70 research outputs found

    Experimental study of formwork tightness as a function of rheological properties of SCC

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    Several studies relating formwork pressure to rheology exist, however the relationship between rheology and leakage through formwork joints remains to be investigated. In practice, standard documents are used to define formwork tightness requirements, typically using a qualitative approach. To try bridge this gap in knowledge, we developed a test set-up to study tightness of formwork joints under pressure as a function of varying rheological properties. Coupled with standard rheology tests, this new test set-up provides means of linking flow rate, formwork pressure, flow area, and the rheological properties. The study seeks to provide insight on measurable governing parameters and thus inform formwork tightness requirements in a more quantifiable manner. This paper presents a test set-up designed to study the flow of fresh paste through small openings. It highlights a preliminary study on the pressure-driven flow of limestone paste through a bottom orifice in a cylindrical container. While this new device may not be directly representative of the actual conditions in formwork, it provides a good base for a fundamental study that can then be extrapolated to a more representative test operation. Preliminary results show a linear relationship between the flow rate and the applied pressure. The results also show that increasing the flow area by a factor of 2.33 had a higher impact than an increase in yield stress and viscosity by a factor of 2.54 and 3.80 respectively. However, more tests need to be carried out to obtain clear trends

    Critical Grain Size of Fine Aggregates in the View of the Rheology of Mortar

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    The aim of this research was to investigate the validity of the Krieger-Dougherty model as a quantitative model to predict the viscosity of mortar depending on various aggregate sizes. The Krieger-Dougherty model reportedly predicted the viscosity of a suspension, which includes cement-based materials. Concrete or mortar incorporates natural resources, such as sand and gravel, referred to as aggregates, which can make up as much as 80% of the mixture by volume. Cement paste is a suspending medium at fresh state and then becomes a binder to link the aggregate after its hydration. Both the viscosity of the suspending medium and the characteristics of the aggregates, therefore, control the viscosity of the cement-based materials. In this research, various sizes and gradations of fine aggregate samples were prepared. Workability and rheological properties were measured using fresh-state mortar samples and incorporating the various-sized fine aggregates. Yield stress and viscosity measurements were obtained by using a rheometer. Based on the packing density of each fine aggregate sample, the viscosity of the mortar was predicted with the Krieger-Dougherty model. In addition, further adjustments were made to determine the water absorption of fine aggregates and was transferred from successful experiment to simulation for more accurate prediction. It was also determined that both yield stress and viscosity increase when the fine aggregate mean size decreases throughout the mix. However, when the mean size of the fine aggregates is bigger than 0.7 mm, the yield stress is not affected by the size of the fine aggregate. Additionally, if aggregate grains get smaller up to 0.3 mm, their water absorption is critical to the rheological behavior

    Holocene Cyclic Records of Ice-Rafted Debris and Sea Ice Variations on the East Greenland and Northwest Iceland Margins

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    The dynamics of the Greenland Ice Sheet and drift of sea ice from the Arctic Ocean reaching Denmark Strait are poorly constrained. We present data on the provenance of Fe oxide detrital grains from two cores in the Denmark Strait area and compare the Fe grain source data with other environmental proxies in order to document the variations and potential periodicities in ice-rafted debris delivery during the Holocene. Based on their Fe grain geochemistry, the sediments can be traced to East Greenland sources and to more distal sites around the Arctic Basin. On the Holocene time scales of the two cores, sea ice biomarker (IP25) data, and quartz weight percent reveal positive associations with T°C and inverse associations with biogenic carbonate wt%. Trends in the data were obtained from Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA), and residuals were tested for cyclicity. Trends on the environmental proxies explained between 15 and 90% of the variance. At both sites the primary Fe grain sources were from Greenland, but significant contributions were also noted from Banks Island and Svalbard. There is a prominent cyclicity of 800 yrs as well as other less prominent cycles for both Greenland and arctic sources. The Fe grain sources from Greenland and the circum-Arctic Ocean are in synchronization, suggesting that the forcings for these cycles are regional and not local ice sheet instabilities

    Spontaneous in vivo isomerization of bovine serum albumin as a determinant of its normal catabolism.

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    Sørlandets ukjente verdensmestre

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    Formålet med denne studien er å øke kunnskapen om hvordan bedrifter som har lykkes i globale markeder, arbeider med strategi og innovasjon. Ved å lære av disse bedriftene og overføre deres kunnskap til bedriftene som sliter med svekket konkurransekraft, ønsker vi å bidra til en sterkere og mer omstillingsdyktig industriell base i regionen. Agder har en næringsstruktur med en relativt sett høyere andel industri enn andre regioner i Norge (Jørgensen og Wallevik, 2014) og det vil være viktig å opprettholde denne industrien også i fremtiden. I dette prosjektet undersøker hva vi kan lære av de omstillingsdyktige og konkurransedyktige bedriftene, og vi studerer deres utvikling og overføring av kompetanse, ledelse og organisasjonsstruktur, markedstilnærming, innovasjonspraksis og forretningsmodeller. Vi sammenligner også våre funn med tilsvarende undersøkelser fra andre nordiske land. Spesielt har vi søkt å svare på følgende forskningsspørsmål: • Har Sørlandet ukjente verdensmestre? Hvis ja - • Hva kjennetegner de ukjente verdensmestrene på Sørlandet? • Hva kan vi lære av de ukjente verdensmestrene og deres innovasjonspraksis