86 research outputs found

    Simultaneous VHF and UHF radar observation of the mesosphere at Arecibo during a solar flare: A check on the gradient-mixing hypothesis

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    The results of a two wavelength (VHF and UHF) mesosphere experiment performed at the Arecibo Observatory on January 5, 1981 are discussed. The 46.8-MHz VHF radar (3.21 m Bragg scale) was operated to provide spectral measurements of signals scattered from refractivity fluctuations due to turbulence. Other physical parameters such as radial velocities, scattered signal power, and Doppler spread due to turbulence can be derived from signal spectra. The 430-MHz UHF radar (0.36 m Bragg scale) was used for D-region electron-density measurements using the incoherent scatter technique with a comparable height resolution. The radars were pointed symmetrically about the vertical with a beam spacing of 5.5 degree in the meridional plane. Occurrence of a type 4 solar flare during the experiment produced enhanced D-region electron-density gradients. This was a unique circumstance that provided the possibility of testing the basic premises of the turbulent gradient-mixing hypothesis

    Investigations of the lower and middle atmosphere at the Arecibo Observatory and a description of the new VHF radar project

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    The atmospheric science research at the Arecibo Observatory is performed by means of (active) radar methods and (passive) optical methods. The active methods utilize the 430 NHz radar, the S-band radar on 2380 MHz, and a recently constructed Very High Frequency (VHF) radar. The passive methods include measurements of the mesopause temperature by observing the rotational emissions from OH-bands. The VHF radar design is discussed

    Method to determine the optimal parameters of the Arecibo 46.8-MHz antenna system

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    The spherical reflector at the Arecibo Observatory (AO) offers great advantages for the design of simple and inexpensive high performance steerable antennas at VHF. Light and small feeds have the added benefit that they can be quickly installed in the Arecibo platform. It is important to evaluate the performance of any given feed including the effects of the spherical reflector. The optimization is emphasized of two parameters, namely, the distance below the focal point of the reflector and the beam width of a point feed. For the design of the feed at 46.8 MHz at the AO there were other requirements independent of MST (mesosphere stratosphere troposphere) work. The design of the primary array is discussed along with its performance with the AO spherical reflector

    On the use of colour reflectivity plots to monitor the structure of the troposphere and stratosphere

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    The radar reflectivity, defined as the range squared corrected power of VHF radar echoes, can be used to monitor and study the temporal development of inversion layer, frontal boundaries and convective turbulence. From typical featurs of upward or downward motion of reflectivity structures, the advection/convection of cold and warm air can be predicted. High resolution color plots appear to be useful to trace and to study the life history of these structures, particularly their persistency, descent and ascent. These displays allow an immediate determination of the tropopause height as well as the determination of the tropopause structure. The life history of warm fronts, cold fronts, and occlusions can be traced, and these reflectivity plots allow detection of even very weak events which cannot be seen in the traditional meteorological data sets. The life history of convective turbulence, particular evolving from the planetary boundary layer, can be tracked quite easily. Its development into strong convection reaching the middle troposphere can be followed and predicted

    The first operation and results of the Chung-Li VHF radar

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    The Chung-Li Very High Frequency (VHF) radar is used in the dual-mode operations, applying Doppler beam-swinging as well as the spaced-antenna-drift method. The design of the VHF radar is examined. Results of performance tests are discussed

    Mermaid: Modelling and evaluation research in MIMD architecture design

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    Quantitative estimates of relationships between geomagnetic activity and equatorial spread-F as determined by TID occurrence levels

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    Using a world-wide set of stations for 15 years, quantitative estimates of changes to equatorial spread-F (ESF) occurrence rates obtained from ionogram scalings, have been determined for a range of geomagnetic activity (GA) levels, as well as for four different levels of solar activity. Average occurrence rates were used as a reference. The percentage changes vary significantly depending on these subdivisions. For example for very high GA the inverse association is recorded by a change of -33% for R-z greater than or equal to 150, and -10% for R-z < 50. Using data for 9 years for the equatorial station, Huancayo, these measurements of ESF which indicate the presence of TIDs, have also been investigated by somewhat similar analyses. Additional parameters were used which involved the local times of GA, with the ESF being examined separately for occurrence pre-midnight (PM) and after-midnight (AM). Again the negative changes were most pronounced for high GA in R-z-max years (-21%). This result is for PM ESF for GA at a local time of 1700. There were increased ESF levels (+31%) for AM ESF in R-z-min years for high GA around 2300 LT. This additional knowledge of the influence of GA on ESF occurrence involving not only percentage changes, but these values for a range of parameter levels, may be useful if ever short-term forecasts are needed. There is some discussion on comparisons which can be made between ESF results obtained by coherent scatter from incoherent-scatter equipment and those obtained by ionosondes

    Thema en titel van dit Jaarboek: Gender and Performance.

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    Dit Jaarboek voor Vrouwengeschiedenis gaat over het thema Gender & Performance. Het is samengesteld onder leiding van gastredacteur Kati Röttger, hoogleraar Theaterwetenschap aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam. Uit de bijdragen aan dit boek blijkt de huidige status van het lichaam als precaire ‘arena’ voor grensoverschrijdingen en onderhandelingen rond gender in de kunsten en in het alledaagse leven. Is er een toekomst voor feminisme? Wat zijn post-feministische strategieën in de kunsten? Deze en andere actuele vragen komen aan bod in artikelen gewijd aan de performatieve kracht van de online private novel annex radiohoorspel Neid van de controversiële schrijfster Elfride Jelinek; de strijd voor emancipatie van de guerrillavrouwen aan de zijde van ‘subcomandante Marcos’ in het Mexicaanse Chiapas; journalistieke zelf(re)presentatie van de modejournaliste Aynouk Tan in een fotodialoog met haute couture als rekwisiet; de solidariteit onder meisjes in internet beautyblogs; de provocatieve en obscene performances van Ann Liv Young, en de schoonheidsidealen van baklas (‘verwijfde’ homoseksuele mannen) op de Filipijnen. Gender & Performance brengt de lezers in Duitsland, Mexico, de Filipijnen, Nederland en Oostenrijk, en neemt hen mee naar SlutWalks in Delhi en Toronto. In het kader van internationalisering zijn voor het eerst ook bijdragen in het Engels opgenomen.bookModern and Contemporary Studie
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