3,672 research outputs found

    Application of Cryogenic Treatment to Extend the Life of the TiAlN-Coated Tungsten Carbide Milling Cutter

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    Cutting tools are important to the manufacturing industry since they will affect production efficiency and product quality. Cryogenic treatment can improve the material properties by decreasing residual stress, stabilizing dimensional accuracy, and increasing wear resistance. The purpose of this study is to investigate the feasibility and effect of cryogenic treatment on the performance of TiAlN-coated tungsten carbide milling cutters for machining the Inconel alloy 625 in terms of different testing methods (e.g., hardness, wear resistance, residual stress, microstructure, and tool life test). Experimental results indicate that after cryogenic treatment there is less wear, the microstructure is denser, residual stress is decreased, the adhesion of coating and tungsten carbide is improved, and the tool life is effectively improved

    Mechanical and SEM analysis of artificial comet nucleus samples

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    Since 1987 experiments dealing with comet nucleus phenomena have been carried out in the DFVLR space simulation chambers. The main objective of these experiments is a better understanding of thermal behavior, surface phenomena and especially the gas dust interaction. As a function of different sample compositions and exposure to solar irradiation (xenon-bulbs) crusts of different hardness and thickness were measured. The measuring device consists of a motor driven pressure foot (5 mm diameter), which is pressed into the sample. The applied compressive force is electronically monitored. The microstructure of the crust and dust residuals is investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) techniques. Stress-depth profiles of an unirradiated and an irradiated model comet are given

    Thermodynamic curvature measures interactions

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    Thermodynamic fluctuation theory originated with Einstein who inverted the relation S=kBlnΩS=k_B\ln\Omega to express the number of states in terms of entropy: Ω=exp(S/kB)\Omega= \exp(S/k_B). The theory's Gaussian approximation is discussed in most statistical mechanics texts. I review work showing how to go beyond the Gaussian approximation by adding covariance, conservation, and consistency. This generalization leads to a fundamentally new object: the thermodynamic Riemannian curvature scalar RR, a thermodynamic invariant. I argue that R|R| is related to the correlation length and suggest that the sign of RR corresponds to whether the interparticle interactions are effectively attractive or repulsive.Comment: 29 pages, 7 figures (added reference 27

    Measurement of Cosmic-ray Muons and Muon-induced Neutrons in the Aberdeen Tunnel Underground Laboratory

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    We have measured the muon flux and production rate of muon-induced neutrons at a depth of 611 m water equivalent. Our apparatus comprises three layers of crossed plastic scintillator hodoscopes for tracking the incident cosmic-ray muons and 760 L of gadolinium-doped liquid scintillator for producing and detecting neutrons. The vertical muon intensity was measured to be Iμ=(5.7±0.6)×106I_{\mu} = (5.7 \pm 0.6) \times 10^{-6} cm2^{-2}s1^{-1}sr1^{-1}. The yield of muon-induced neutrons in the liquid scintillator was determined to be Yn=(1.19±0.08(stat)±0.21(syst))×104Y_{n} = (1.19 \pm 0.08 (stat) \pm 0.21 (syst)) \times 10^{-4} neutrons/(μ\mu\cdotg\cdotcm2^{-2}). A fit to the recently measured neutron yields at different depths gave a mean muon energy dependence of Eμ0.76±0.03\left\langle E_{\mu} \right\rangle^{0.76 \pm 0.03} for liquid-scintillator targets.Comment: 14 pages, 17 figures, 3 table

    Stratigraphy around the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary in sediment cores from the Lord Howe Rise, Southwest Pacific

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    During Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Leg 21, Cenozoic and latest Cretaceous sediments were recovered at Site 208 on the Lord Howe Rise, Southwest Pacific. We provide new biostratigraphic, magnetostratigraphic and chemostratigraphic data from Site 208 to constrain the stratigraphy around the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) boundary and to determine the depth of the K-Pg boundary more precisely. Biostratigraphic data from calcareous nannofossils indicate a near-continuous succession of sediments from the mid-Maastrichtian (Late Cretaceous) to lowermost Thanetian (Paleocene) at depths of 540−590 m below seafloor (mbsf). The biostratigraphic data suggest that the K-Pg boundary corresponds to a siliceous claystone at the base of an interval of silicified sediments (576.0−576.8 mbsf). Carbonate carbon isotopic composition (δ^{13}_{Ccarb}) reveals a negative shift across this interval, which is consistent with global patterns of δ^{13}C across the K-Pg boundary. Osmium concentration and Os isotopic composition ({187}^Os/{188}^Os) can also be used to identify the K-Pg boundary interval, as it is marked by a peak in Os concentration and a drop in 187^{Os}/{188}^Os values to 0.12−0.15, both of which are the result of the Chicxulub impact event. Our {187}^Os/{188}^Os data show trends similar to those of coeval global seawater with the lowest value of 0.12−0.16 in the siliceous claystone (576.8 mbsf). However, the concentration of Os is low (<80 pg g^{−1}) in this sample, which suggests that this siliceous claystone was deposited around the K-Pg boundary but may not include the boundary itself. Although the sedimentary record across the K-Pg interval at Site 208 may not be completely continuous, it nevertheless captures a time interval that is close to the Chicxulub impact event

    Long-lived neutral-kaon flux measurement for the KOTO experiment

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    The KOTO (K0K^0 at Tokai) experiment aims to observe the CP-violating rare decay KLπ0ννˉK_L \rightarrow \pi^0 \nu \bar{\nu} by using a long-lived neutral-kaon beam produced by the 30 GeV proton beam at the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex. The KLK_L flux is an essential parameter for the measurement of the branching fraction. Three KLK_L neutral decay modes, KL3π0K_L \rightarrow 3\pi^0, KL2π0K_L \rightarrow 2\pi^0, and KL2γK_L \rightarrow 2\gamma were used to measure the KLK_L flux in the beam line in the 2013 KOTO engineering run. A Monte Carlo simulation was used to estimate the detector acceptance for these decays. Agreement was found between the simulation model and the experimental data, and the remaining systematic uncertainty was estimated at the 1.4\% level. The KLK_L flux was measured as (4.183±0.017stat.±0.059sys.)×107(4.183 \pm 0.017_{\mathrm{stat.}} \pm 0.059_{\mathrm{sys.}}) \times 10^7 KLK_L per 2×10142\times 10^{14} protons on a 66-mm-long Au target.Comment: 27 pages, 16 figures. To be appeared in Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physic

    Search for the decay KL03γK_L^0 \rightarrow 3\gamma

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    We performed a search for the decay KL03γK_L^0 \rightarrow 3\gamma with the E391a detector at KEK. In the data accumulated in 2005, no event was observed in the signal region. Based on the assumption of KL03γK_L^0 \rightarrow 3\gamma proceeding via parity-violation, we obtained the single event sensitivity to be (3.23±0.14)×108(3.23\pm0.14)\times10^{-8}, and set an upper limit on the branching ratio to be 7.4×1087.4\times10^{-8} at the 90% confidence level. This is a factor of 3.2 improvement compared to the previous results. The results of KL03γK_L^0 \rightarrow 3\gamma proceeding via parity-conservation were also presented in this paper

    Search for CP violation in tau -> K^0_S pi nu_tau decays at Belle

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    We report on a search for CP violation in tau -> K^0_S pi nu_tau decays using a data sample of 699 fb^{-1} collected in the Belle experiment at the KEKB electron-positron asymmetric-energy collider. The CP asymmetry is measured in four bins of the invariant mass of the K^0_S pi system and found to be compatible with zero with a precision of O(10^{-3}) in each mass bin. Limits for the CP violation parameter Im(eta_S) are given at a 90 % confidence level. These limits are |Im(eta_S)|<0.026 or better, depending on the parameterization used to describe the hadronic form factors and improve upon previous limits by one order of magnitude