24 research outputs found

    Evaluation of antibacterial activity of hand sanitizers – an in vitro study

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    Hand hygiene, particularly hand sanitizing, is essential in reducing infectious disease transmission. The recent outbreak of Ebola in Nigeria both increased public awareness of the practice of hand sanitizing and resulted in the introduction of new products to the Nigerian market. This study set out to explore the actual antibacterial activity of these products against key clinical isolates using both dilution and diffusion susceptibility tests methods. Results showed higher inhibitory activity of the products to Klebsiella pneumoniae and Staphylococcus aureus than Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Overall the only local product tested had the least inhibitory activity. In general however, the sanitizers showed good activities, with inhibition of bacteria noted at concentrations as low as 25%. Products tested in this study showed higher zones of inhibition than previously reported, indicating their overall effectiveness. The variations in diffusion and dilution results highlight the effect of texture of the sanitizing product on testing methods and point at a need to properly assess if this could perhaps have any effect in real time on inhibitory activities. The hand sanitizing products tested in this study are suitable in disease prevention. However, regulatory bodies may need to focus on product texture until the effect of this on activity is determined.Keywords: Sanitizer, Nigeria, dilution, MIC, bacteriocida

    Study of the haematological and biochemical values and gastrointestinal and haemoparasites in racing pigeons ( Columba livia check for this species in other resources ) in Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria

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    The study was conducted to determine the blood chemistry, and naturally occurring haemo and gastrointestinal parasites of rearing pigeons ( Columba livia check for this species in other resources ) in Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria. The packed cell volume, white blood cell, red blood cell, mean cell volume, mean haemoglobin concentration and total bilirubin values of the female pigeons were significantly (p 0.05) between the two groups. Out of 150 pigeons examined for prevalence of parasites, 70 (46.7%) of them were infected with gastro-intestinal parasites, of which 30 (42.9%) were males and 40 (57.1%) females. Four gastrointestinal parasites were identified, with Trichomonas check for this species in other resources sp. returning the highest prevalence of 42.8%, followed by Eimeria check for this species in other resources sp. (28.6%), while coccidian oocysts and Ascaridia check for this species in other resources sp. each gave the prevalence rate of 14.3%. Results of haemoparasitological examination of thin blood smears revealed haematozoa of two genera: Haemoproteus check for this species in other resources sp. and Plasmodium check for this species in other resources sp. The haemo-parasitological examination revealed that Haemoproteus sp. was more common, with the prevalence of 30 (75.0%) for males and 70 (87.5%) for females. Plasmodium sp. gave prevalences of 10 (25.0%) for both, male and female. Fecal cultures recorded high growth of bacterial organisms, of which the prevalence for Proteus check for this species in other resources sp. was 130 (86.7%), while Enterococcus check for this species in other resources sp. was 20 (13.3%). Overall, 40.0% of the pigeons had bacterial infections. It is concluded that there was high prevalence of gastrointestinal and haemoparasites in rearing pigeons in Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria. However, these parasites did not cause any observable clinical effects in the serum biochemical and haematological parameters of the pigeons.El estudio se realizó para determinar la química sanguínea y los parásitos sanguíneos y gastrointestinales que se encuentran naturalmente en palomas ( Columba livia check for this species in other resources ) criadas en Owerri, Estado de Imo, Nigeria. Los valores de hematocritos, glóbulos blancos, volumen promedio de células, concentración promedio de hemoglobina y bilirrubina total de las palomas femeninas fueron significativamente (p 0,05) entre los dos grupos. De las 150 palomas examinadas para prevalencia de parásitos, 70 (46,7%) de ellas estaban infectadas con parásitos gastrointestinales, de los cuales 30 (42,9%) fueron masculinos y 40 (57,1%) femeninas. Se identificaron cuatro parásitos gastrointestinales, siendo Trichomonas check for this species in other resources sp. el de mayor prevalencia (42,8%), seguido por Eimeria check for this species in other resources sp. (28,6%), mientras oocistos de coccideos y Ascaridia check for this species in other resources sp. cada uno dio una prevalencia de 14,3%. Los resultados del examen hemo-parasitológico de frotis finos de sangre revelaron los hematozoarios de dos géneros: Haemoproteus check for this species in other resources sp. y Plasmodium check for this species in other resources sp. El examen hemo-parasitológico reveló que Haemoproteus sp. fue el más común, con una prevalencia de 30 (75,0% para los machos y 70 (87,5%) para las hembras. Plasmodium sp. dio prevalencias de 10 (25,0%) para ambos, machos y hembras. El cultivo de heces registró un alto crecimiento de organismos bacterianos, de los cuales la prevalencia de Proteus check for this species in other resources sp. fue de 130 (86,7%), mientras que Enterococcus check for this species in other resources sp. fue 20 (13,3%). El 40,0% de las palomas tuvo infecciones bacterianas. Hubo una alta prevalencia de parásitos gastrointestinales y sanguíneos en palomas criadas en Owerri, Estado de Imo, Nigeria. Sin embargo, estos parásitos no causan ningún efecto clínico observable en los parámetros séricos bioquímicos y hematológicos de las palomas

    Impacts of Fuel Subsidy on Economic Growth in Nigeria 2005–2022: Driving Economic Growth through Fuel Subsidy Removal Policy and Implementation

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    This study aims to examine the impacts of fuel subsidies on economic growth in Nigeria from 2005 to 2022, driving economic growth through fuel subsidy removal policy and implementation. Fuel subsidies have long been a significant policy measure in the country, aimed at reducing the cost of fuel for consumers. The study analyzes and understands the economic consequences associated with the removal of fuel subsidies in Nigeria. An empirical research approach is utilized with a combination of quantitative data analysis and econometric modeling techniques. The primary focus of the analysis is on changes in key macroeconomic variables during fuel subsidies. The study explores the effects on government revenue, recurrent expenditure, capital expenditure, tax, inflation, exchange rate, technology, and GDP. The outcomes of this research include valuable insights into the impacts of fuel subsidies on economic growth in Nigeria. Findings from this study can inform policymakers, government agencies, and stakeholders about the potential consequences of subsidy reforms on the overall economy. Moreover, the results contribute to the ongoing policy discussions surrounding the removal of fuel subsidies and aid in the formulation of evidence-based strategies to ensure sustainable economic growth and development

    Impacts of Fuel Subsidy on Economic Growth in Nigeria 2005–2022: Driving Economic Growth through Fuel Subsidy Removal Policy and Implementation

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    This study aims to examine the impacts of fuel subsidies on economic growth in Nigeria from 2005 to 2022, driving economic growth through fuel subsidy removal policy and implementation. Fuel subsidies have long been a significant policy measure in the country, aimed at reducing the cost of fuel for consumers. The study analyzes and understands the economic consequences associated with the removal of fuel subsidies in Nigeria. An empirical research approach is utilized with a combination of quantitative data analysis and econometric modeling techniques. The primary focus of the analysis is on changes in key macroeconomic variables during fuel subsidies. The study explores the effects on government revenue, recurrent expenditure, capital expenditure, tax, inflation, exchange rate, technology, and GDP. The outcomes of this research include valuable insights into the impacts of fuel subsidies on economic growth in Nigeria. Findings from this study can inform policymakers, government agencies, and stakeholders about the potential consequences of subsidy reforms on the overall economy. Moreover, the results contribute to the ongoing policy discussions surrounding the removal of fuel subsidies and aid in the formulation of evidence-based strategies to ensure sustainable economic growth and development