486 research outputs found

    Strong CP, Up-Quark Mass, and the Randall-Sundrum Microscope

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    In the Randall-Sundrum model, setting the ratio of up and down quark masses mu/md<<1m_u/m_d << 1, relevant to the strong CP problem, does not require chiral symmetry or fine-tuning, due to exponential bulk fermion profiles. We point out that such geometric suppression of the mass of a fermion magnifies the masses of its corresponding Kaluza-Klein (KK) states. In this sense, these KK states act as "microscopes" for probing light quark and lepton masses. In simple realizations, this hypothesis can be testable at future colliders, like the LHC, by measuring the spectrum of level-1 KK fermions. The microscope can then provide an experimental test for the vanishing of mum_u in the ultraviolet, independently of non-perturbative determinations, by lattice simulations or other means, at hadronic scales. We also briefly comment on application of our microscope idea to other fermions, such as the electron and neutrinos.Comment: 7 pages. New discussions and references added. Main previous conclusions unchange

    Modelling of gas dynamical properties of the KATRIN tritium source and implications for the neutrino mass measurement

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    The KATRIN experiment aims to measure the effective mass of the electron antineutrino from the analysis of electron spectra stemming from the beta-decay of molecular tritium with a sensitivity of 200 meV. Therefore, a daily throughput of about 40 g of gaseous tritium is circulated in a windowless source section. An accurate description of the gas flow through this section is of fundamental importance for the neutrino mass measurement as it significantly influences the generation and transport of beta-decay electrons through the experimental setup. In this paper we present a comprehensive model consisting of calculations of rarefied gas flow through the different components of the source section ranging from viscous to free molecular flow. By connecting these simulations with a number of experimentally determined operational parameters the gas model can be refreshed regularly according to the measured operating conditions. In this work, measurement and modelling uncertainties are quantified with regard to their implications for the neutrino mass measurement. We find that the systematic uncertainties related to the description of gas flow are represented by Δmν2=(−3.06±0.24)⋅10−3\Delta m_{\nu}^2=(-3.06\pm 0.24)\cdot10^{-3} eV2^2, and that the gas model is ready to be used in the analysis of upcoming KATRIN data.Comment: 28 pages, 13 figure

    A Population of Teraelectronvolt Pulsar Wind Nebulae in the H.E.S.S. Galactic Plane Survey

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    The most numerous source class that emerged from the H.E.S.S. Galactic Plane Survey are Pulsar Wind Nebulae (PWNe). The 2013 reanalysis of this survey, undertaken after almost 10 years of observations, provides us with the most sensitive and most complete census of gamma-ray PWNe to date. In addition to a uniform analysis of spectral and morphological parameters, for the first time also flux upper limits for energetic young pulsars were extracted from the data. We present a discussion of the correlation between energetic pulsars and TeV objects, and their respective properties. We will put the results in context with the current theoretical understanding of PWNe and evaluate the plausibility of previously non-established PWN candidates.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. In Proceedings of the 33rd International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2013), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil

    Spectrometer-related background processes and their suppression in the KATRIN experiment

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    Die direkte Neutrinomassenbestimmung aus dem Tritium-Beta-Zerfall mit dem KATRIN-Experiment erfordert eine niedrige Untergrundzählrate. Die Arbeit beschreibt Entwurf und Optimierung eines komplexen, doppellagigen Drahtelektrodensystems für das KATRIN-Hauptspektrometer zur elektrostatischen Abschirmung der wichtigsten Untergrundkomponente. Ebenso können Fallen für geladene Teilchen zur Untergrundrate beitragen. Eine Methode zur periodischen Fallenentleerung wurde in dieser Arbeit experimentell untersucht. Im Testaufbau wurden mittels einer UV-Leuchtdiode Photoelektronen erzeugt. Dabei wurde gezeigt, dass sich eine schnell pulsbare Photoelektronenquelle mit schmaler Energieverteilung verbunden mit Flugzeitmessungen zur Charakterisierung der Spektrometereigenschaften nutzen lässt. Zusätzlich kann die Winkelverteilung der Elektronen durch geeignete Wahl der elektromagnetischen Felder gesteuert werden. Ein Prototyp einer solchen winkelselektiven Photoelektronenquelle wurde getestet. Zu dieser Arbeit ist ein ergänzender Artikel in der Zeitschrift "New Journal of Physics" erschienen; vgl. http://www.iop.org/EJ/abstract/1367-2630/11/6/063018The direct determination of the neutrino mass scale from tritium beta-decay with the KATRIN experiment requires a very low background level. This work describes the design and optimization of a complex two-layer wire electrode system for the KATRIN main spectrometer with the purpose of suppressing a major background source. Furthermore, charged particles stored in electromagnetic traps in the setup can cause additional background. In a test setup, a method to periodically empty such traps was tested. Photoelectrons created with a UV LED were used to fill the trap. This work demonstrates that such a fast-pulsed photoelectron source with a narrow energy spread can, in combination with time-of-flight measurements, serve as a valuable tool for the characterization of the spectrometer. An appropriate setting of electromagnetic fields allows angular selectivity of the photoelectrons, as shown in tests with a prototype

    The KATRIN Experiment

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    The KArlsruhe TRitium Neutrino mass experiment, KATRIN, aims to search for the mass of the electron neutrino with a sensitivity of 0.2 eV/c^2 (90% C.L.) and a detection limit of 0.35 eV/c^2 (5 sigma). Both a positive or a negative result will have far reaching implications for cosmology and the standard model of particle physics and will give new input for astroparticle physics and cosmology. The major components of KATRIN are being set up at the Karlsruhe Institut of Technology in Karlsruhe, Germany, and test measurements of the individual components have started. Data taking with tritium is scheduled to start in 2012.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure, proceedings of the TAUP 2009 International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics, to be published in Journal of Physics, Conference Serie

    β\beta-Decay Spectrum, Response Function and Statistical Model for Neutrino Mass Measurements with the KATRIN Experiment

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    The objective of the Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino (KATRIN) experiment is to determine the effective electron neutrino mass m(νe)m(\nu_\text{e}) with an unprecedented sensitivity of 0.2 eV0.2\,\text{eV} (90\% C.L.) by precision electron spectroscopy close to the endpoint of the β\beta decay of tritium. We present a consistent theoretical description of the β\beta electron energy spectrum in the endpoint region, an accurate model of the apparatus response function, and the statistical approaches suited to interpret and analyze tritium β\beta decay data observed with KATRIN with the envisaged precision. In addition to providing detailed analytical expressions for all formulae used in the presented model framework with the necessary detail of derivation, we discuss and quantify the impact of theoretical and experimental corrections on the measured m(νe)m(\nu_\text{e}). Finally, we outline the statistical methods for parameter inference and the construction of confidence intervals that are appropriate for a neutrino mass measurement with KATRIN. In this context, we briefly discuss the choice of the β\beta energy analysis interval and the distribution of measuring time within that range.Comment: 27 pages, 22 figures, 2 table

    A UV LED-based fast-pulsed photoelectron source for time-of-flight studies

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    We report on spectroscopy and time-of-flight measurements using an 18 keV fast-pulsed photoelectron source of adjustable intensity, ranging from single photoelectrons per pulse to 5 photoelectrons per microsecond at pulse repetition rates of up to 10 kHz. Short pulses between 40 ns and 40 microseconds in length were produced by switching light emitting diodes with central output wavelengths of 265 nm and 257 nm, in the deep ultraviolet (or UV-C) regime, at kHz frequencies. Such photoelectron sources can be useful calibration devices for testing the properties of high-resolution electrostatic spectrometers, like the ones used in current neutrino mass searches.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figure
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