20 research outputs found

    Consumption-oriented policy instruments for fostering greenhouse gas mitigation

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    Most policy instruments to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have focused on producers, and on the energy efficiency of buildings, vehicles and other products. Behavioural changes related to climate change also impact ‘in-use’ emissions, and potentially, emissions both ‘upstream’ (including from imported goods) and ‘downstream’ (eg disposal). Consumption-oriented policies may provide avenues to additional and cost-effective emission reductions, but are less prevalent, in part because of political sensitivities around government efforts to shape individual-level mitigation behaviour. In this paper, we explore policy instruments for encouraging low carbon behaviour in the EU context. Drawing on a literature survey and interviews, as part of the EU Carbon-CAP project, we develop a list of 33 potential instruments, present a systematic methodology for assessing their potential impact and feasibility, and apply this to rank instruments of most interest. Most instruments involve a clear trade-off between their potential impact and feasibility; about half feature in the top three scoring categories, many being voluntary approaches, which may be easier to implement, but with limited or highly uncertain impact. However, we identify a handful of top-scoring instruments that deserve far more policy attention. The complexity of consumer and corporate motivations and behaviours suggests that instruments should be trialled and monitored (e.g. in regions / individual States) before widespread introduction. Most would also be most effective when nested within wider policy packages, to address the varied behavioural motivations and stages of supply chains

    Three Scenario Narratives for a Resource-Efficient and Low-Carbon Europe in 2050

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    Global trends in production and consumption and the associated use of natural resources are far from sustainable. There is a growing recognition of the need to tackle overexploitation of resources, including materials, land, water and carbon. However, transformations to a more resource-efficient economy and society are complex. This paper elaborates three possible scenarios for a resource-efficient economy in Europe. We describe three scenarios and characterize the key differences between them. The basis of the three scenarios - Global Cooperation, Europe Goes Ahead and Civil Society Leads - is very different governance models, worldviews and actors who drive the process. Each scenario encompasses a number of challenges, which are also described. A resource-efficient economy could be advanced through top-down agreements, through market-based mechanisms driving technological solutions, and through bottom-up behavioural changes and community based initiatives focusing on both efficiency and sufficiency. In reality, a combination of these approaches is likely to be required for the achievement of ambitious resource-efficiency targets in Europe

    Value-Chain Wide Food Waste Management: A Systematic Literature Review

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    © 2019, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. The agriculture value chain, from farm to fork, has received enormous attention because of its key role in achieving United Nations Global Challenges Goals. Food waste occurs in many different forms and at all stages of the food value chain, it has become a worldwide issue that requires urgent actions. However, the management of food waste has been traditionally segmented and in an isolated manner. This paper reviews existing work that has been done on food waste management in literature by taking a holistic approach, in order to identify the causes of food waste, food waste prevention strategies, and elicit recommendations for future work. A five step systematic literature review has been adopted for a thorough examination of the existing research on the topic and new insights have been obtained. The findings suggest that the main sources of food waste include food overproduction and surplus, food waste caused by processing, logistical inconsistencies, and households. Main food waste prevention strategies have been revealed in this paper include policy solutions, packaging solutions, date-labelling solutions, logistics solutions, changing consumers’ behaviours, and reuse and redistribution solutions. Future research directions such as using value chain models to reduce food waste and forecasting food waste have been identified in this paper. This study makes a contribution to the extant literature in the field of food waste management by discovering main causes of food waste in the value chain and eliciting prevention strategies that can be used to reduce/eliminate relevant food waste