620 research outputs found

    Older persons and malaria treatment in Nigeria

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    This study examined the prevalence and pattern of health-seeking behavior of older people on malaria fever among the elderly in Nigeria.  Data from the Nigeria Malaria Indicator Survey were used with a weighted sample of 1819 older persons aged 60 and above across the six geopolitical regions in Nigeria. The odds of fever as well as treatment seeking were predicted using logistic regression models. The prevalence rate of fever among the aged in Nigeria is 28%. About half of the respondents did not receive treatment in a standard health facility. There is high patronage of chemist/patient medicine vendor/shops for malaria fever treatment among older people in Nigeria. Findings suggest that older people may use healthcare facility if it is affordable. The lifelong approach that can reduce poverty and illiteracy is recommended since the rural-urban differences in treatment seeking reduced with the inclusion of other socio-demographic variables in the model

    Predictors of impending acute chest syndrome in patients with sickle cell anaemia.

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    Acute chest syndrome (ACS) is a major complication of sickle cell anaemia (SCA) and a leading cause for hospital admissions and death. We aimed to study the spectrum of clinical and laboratory features of ACS and to assess the predisposing factors and predictors of severity. A retrospective case-control cohort was studied by retrieving patient information from electronic medical records after ethical approval. One hundred adolescents and adults with SCA and hospital admissions for ACS were identified through the discharge summaries, along with 20 additional patients presenting with VOC, but without ACS (controls). Among the patients with ACS, fever (\u3e38.5 °C), reduced oxygen saturation (\u3c95) and asplenia significantly differed when compared to those of controls (p \u3c 0.05, chi-squared test). The degree of severity was reflected in the use of non-invasive ventilation (NIV), simple and exchange transfusions, and the presence of bilateral pleural effusions and multi-lobar atelectasis/consolidation, which were significantly higher in the cases with ACS than in the controls. Lower haemoglobin (Hb) and high WBC counts were also significantly different between the two groups (p \u3c 0.05, Student’s t test). Using logistic regression, our study further demonstrated that asplenia, fever, and reduced O2 saturation, along with low Hb and leukocytosis, were important predictors for the development of ACS

    Analysis of Independence of Available Infrastructure on Geographical Location of Public Secondary Schools in Ondo State, Nigeria

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    This paper has attempted to study the availability of infrastructural facilities in public secondary schools in Ondo State, Nigeria. Six local government areas (LGAs) were randomly selected with due consideration to the geo-political set-up of the State. Quantitative methods of analysis that were used include both descriptive and inferential statistics. The descriptive statistical techniques were tabular presentation and bar chart while the inferential statistical technique applied is chi-square analysis. The inferential statistics revealed that enrollment of students in secondary schools depends on gender and on Local Government Area. Also, the level of equipping of laboratories, availability of information technology facilities,  portable water supply and supply of electricity depend on Local Government Area while availability of library in secondary schools is independent of Local Government Area. Conclusively, much still need to be done in the area of infrastructural development in public primary and secondary schools in Ondo State towards the achievement of the vision 20: 2020 goal of Nigeria as one of the 20 most developed economy of the world in terms of education. Keywords:  education, infrastructure, information technology, chi-square, enrollment

    Impulsivity and Reasons for Living Among African American Youth: A Risk-Protection Framework of Suicidal Ideation

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    This study aims to explore the impact of specific facets of impulsivity as measured by the UPPS Impulsive Behavior Scale (UPPS), as well as reasons for living in predicting suicidal ideation among African American college-aged students. The incremental validity of each facet of the UPPS interacting with reasons for living, a construct meant to buffer against risk for suicide, was explored in a sample of African American students (N = 130; ages 18–24). Results revealed significant interactions between reasons for living and two factors of impulsivity, (lack of) premeditation and sensation seeking. Higher levels of sensation seeking and lack of premeditation in conjunction with lower reasons for living was associated with increased suicidal ideation. Neither urgency nor (lack of) perseverance significantly interacted with reasons for living in association with suicidal ideation. These results suggest including elements of impulsivity, specifically sensation seeking and (lack of) premeditation, when screening for suicidal ideation among African American youth. Future investigations should continue to integrate factors of both risk and protection when determining risk for suicide

    Dynamics of Household Role Performance and the Culture of Child Health Production in Igbo-Ora, Southwestern Nigeria

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    Studies about production of health for children have mainly concentrated on the behavior of one or two key household members compared to the dynamics in households involving three or more members. Health production refers to the process of directing available knowledge, skills, and resources towards ensuring, maintaining, and sustaining the health of the members. This cross-sectional design study explored how the dynamics of household structure and members’ roles influence the process of health production in a rural Nigerian community. An interviewer-moderated questionnaire was administered through a panel survey approach in 576 households. Twelve in-depth interviews and eight group discussion sessions were also conducted in Igbo-Ora, Southwestern Nigeria. Twenty-two roles identified from qualitative narratives, grouped into social interaction, material supports, safe environment, and physical health care supports categories, were ranked on a score of performance by household members. The mean household size was 5.4. Malaria, acute respiratory infection, and diarrhea were reported for children in 41.8% households. Mothers recognized and took action on child’s illnesses, while fathers made payment for treatment than other household members. Household decisions on child’s wellbeing focus more on treatment (84.4%) than preventive (7.3%) actions, while final decision resides more in the fathers’ (58.3%) compared to the mothers’ (15.8%) authorities. Mothers scored the highest points in all the role categories, the fathers scored points next to the mothers in material support, and safe-environment roles, while the children’s older siblings scored points next to the mothers on social interaction and caring roles. Health is produced in Igbo-Ora through the consciousness of growth monitoring, safe environment, and hygiene practice

    Management of calcaneal fractures: a case series

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    Background: Untreated or inappropriately treated, calcaneal fractures can result in arthritis, chronic ankle pain, and ankle deformity which can significantly impact the lifestyle of affected patients. Even though calcaneal fractures are common among those with multiple injuries, they can easily be missed, and not treating them would significantly impact on the patient negatively. Case Presentation: This article is a retrospective recall of the six patients seen with calcaneal fractures that were treated in our hospital between 2010 and 2018, they were mainly multiply injured and the advanced trauma life support (ATLS) protocol helped to delineate these fractures, the use of modern-day operative and non-operative methods of management and rehabilitation were employed. Discussion and conclusion: Calcaneal fractures are mostly associated with high-energy trauma which includes falls from heights or vehicle accidents with almost 50% soft tissue involvement. This is similar to cases presented in this paper as all the patients were either involved in road traffic accidents or had fallen from a height, however, soft tissue destruction manifesting as open fractures were absent in our series. Calcaneal fractures are rare and can easily be missed as patients may present as multiply injured. Prompt and adequate Rehabilitation is important to improve function

    Abundance and Distribution of Large Mammals in the Upper Ogun Game Reserve, Oyo State, Nigeria

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    In this study, three indirect methods [counts of animal droppings, footprints, and tracks) were used as indices to estimate the abundance and distribution of large mammals in the Upper Ogun Game Reserve, which is located in a typical Southern Guinea savanna zone of Nigeria. Thirteen animal species were recorded; kob, bushbuck, hartebeest, roan antelope and duicker were the most abundant. The distribution of large mammals appears to be controlled by several factors: accessibility to the River Ogun [the main source of water in the reserve), availability of food and cover, and the extent of illegal hunting. An analysis of questionnaires distributed to various people living in villages around the reserve revealed that these people depend heavily on bushmeat for their animal protein requirements. They also use other wildlife products to meet their economic, social, and cultural needs. It is recommended that adequate protection should be accorded to the game reserve for at least 5 years. After that time, the area could be opened up to tourism, and controlled hunting could be permitted in the buffer zone around the reserve

    Abundance and Distribution of Large Mammals in the Upper Ogun Game Reserve, Oyo State, Nigeria

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    Three different methods for estimating wild animal populations were used to assess the density of different species in a game reserve in the Sahel region of Nigeria. Hunting for bushmeat by local communities living around the reserve was identified as one of the threats to wildlife populations. Bushmeat was an essential resource for communities around the reserve
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