169 research outputs found

    User Friendly Framework for Measuring Product and Process Novelty in the Early Stages of Product Development

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    AbstractThis paper examines the innovation process in four Norwegian companies, all supplying the automotive industry with light weight structural components. Twelve representative product projects are categorized, together with people from product development in respective companies, according to product and process novelty. The main contribution from this study is twofold; first, a new framework and index for categorizing innovation across product and process newness is developed, second, putting empirical data into the framework demonstrates that product and process uniqueness does not seem to be dependent on amount of resources


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    ABSTRACT A series of laboratory experiments have been conducted to determine the permeability of brine close to irreducible water saturations with varying rock types, capillary pressures, saturations and permeabilities. X-ray tomography (CT) was used in one experiment as a quality assurance measure, visualizing the distribution of the flow of S wi phase in the sample. Water-saturated plugs attached to a water-wet ceramic membrane were drained by oil to S wi . Oil was then substituted by water at the inlet keeping both the water-and the oilsaturations in the plug constant. This was done in order to allow for water to flow through the plug and the membrane. A subsurface analogue to this laboratory experiment is a hydrocarbon-filled reservoir that is leaking water through a cap rock or a fault -keeping the hydrocarbons in place. The CT scan images showed that, although the overall flow rate was very low, the injected water moved quickly through the S wi -phase. Only a small fraction of the S wi volume contributed to this flow. The CT experiment also revealed some experimental artefacts such as spontaneous imbibition and gravity effects, which warrants further investigation. The result of the experiments verified that water could flow through different core plugs with varying S wi -phase permeability without forcing the oil through the membrane or changing the water saturation. The residual water permeability was dependent on the water saturation (S wi ) and the core plug permeability. Lowering the absolute permeability does not give a similar reduction in water permeability at S wi . The water permeability at S wi ranged from 0.02 µD to 1 µD. The absolute permeability for the different plugs ranged from approximately

    Mesothelioma and asbestosis in a young woman following occupational asbestos exposure: Short latency and long survival: Case Report

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    A 27-year-old female white-collar worker was diagnosed in 1998 with mesothelioma eight and one-half years following first exposure as a bystander to debris in a site in which asbestos-containing building materials were being dismantled and rebuilding work took place. Prodromal back pain had been present for a year and a half. She underwent extrapleural pneumectomy and received an intrapleural infusion of cisplatin post-operatively. Exposure to asbestos was verified by contemporary reports and lung biopsy, which demonstrated asbestos bodies and microscopic interstitial fibrosis -conforming evidence for asbestosis. The patient is alive and well 12 years after diagnosis and 14 years after onset of symptoms. The combination of an extremely short latency period and long survival following occupational exposure to asbestos dust is unique

    Using motivational techniques to reduce cardiometabolic risk factors in long term psychiatric inpatients: A naturalistic interventional study

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    Background People with severe mental illness have markedly reduced life expectancy; cardiometabolic disease is a major cause. Psychiatric hospital inpatients have elevated levels of cardiometabolic risk factors and are to a high degree dependent of the routines and facilities of the institutions. Studies of lifestyle interventions to reduce cardiometabolic risk in psychiatric inpatients are few. The current study aimed at assessing the feasibility and effects of a lifestyle intervention including Motivational Interviewing (MI) on physical activity levels, cardiometabolic risk status and mental health status in psychotic disorder inpatients. Methods Prospective naturalistic intervention study of 83 patients at long term inpatient psychosis treatment wards in South-Eastern Norway. Patients were assessed 3–6 months prior to, at start and 6 months after a life-style intervention program including training of staff in MI, simple changes in routines and improvements of facilities for physical exercise. Assessments were done by clinical staff and included level of physical activity, motivation, life satisfaction, symptom levels (MADRS, AES-C, PANSS, and GAF) as well as anthropometric and biochemical markers of cardiometabolic risk. A mixed model was applied to analyze change over time. Results A total of 88% of patients received MI interventions, with a mean of 2.5 MI interventions per week per patient. The physical activity level was not increased, but activity level was positively associated with motivation and negatively associated with positive symptoms. Triglyceride levels and number of smokers were significantly reduced and a significant decrease in symptom levels was observed. Conclusions The current results suggest that a simple, low cost life-style intervention program focusing on motivational change is feasible and may reduce symptoms and improve lifestyle habits in psychosis patients in long term treatment facilities. Similar programs may easily be implemented in other psychiatric hospitals.submittedVersio

    MassBuilt: effectiveness of an apprenticeship site-based smoking cessation intervention for unionized building trades workers

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    Blue-collar workers are difficult to reach and less likely to successfully quit smoking. The objective of this study was to test a training site-based smoking cessation intervention. This study is a randomized-controlled trial of a smoking cessation intervention that integrated occupational health concerns and was delivered in collaboration with unions to apprentices at 10 sites (n = 1,213). We evaluated smoking cessation at 1 and 6 months post-intervention. The baseline prevalence of smoking was 41%. We observed significantly higher quit rates in the intervention versus control group (26% vs. 16.8%; p = 0.014) 1 month after the intervention. However, the effects diminished over time so that the difference in quit rate was not significant at 6 month post-intervention (9% vs. 7.2%; p = 0.48). Intervention group members nevertheless reported a significant decrease in smoking intensity (OR = 3.13; 95% CI: 1.55–6.31) at 6 months post-intervention, compared to controls. The study demonstrates the feasibility of delivering an intervention through union apprentice programs. Furthermore, the notably better 1-month quit rate results among intervention members and the greater decrease in smoking intensity among intervention members who continued to smoke underscore the need to develop strategies to help reduce relapse among blue-collar workers who quit smoking

    Are public and private social expenditures complementary?

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    Most analyses of social protection are focussed on public arrangements. However, social effort is not restricted to the public domain; all kinds of private arrangements can be substitutes to public programs. OECD-data indicate that accounting for private social benefits and the impact of the tax system on social expenditure has an equalising effect on levels of social effort across a number of countries. This suggests complementarity between public and private social expenditures. Changes in the public/private mix in social protection will, however, have distributional effects. We expect that private schemes will generate less income redistribution than public programs. In this paper we will perform an empirical analysis. Using comparative international data we analyse whether there is a relationship between public and private social expenditures, and the distribution of income. We find a negative relationship between net public social expenditures and income inequality, but a positive relationship between net private social expenditures and income inequality across countries. In fact, when we incorporate private social security expenditures, the impact of total social expenditure on the income distribution becomes statistically trivial. We conclude that changes in the public/private mix in the provision of social protection may affect the redistributive impact of the welfare state

    Excessive substance use in bipolar disorder is associated with impaired functioning rather than clinical characteristics, a descriptive study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There is a strong association between bipolar disorder (BD) and substance use disorder (SUD). The clinical and functional correlates of SUD in BD are still unclear and little is known about the role of excessive substance use that does not meet SUD criteria. Thus, the aims of the current study were to investigate lifetime rates of illicit substance use in BD relative to the normal population and if there are differences in clinical and functional features between BD patients with and without excessive substance use.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>125 consecutively recruited BD in- and outpatients from the Oslo University Hospitals and 327 persons randomly drawn from the population in Oslo, Norway participated. Clinical and functional variables were assessed. Excessive substance use was defined as DSM-IV SUD and/or excessive use according to predefined criteria.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The rate of lifetime illicit substance use was significantly higher among patients compared to the reference population (OR = 3.03, CI = 1.9-4.8, p < .001). Patients with excessive substance use (45% of total) had poorer educational level, occupational status, GAF-scores and medication compliance, with a trend towards higher suicidality rates, compared to patients without. There were no significant group differences in current symptom levels or disease course between groups.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The percentage of patients with BD that had tried illicit substances was significantly higher than in the normal population. BD patients with excessive substance use clearly had impaired functioning, but not a worse course of illness compared to patients without excessive substance use. An assessment of substance use beyond SUD criteria in BD is clinically relevant.</p