455 research outputs found

    Biodiversity in a forest island: reptiles and amphibians of the West African Togo Hills

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    Our recent surveys of the herpetological diversity of the West African Togo Hills documented a total of 65 reptile and amphibian species, making Kyabobo National Park one of the most diverse sites surveyed in Ghana. We provide accounts for all species recorded along with photographs to aid in identification. We recorded 26 amphibians, including six new records for Kyabobo N. P., one of which is a record for the Togo Hills. Our collection of reptile species (22 lizards, 16 snakes, and one crocodile) also provides new records and range extensions for Kyabobo N. P., such as the first observation of the dwarf crocodile, Osteolaemus tetraspis. Amphibian species still lacking from our surveys in the Togo Hills include several species that are adapted to fast running water or large closed forests, like the Togo toad, Bufo togoensis and the slippery frog, Conraua derooi. Appropriate habitat for such species still remains in Kyabobo, highlighting the need for additional survey work. We draw attention to the importance of conserving forest stream habitats, which will in turn help ensure the persistence of forest-restricted species. We also highlight those species that may prove most useful for evolutionary studies of West African rain forest biogeography

    Influence of strain on magnetization and magnetoelectric effect in La0.7A0.3MnO3 / PMN-PT(001) (A = Sr; Ca)

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    We investigate the influence of a well-defined reversible biaxial strain <=0.12 % on the magnetization (M) of epitaxial ferromagnetic manganite films. M has been recorded depending on temperature, strain and magnetic field in 20 - 50 nm thick films. This is accomplished by reversibly compressing the isotropic in-plane lattice parameter of the rhombohedral piezoelectric 0.72PMN-0.28PT (001) substrates by application of an electric field E <= 12 kV cm-1. The magnitude of the total variable in-plane strain has been derived. Strain-induced shifts of the ferromagnetic Curie temperature (Tc) of up to 19 K were found in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 (LSMO) and La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 films and are quantitatively analysed for LSMO within a cubic model. The observed large magnetoelectric coupling coefficient alpha=mu0 dM/dE <= 6 10-8 s m-1 at ambient temperature results from the strain-induced M change in the magnetic-film-ferroelectric-substrate system. It corresponds to an enhancement of mu0 DeltaM <= 19 mT upon biaxial compression of 0.1 %. The extraordinary large alpha originates from the combination of three crucial properties: (i) the strong strain dependence of M in the ferromagnetic manganites, (ii) large piezo-strain of the PMN-PT substrates and (iii) effective elastic coupling at the film-substrate interface.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    Can an Electric Field Induce an Antiferroelectric Phase Out of a Ferroelectric Phase?

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    It has been widely accepted that electric fields favor the ferroelectric phase with parallel electric dipoles over the antiferroelectric phase. With detailed measurements in polycrystalline ceramics of Pb(0.99)Nb(0.02)[(Zr(0.57)Sn(0.43))(1-y)Ti(y)](0.98)O(3), we demonstrate in this Letter that electric fields can induce an antiferroelectric phase out of a ferroelectric phase, i.e., trigger an apparently unlikely ferroelectric-to-antiferroelectric phase transition. We suggest that it is caused by the volume contraction from the converse piezoelectric effect at the coercive field with a reversed polarity.open211

    Determination of depolarization temperature of (Bi1/2Na1/2)TiO3-based lead-free piezoceramics

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    The depolarization temperature T-d of piezoelectric materials is an important figure of merit for their application at elevated temperatures. Until now, there are several methods proposed in the literature to determine the depolarization temperature of piezoelectrics, which are based on different physical origins. Their validity and inter-correlation have not been clearly manifested. This paper applies the definition of depolarization temperature as the temperature of the steepest decrease of remanent polarization and evaluates currently used methods, both in terms of this definition and practical applicability. For the investigations, the lead-free piezoceramics (1-y)(Bi1/2Na1/2TiO3-xBi(1/2)K(1/2)TiO(3))-yK(0.5)Na(0.5)NbO(3) in a wide compositional range were chosen. Results were then compared to those for BaTiO3 and a commercial Pb(Zr,Ti)O-3-based material as references. Thermally stimulated depolarization current and in situ temperature-dependent piezoelectric coefficient d(33) are recommended to determine T-d according to the proposed definition. Methods based on inflection point of the real part of permittivity or the peak in dielectric loss give consistently higher temperature values.open513

    High temperature stress-induced "double loop-like" phase transitions in Bi-based perovskites

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    Polycrystalline 0.94 (Bi1/2Na1/2) TiO 3-0.06 BaTiO3 samples were tested under uniaxial mechanical compression at various temperatures in the vicinity of the polar tetragonal to nonpolar tetragonal phase boundary. They are shown to display double loop-like stress-strain behavior, marked by a closed ferroelastic hysteresis loop. Thus, it forms a mechanical analog to the polarization-electric field hysteresis behavior of barium titanate above the Curie temperature. As temperature is increased there is an apparent loss of macroscopically observable ferroelasticity, despite the persistence of tetragonality. Macroscopic experimental results are discussed in conjunction with temperature-dependent and stress-dependent high-energy x-ray diffraction data. This reveals a phase transition below the Curie temperature, marked by a discontinuous change in lattice parameters and octahedral tilting during compressive mechanical loading.open231

    Hubbard band or oxygen vacancy states in the correlated electron metal SrVO3_3?

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    We study the effect of oxygen vacancies on the electronic structure of the model strongly correlated metal SrVO3_3. By means of angle-resolved photoemission (ARPES) synchrotron experiments, we investigate the systematic effect of the UV dose on the measured spectra. We observe the onset of a spurious dose-dependent prominent peak at an energy range were the lower Hubbard band has been previously reported in this compound, raising questions on its previous interpretation. By a careful analysis of the dose dependent effects we succeed in disentangling the contributions coming from the oxygen vacancy states and from the lower Hubbard band. We obtain the intrinsic ARPES spectrum for the zero-vacancy limit, where a clear signal of a lower Hubbard band remains. We support our study by means of state-of-the-art ab initio calculations that include correlation effects and the presence of oxygen vacancies. Our results underscore the relevance of potential spurious states affecting ARPES experiments in correlated metals, which are associated to the ubiquitous oxygen vacancies as extensively reported in the context of a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) at the surface of insulating d0d^0 transition metal oxides.Comment: Manuscript + Supplemental Material, 12 pages, 9 figure

    Spectro-microscopic measurements of carbonaceous aerosol aging in Central California

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    Carbonaceous aerosols are responsible for large uncertainties in climate models, degraded visibility, and adverse health effects. The Carbonaceous Aerosols and Radiative Effects Study (CARES) was designed to study carbonaceous aerosols in the natural environment of the Central Valley, California, and learn more about their atmospheric formation and aging. This paper presents results from spectro-microscopic measurements of carbonaceous particles collected during CARES at the time of a pollution accumulation event (27&ndash;29 June 2010), when in situ measurements indicated an increase in the organic carbon content of aerosols as the Sacramento urban plume aged. Computer-controlled scanning electron microscopy coupled with an energy dispersive X-ray detector (CCSEM/EDX) and scanning transmission X-ray microscopy coupled with near-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy (STXM/NEXAFS) were used to probe the chemical composition and morphology of individual particles. It was found that the mass of organic carbon on individual particles increased through condensation of secondary organic aerosol. STXM/NEXAFS indicated that the number fraction of homogenous organic particles lacking inorganic inclusions (greater than ~50 nm equivalent circular diameter) increased with plume age, as did the organic mass per particle. Comparison of the CARES spectro-microscopic dataset with a similar dataset obtained in Mexico City during the MILAGRO campaign showed that fresh particles in Mexico City contained three times as much carbon as those sampled during CARES. The number fraction of soot particles at the Mexico City urban site (ranging from 16.6 to 47.3%) was larger than at the CARES urban site (13.4&ndash;15.7%), and the most aged samples from CARES contained fewer carbon–carbon double bonds. Differences between carbonaceous particles in Mexico City and California result from different sources, photochemical conditions, gas phase reactants, and secondary organic aerosol precursors. The detailed results provided by these spectro-microscopic measurements will allow for a comprehensive evaluation of aerosol process models used in climate research

    Novel strategies to target the survivin pathway in cancer – interference with nuclear export prevents the tumor promoting activites of survivin : meeting abstract

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    Survivin functions as an apoptosis inhibitor and a regulator of cell division during development and tumorigenesis. Since survivin is a highly relevant target for tumor therapy, we investigated whether interference with it’s dynamic cellular localization represents a novel strategy to inhibit survivin’s cancer promoting functions. We confirmed survivin overexpression in head and neck as well as in colorectal cancers and identified an evolutionary conserved Crm1-dependent nuclear export signal (NES) in survivin. Importantly, nuclear export was required for survivin mediated protection against chemo- and radiotherapy-induced apoptosis by securing efficient interference with cytoplasmic caspases. In dividing cells, the NES was required for tethering of survivin and of the survivin/Aurora-B kinase complex to the mitotic machinery, which was inevitable for proper cell division. The clinical relevance of our findings was supported by showing that preferential nuclear localization of survivin correlated with enhanced survival in a cohort of colorectal cancer patients. Targeting survivin’s nuclear export by the application of NES-specific antibodies promoted its nuclear accumulation and inhibited its cytoprotective function. We here show that nuclear export is essential for the tumor promoting activities of survivin and encourage the identification of chemical inhibitors to specifically interfere with survivin’s nuclear export as a novel class of anticancer therapeutics

    High-density two-dimensional electron system induced by oxygen vacancies in ZnO

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    We realize a two-dimensional electron system (2DES) in ZnO by simply depositing pure aluminum on its surface in ultra-high vacuum, and characterize its electronic structure using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. The aluminum oxidizes into alumina by creating oxygen vacancies that dope the bulk conduction band of ZnO and confine the electrons near its surface. The electron density of the 2DES is up to two orders of magnitude higher than those obtained in ZnO heterostructures. The 2DES shows two ss-type subbands, that we compare to the dd-like 2DESs in titanates, with clear signatures of many-body interactions that we analyze through a self-consistent extraction of the system self-energy and a modeling as a coupling of a 2D Fermi liquid with a Debye distribution of phonons.Comment: Article + Supplementary Material, 12 pages, 3 main figures, 6 supplementary figure
