541 research outputs found

    Quiver CFT at strong coupling

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    The circular Wilson loop in the two-node quiver CFT is computed at large-N and strong 't Hooft coupling by solving the localization matrix model.Comment: 30 pages, 6 figures; v2: misprints correcte

    Algebraic Curves for Integrable String Backgrounds

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    Many Ramond-Ramond backgrounds which arise in the AdS/CFT correspondence are described by integrable sigma-models. The equations of motion for classical spinning strings in these backgrounds are exactly solvable by finite-gap integration techniques. We review the finite-gap integral equations and algebraic curves for coset sigma-models, and then apply the results to the AdS(d+1) backgrounds with d=4,3,2,1.Comment: 33 pages, 8 figures, talk at "Gauge Fields. Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow", Moscow, 19-24.01.2010; v2: misprints in (4.8), (4.13) corrected, discussion of the quantum Bethe equations expande

    Collective field approach to gauged principal chiral field at large N

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    The lattice model of principal chiral field interacting with the gauge fields, which have no kinetic term, is considered. This model can be regarded as a strong coupling limit of lattice gauge theory at finite temperature. The complete set of equations for collective field variables is derived in the large N limit and the phase structure of the model is studied.Comment: LaTex (no figures), preprint SMI-94-7, 10 p

    String Breaking from Ladder Diagrams in SYM Theory

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    The AdS/CFT correspondence establishes a string representation for Wilson loops in N=4 SYM theory at large N and large 't Hooft coupling. One of the clearest manifestations of the stringy behaviour in Wilson loop correlators is the string-breaking phase transition. It is shown that resummation of planar diagrams without internal vertices predicts the strong-coupling phase transtion in exactly the same setting in which it arises from the string representation.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures; v2: misprint in eq. (3.9) corrected; v4: treatment of inhomogeneous term in the Dyson equation modifie

    Level Crossing in Random Matrices: I. Random perturbation of a fixed matrix

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    We consider level crossing in a matrix family H=H0+λVH=H_0+\lambda V where H0H_0 is a fixed N×NN\times N matrix and VV belongs to one of the standard Gaussian random matrix ensembles. We study the probability distribution of level crossing points in the complex plane of λ\lambda, for which we obtain a number of exact, asymptotic and approximate formulas.Comment: 35 pages, 16 figures; v2: Introduction and sec. 3.3 expanded, refs. adde
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