44 research outputs found

    Pristup procjeni zdravstvenoga rizika za ljude prilikom izgradnje gradskoga parka

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    A Human Health Risk Assessment (HHRA) was undertaken for a proposed park development “River Landing”, to be constructed along the north bank of the South Saskatchewan River in the City of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. The purpose of the HHRA was to determine whether chemical constituents identified at the site, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), petroleum hydrocarbons (PHCs), and toxic and heavy metals, would adversely affect the health of construction workers and potential park users. Although more traditional remediation options were considered, the risk assessment approach was chosen since it represented the best available technology. The HHRA was undertaken using protocols and methodologies proposed and readily accepted by the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME), Health Canada, and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA). Results of the risk assessment revealed that the magnitude and distribution of the chemicals at the site were such that extensive remediation was not required, and that the site could be developed without any significant restrictions on the proposed use. The assessment revealed that potential exposure to soil constituents would not result in adverse health risk to construction workers involved in park development or future park users.Napravljena je procjena zdravstvenoga rizika za ljude (izv. human health risk assessment, HHRA) za projekt gradskoga parka “River Landing” koji bi se trebao izgraditi duž sjeverne obale rijeke South Saskatchewan u Saskatoonu, saveznoj državi Saskatchewan u Kanadi. Svrha je procjene bila utvrditi mogu li kemijski spojevi zatečeni na gradilištu, uključujući policikličke aromatske ugljikovodike, naftne ugljikovodike te toksične i teške metale, štetno utjecati na zdravlje građevinskih radnika i korisnika parka. Premda je razmotrena i uporaba tradicionalnijih metoda sanacije, izabran je ovaj pristup procjeni rizika zbog toga što rabi najbolju dostupnu tehnologiju. Procjena rizika provedena je prema protokolima i metodama koje je odmah usvojio Kanadski savjet ministara za zaštitu okoliša (izv. Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment, CCME), savezni ured za zdravlje Health Canada te Agencija za zaštitu okoliša Sjedinjenih Država (izv. United States Environmental Protection Agency, US EPA). Procjena rizika pokazala je da količina i rasprostranjenost kemikalija na gradilištu nisu takvi da zahtijevaju opsežniju sanaciju, te da se lokacija može izgraditi bez značajnih ograničenja u namjeni. Procjenom je također utvrđeno da eventualno izlaganje sastavnicama tla neće dovesti do štetnih posljedica za zdravlje građevinskih radnika koji rade na parku, a niti za buduće korisnike parka

    Fetal and Neonatal Nicotine Exposure in Wistar Rats Causes Progressive Pancreatic Mitochondrial Damage and Beta Cell Dysfunction

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    Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) is currently recommended as a safe smoking cessation aid for pregnant women. However, fetal and neonatal nicotine exposure in rats causes mitochondrial-mediated beta cell apoptosis at weaning, and adult-onset dysglycemia, which we hypothesize is related to progressive mitochondrial dysfunction in the pancreas. Therefore in this study we examined the effect of fetal and neonatal exposure to nicotine on pancreatic mitochondrial structure and function during postnatal development. Female Wistar rats were given saline (vehicle control) or nicotine bitartrate (1 mg/kg/d) via subcutaneous injection for 2 weeks prior to mating until weaning. At 3–4, 15 and 26 weeks of age, oral glucose tolerance tests were performed, and pancreas tissue was collected for electron microscopy, enzyme activity assays and islet isolation. Following nicotine exposure mitochondrial structural abnormalities were observed beginning at 3 weeks and worsened with advancing age. Importantly the appearance of these structural defects in nicotine-exposed animals preceded the onset of glucose intolerance. Nicotine exposure also resulted in significantly reduced pancreatic respiratory chain enzyme activity, degranulation of beta cells, elevated islet oxidative stress and impaired glucose-stimulated insulin secretion compared to saline controls at 26 weeks of age. Taken together, these data suggest that maternal nicotine use during pregnancy results in postnatal mitochondrial dysfunction that may explain, in part, the dysglycemia observed in the offspring from this animal model. These results clearly indicate that further investigation into the safety of NRT use during pregnancy is warranted

    S100P enhances the motility and invasion of human trophoblast cell lines

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    S100P has been shown to be a marker for carcinogenesis where its expression in solid tumours correlates with metastasis and a poor patient prognosis. This protein’s role in any physiological process is, however, unknown. Here we first show that S100P is expressed both in trophoblasts in vivo as well as in some corresponding cell lines in culture. We demonstrate that S100P is predominantly expressed during the early stage of placental formation with its highest expression levels occurring during the first trimester of gestation, particularly in the invading columns and anchoring villi. Using gain or loss of function studies through overexpression or knockdown of S100P expression respectively, our work shows that S100P stimulates both cell motility and cellular invasion in different trophoblastic and first trimester EVT cell lines. Interestingly, cell invasion was seen to be more dramatically affected than cell migration. Our results suggest that S100P may be acting as an important regulator of trophoblast invasion during placentation. This finding sheds new light on a hitherto uncharacterized molecular mechanism which may, in turn, lead to the identification of novel targets that may explain why significant numbers of confirmed human pregnancies suffer complications through poor placental implantation

    Placenta: Preface

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