum of about 150 K. At 3.125% vacancy concentration the Curie temperature increases to 120 K, consistent with experimental data for Eu-rich film samples.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures, under review in Physical Review

    EVN detection of a compact radio source as a counterpart to Fermi J1418+3541

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    Fermi J1418+3541 is a suspected blazar recently detected as a flaring gamma-ray point source, identified with likely radio, optical and infrared counterparts within the Fermi LAT error circle. We detected the proposed radio counterpart of Fermi J1418+3541 with the European VLBI Network (EVN), in real-time e-VLBI mode at 5 GHz on 2013 Jan 16 (project code RSF07). The source is dominated by a compact radio core, practically unresolved on intercontinental baselines from Europe to South Africa

    Four hot DOGs eaten up with the EVN

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    Hot dust-obscured galaxies (hot DOGs) are a rare class of hyperluminous infrared galaxies recently identified with the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) satellite. The majority of the ~1000-member all-sky population should be at high redshifts (z~2-3), at the peak of star formation in the history of the Universe. This class most likely represents a short phase during galaxy merging and evolution, a transition from starburst- to AGN-dominated phases. For the first time, we observed four hot DOGs with known mJy-level radio emission using the European VLBI Network (EVN) at 1.7 GHz, in a hope to find compact radio features characteristic to AGN activity. All four target sources are detected at ~15-30 mas angular resolution, confirming the presence of an active nucleus. The sources are spatially resolved, i.e. the flux density of the VLBI-detected components is smaller than the total flux density, suggesting that a fraction of the radio emission originates from larger-scale (partly starburst-related) activity. Here we show the preliminary results of our e-EVN observations made in 2014 February, and discuss WISE J1814+3412, an object with kpc-scale symmetric radio structure, in more detail.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure; appears in the proceedings of the 12th European VLBI Network Symposium and Users Meeting (7-10 October 2014, Cagliari, Italy), eds. A. Tarchi, M. Giroletti & L. Feretti. JREF Proceedings of Science, PoS(EVN 2014)003, http://pos.sissa.it/archive/conferences/230/003/EVN%202014_003.pd
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