214 research outputs found

    Surface science: foundations of catalysis and nanoscience

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    Beam investigations of D2 adsorption on Si(100): On the importance of lattice excitations in the reaction dynamics

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    The adsorption of D2 on Si(100) has been investigated by means of supersonic molecular beam techniques. We have succeeded in measuring the dependence of the molecular D2 sticking coefficient S on surface temperature Ts and nozzle temperature Tn. The sticking coefficient increases gradually in the range 300≤Tn≤1040 K. The influence of increased v=1 population has not been deconvoluted from the effects of translational energy alone. The dependence on Ts is more interesting. With an incident translational energy of 65 meV, S rises from a value insignificantly different from the background level to a maximum value of (1.5±0.1)×10−5 at Ts=630 K. The decrease in the effective sticking coefficient beyond this Ts is the result of desorption during the experiment. Having established that S increases with both increasing molecular energy and increasing sample temperature, we have demonstrated directly for the first time that the adsorption of molecular hydrogen on Si is activated and that lattice vibrational excitations play an important role in the adsorption process

    Hydrogen adsorption on and desorption from Si: Considerations on the applicability of detailed balance

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    The translational energy of D2 desorbed from Si(100) and Si(111) surfaces was measured and found roughly equal to the thermal expectation at the surface temperature Ts. Combining these results with previously measured internal state distributions, the total energy of the desorbed molecules is approximately equal to the equilibrium expectation at Ts. Thus adsorption experiments, which suggest a large energetic barrier, are at variance with desorption experiments, which exhibit a trivial adsorption barrier, and the applicability of detailed balance for this system needs to be reexamined

    Working group written presentation: Trapped radiation effects

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    The results of the Trapped Radiation Effects Panel for the Space Environmental Effects on Materials Workshop are presented. The needs of the space community for new data regarding effects of the space environment on materials, including electronics are listed. A series of questions asked of each of the panels at the workshop are addressed. Areas of research which should be pursued to satisfy the requirements for better knowledge of the environment and better understanding of the effects of the energetic charged particle environment on new materials and advanced electronics technology are suggested

    Evaporation boundary conditions for the R13 equations of rarefied gas dynamics

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    The regularized 13 moment (R13) equations are a macroscopic model for the description of rarefied gas flows in the transition regime. The equations have been shown to give meaningful results for Knudsen numbers up to about 0.5. Here, their range of applicability is extended by deriving and testing boundary conditions for evaporating and condensing interfaces. The macroscopic interface conditions are derived from the microscopic interface conditions of kinetic theory. Tests include evaporation into a half-space and evaporation/condensation of a vapor between two liquid surfaces of different temperatures. Comparison indicates that overall the R13 equations agree better with microscopic solutions than classical hydrodynamics

    Study of levitating nanoparticles using ultracold neutrons

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    Physical adsorption of atoms, molecules and clusters on surface is known. It is linked to many phenomena in physics, chemistry, and biology. Usually the studies of adsorption are limited to the particle sizes of up to ~10^2-10^3 atoms. Following a general formalism, we apply it to even larger objects and discover qualitatively new phenomena. A large particle is bound to surface in a deep and broad potential well formed by van der Waals/ Casimir-Polder forces. The well depth is significantly larger than the characteristic thermal energy. Nanoparticles in high-excited bound states form two-dimensional gas of objects quasi-freely traveling along surface. A particularly interesting prediction is small-energy-transfer scattering of UCN on solid/ liquid surfaces covered by such levitating nanoparticles/ nano-droplets. The change in UCN energy is due to the Doppler shift induced by UCN collisions with nanoparticles; the energy change is about as small as the UCN initial energy. We compare theoretical estimations of our model to all relevant existing data and state that they agree quite well. As our theoretical formalism provides robust predictions and the experimental data are rather precise, we conclude that the recently discovered intriguing phenomenon of small heating of UCN in traps is due to their collisions with such levitating nanoparticles. Moreover, this new phenomenon might be relevant to the striking contradiction between results of the neutron lifetime measurements with smallest reported uncertainties as it might cause major false effects in these experiments; thus it affects fundamental conclusions concerning precision checks of unitarity of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix, cosmology, astrophysics. Dedicated measurements of UCN up-scattering on specially prepared surfaces and nanoparticles levitating above them might provide a unique method to study surface potentials.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figure

    Density-functional study of hydrogen chemisorption on vicinal Si(001) surfaces

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    Relaxed atomic geometries and chemisorption energies have been calculated for the dissociative adsorption of molecular hydrogen on vicinal Si(001) surfaces. We employ density-functional theory, together with a pseudopotential for Si, and apply the generalized gradient approximation by Perdew and Wang to the exchange-correlation functional. We find the double-atomic-height rebonded D_B step, which is known to be stable on the clean surface, to remain stable on partially hydrogen-covered surfaces. The H atoms preferentially bind to the Si atoms at the rebonded step edge, with a chemisorption energy difference with respect to the terrace sites of >sim 0.1 eV. A surface with rebonded single atomic height S_A and S_B steps gives very similar results. The interaction between H-Si-Si-H mono-hydride units is shown to be unimportant for the calculation of the step-edge hydrogen-occupation. Our results confirm the interpretation and results of the recent H_2 adsorption experiments on vicinal Si surfaces by Raschke and Hoefer described in the preceding paper.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. B. Other related publications can be found at http://www.rz-berlin.mpg.de/th/paper.htm

    The CAESAR New Frontiers Mission: Comet Surface Sample Acquisition and Preservation

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    NASA recently selected the Comet Astrobiology Exploration Sample Return (CAESAR) mission for Phase A study in the New Frontiers Program. This mission will acquire and return to Earth for laboratory analysis at least 80 g of surface material from the nucleus of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (hereafter 67P). CAESAR will characterize the surface region sampled, preserve the sample in a pristine state, and return evolved volatiles by capturing them in a separate gas reservoir. The system protects both volatile and non-volatile components from contamination or alteration thatwould hamper their scientific analysis. Laboratory analyses of comet samples provide unparalleled knowledge about the presolar history through the initial stages of planet formation to the origin of life

    Atomic-scale visualization of initial growth of homoepitaxial SrTiO3 thin film on an atomically ordered substrate

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    The initial homoepitaxial growth of SrTiO3 on a (\surd13\times\surd13) - R33.7{\deg}SrTiO3(001) substrate surface, which can be prepared under oxide growth conditions, is atomically resolved by scanning tunneling microscopy. The identical (\surd13\times\surd13) atomic structure is clearly visualized on the deposited SrTiO3 film surface as well as on the substrate. This result indicates the transfer of the topmost Ti-rich (\surd13\times\surd13) structure to the film surface and atomic-scale coherent epitaxy at the film/substrate interface. Such atomically ordered SrTiO3 substrates can be applied to the fabrication of atom-by-atom controlled oxide epitaxial films and heterostructures
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