82 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Komunikasi Antar Pribadi Dan Kualitas Produk Terhadap Motivasi Kerja (Studi Kasus Pada Multi Level Marketing Perusahaan Tianshi)

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    The rise of the networked enterprises, including the company Tianshi has made more than 4 million Indonesian listed as direct sales distributor. In doing this sale, face to face communication was very effective to changed attitudes, opinions and behavior of a person. This study was a quantitative and it had three variables: Variable X1 was interpersonal communication, Variable X2 was a quality product, and variable Y was the motivation to work. From the research, it's known that the knowledge of the quality and benefits of a product would encourage other people (potential consumers) to buy a product. From the research, it could be concluded that there was a significant influence of interpersonal communication sponsor on the motivation to work among network members. This was due to the good relationship between sponsors and their members. Sponsors who were able to create a pleasant atmosphere as well as deliver interesting messages to the members would make the members understand any information submitte

    Several Physical Properties of Eucalyptus Pellita F. Muell From Different Provenances and Sampling Position on Tree

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    Eucalyptus pellita F. Muell is one of the species selected for the development of the plantation forest in Indonesia. In order to obtain a superior plant for the continuity of the plantation forest program, various tree breeding techniques are often applied, one of which is through best provenance selection. Conventional or advanced tree breeding program generally aims to obtain a fast-growing plant with good physical appearance. The program rarely gives attention to the properties/characteristics of timber produced. This aspect becomes the main background of this particular study which aims to investigate the effect of four provenances and also to examine the effect of sampling position on the trees on several physical properties of E. pellita. The result showed that the highest moisture content (97.34 + 15.67%) was found in the bottom part of trees from Indonesia provenance. While, the highest air-dry moisture content (15.15 + 0.20%) was observed in the top-part samples from Provenance North Kiriwo PNG. Samples from Provenance Serisa Village PNG have the highest density ranges, approximately 590 + 90 kg/m3 and 630 + 80 kg/m3 in the bottom-part samples and in the top-part samples, respectively. The highest T/R ratio, approximately 1.91 + 0.26, was observed in the bottom-part samples from Provenance South Kiriwa, PNG. The T/R ratio values of all provenances were less than 2, indicating the lumber will be possibly stable during its uses or further processing. Further result showed provenance factor significantly affect initial moisture content and density. Sampling position on trees only affect affects the initial moisture content. Based on the results, the timber of E. pellita being examined can be further used for light-to-medium construction purpose

    Economic valuation of ecosystem services trade-offs of tilapia cage culture farm and native capture fisheries in Lake Maninjau, Indonesia

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    Research on the effects of cage aquaculture on native fish populations has revealed its negative and positive impacts. However, a separate analysis of its ecological and economic effects creates incomplete information for the decision-makers. Moreover, the inadequacy of time series data has caused challenges to knowledge-based decision-making in establishing new cage aquaculture sites, especially in low-middle income countries. We use the ecosystem services (ES) framework to analyse the synergy and trade-off of cage aquaculture to a native fish species, Gobiopterus sp. in Lake Maninjau, Indonesia, as an effort to provide comprehensive information to support local decision-makers and to fill the information gap. We engaged some modelling techniques such as the Maximum Entropy Model (MaxEnt) validated with field survey data, Bayesian Networks (BN), and Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) in this research. The results show that cage aquaculture provides habitat services for the species and temporary forgone fish production due to the accelerated sulfur upwelling. The economic value of habitat provision reached 74,500 IDR per year per cage or 1,128 million IDR per year in 2017. Further, the average value of the forgone benefit of fish production in the current cage aquaculture business extends from more than 550 million IDR per year in the dry season to almost 600 million IDR per year in the rainy season. The results indicate that the negative impacts of cage aquaculture on the native fish population outweigh its benefit. The recommendation for management actions includes applying alternative aquaculture techniques and other technological interventions.</p

    Honeycombing and Deformation of Six Wood Species and Their Relationship with Several Physical

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    It is presumed that the wood susceptibility to drying defects is related to several physical properties. This paper examines the drying defects: honeycombing and deformation of six wood species (trema, fast growing teak, bayur, jabon, angsana and lamtoro) during high temperature drying and analyses their relationship with initial moisture content, T/R shrinkage ratio and density. Terazawa method was used to examine the defect during high temperature drying. Result shows that after high temperature drying, lamtoro suffers the worst honeycombing (level 4-6), and fast growing teak deforms severely (level 4-6). Regression analysis shows multiple regression models using all physical properties as predictors provides better estimation on deformation and honeycombing than single-predictor regression models. The multiple regression model for each defect could explain 57.52% and 39.46% of variation in deformation and honeycombing, respectively

    Analisis Kelayakan Ekonomi Antara Penggunaan Kendaraan Sendiri Dan Kendaraan Sewa Untuk Pendistribusian Produk (Studi Kasus PT. Arthawenasakti Gemilang Malang)

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    PT. Arthawenasakti Gemilang Malang mengalami permasalahan membuat keputusan penggunaan kendaraan untuk pendistribusian produknya. PT. Arthawenasakti Gemilang memiliki dua alternatif moda pendistribusian, yaitu penggunaan kendaraan sendiri dan kendaraan sewa. Selama ini seringkali digunakan jasa persewaan apabila moda pendistribusian yang dimiliki tidak mencukupi. Seiring pertumbuhan permintaan pelanggan, Perusahaan harus memikirkan ketersediaan moda pendistribusian produk dari alternatif membeli kendaraan baru atau menggunakan jasa persewaan. Penelitian menganalisa keputusan pemilihan moda pendistribusian dengan pertimbangan perbandingan manfaat dan biaya. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) menganalisis nilai manfaat dari aspek non finansial sesuai kriteria manfaat yang diharapkan. Net Present Value (NPV) menganalisis biaya operasional dari aspek finansial. Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) memberikan analisis komparasi alternatif keputusan yang paling layak. Hasil analisis komparasi menunjukkan nilai BCR alternatif penggunaan kendaraan sendiri 1,37 x 10-8 manfaat/ juta rupiah, sedangkan nilai BCR altenatif penggunaan kendaraan sewa 2,04 x 10-8 manfaat/ juta rupiah. Hasil penelitian merekomendasikan alternatif penggunaan kendaraan sewa menguntungkan Perusahaan
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