227 research outputs found
Particle decays and stability on the de Sitter universe
We study particle decay in de Sitter space-time as given by first order
perturbation theory in a Lagrangian interacting quantum field theory. We study
in detail the adiabatic limit of the perturbative amplitude and compute the
"phase space" coefficient exactly in the case of two equal particles produced
in the disintegration. We show that for fields with masses above a critical
mass there is no such thing as particle stability, so that decays
forbidden in flat space-time do occur here. The lifetime of such a particle
also turns out to be independent of its velocity when that lifetime is
comparable with de Sitter radius. Particles with mass lower than critical have
a completely different behavior: the masses of their decay products must obey
quantification rules, and their lifetime is zero.Comment: Latex, 38 pages, 1 PostScript figure; added references, minor
corrections and remark
Gyroscope deviation from geodesic motion: quasiresonant oscillations on a circular orbit
General relativistic spin-orbit interaction leads to the quasiresonant
oscillation of the gyroscope mass center along the orbital normal. The beating
amplitude does not include the speed of light and equals the ratio of the
intrinsic momentum of the gyroscope to its orbital momentum. The modulation
frequency equals the angular velocity of the geodetic precession that prevents
the oscillation from resonance. The oscillation represents the precession of
the gyroscope orbital momentum. Within an acceptable time the oscillation
amplitude reaches the values that are amenable to being analyzed
experimentally. Taking into account the source oblateness decreases the beating
amplitude and increases the modulation frequency by the factor that is equal to
the ratio of the quadrupole precession velocity to the geodetic precession
velocity. The period of the quadrupole precession turns out to be a quite
sufficient time to form a measurable amplitude of the oscillation.Comment: 5 pages, LaTeX2e, 1 eps figure, to appear in J. Exp. Theor. Phy
Gyroscope precession in cylindrically symmetric spacetimes
We present calculations of gyroscope precession in spacetimes described by
Levi-Civita and Lewis metrics, under different circumstances. By doing so we
are able to establish a link between the parameters of the metrics and
observable quantities, providing thereby a physical interpretation for those
parameters, without specifying the source of the field.Comment: 13 pages, Latex. To appear in Class.Q.Gra
Bulk Scale Factor at Very Early Universe
In this paper we propose a higher dimensional Cosmology based on FRW model
and brane-world scenario. We consider the warp factor in the brane-world
scenario as a scale factor in 5-dimensional generalized FRW metric, which is
called as bulk scale factor, and obtain the evolution of it with space-like and
time-like extra dimensions. It is then showed that, additional space-like
dimensions can produce exponentially bulk scale factor under repulsive strong
gravitational force in the empty universe at a very early stage.Comment: 7 pages, October 201
Revisiting Weyl's calculation of the gravitational pull in Bach's two-body solution
When the mass of one of the two bodies tends to zero, Weyl's definition of
the gravitational force in an axially symmetric, static two-body solution can
be given an invariant formulation in terms of a force four-vector. The norm of
this force is calculated for Bach's two-body solution, that is known to be in
one-to-one correspondence with Schwarzschild's original solution when one of
the two masses l, l' is made to vanish. In the limit when, say, l' goes to
zero, the norm of the force divided by l' and calculated at the position of the
vanishing mass is found to coincide with the norm of the acceleration of a test
body kept at rest in Schwarzschild's field. Both norms happen thus to grow
without limit when the test body (respectively the vanishing mass l') is kept
at rest in a position closer and closer to Schwarzschild's two-surface.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures. Text to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit
Alpha-states in de Sitter space
Field theory in de Sitter space admits a one-parameter family of vacua
determined by a superselection parameter alpha. Of these vacua, the Euclidean
vacuum uniquely extrapolates to the vacuum of flat Minkowski space. States
which resemble the alpha-vacua can be constructed as excitations above the
Euclidean vacuum. Such states have modes alpha(k) which decay faster that
k^{(1-d)/2}. Fields in such states exhibit non-local correlations when examined
from the perspective of fields in the Euclidean vacuum. The dynamics of such
entangled states are fully consistent. If an alpha-state with properties that
interpolate between an alpha-vacuum and the Euclidean vacuum were the initial
condition for inflation, a signature for this may be found in a momentum
dependent correction to the inflationary power spectrum. The functional
formalism, which provides the tool for examining physics in an alpha-state,
extends to fields of other spin. In particular, the extension to spin-2 may
proffer a new class of infrared modifications to gravitational interactions.
The implications of superselection sectors for the landscape of string vacua
are briefly discussed.Comment: 28 pages, LaTe
Relativistic Celestial Mechanics with PPN Parameters
Starting from the global parametrized post-Newtonian (PPN) reference system
with two PPN parameters and we consider a space-bounded
subsystem of matter and construct a local reference system for that subsystem
in which the influence of external masses reduces to tidal effects. Both the
metric tensor of the local PPN reference system in the first post-Newtonian
approximation as well as the coordinate transformations between the global PPN
reference system and the local one are constructed in explicit form. The terms
proportional to reflecting a violation of the
equivalence principle are discussed in detail. We suggest an empirical
definition of multipole moments which are intended to play the same role in PPN
celestial mechanics as the Blanchet-Damour moments in General Relativity.
Starting with the metric tensor in the local PPN reference system we derive
translational equations of motion of a test particle in that system. The
translational and rotational equations of motion for center of mass and spin of
each of extended massive bodies possessing arbitrary multipole structure
are derived. As an application of the general equations of motion a
monopole-spin dipole model is considered and the known PPN equations of motion
of mass monopoles with spins are rederived.Comment: 71 page
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