2,648 research outputs found

    Weyl Quantization of Fractional Derivatives

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    The quantum analogs of the derivatives with respect to coordinates q_k and momenta p_k are commutators with operators P_k and $Q_k. We consider quantum analogs of fractional Riemann-Liouville and Liouville derivatives. To obtain the quantum analogs of fractional Riemann-Liouville derivatives, which are defined on a finite interval of the real axis, we use a representation of these derivatives for analytic functions. To define a quantum analog of the fractional Liouville derivative, which is defined on the real axis, we can use the representation of the Weyl quantization by the Fourier transformation.Comment: 9 pages, LaTe

    Fractional Chemotaxis Diffusion Equations

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    We introduce mesoscopic and macroscopic model equations of chemotaxis with anomalous subdiffusion for modelling chemically directed transport of biological organisms in changing chemical environments with diffusion hindered by traps or macro-molecular crowding. The mesoscopic models are formulated using Continuous Time Random Walk master equations and the macroscopic models are formulated with fractional order differential equations. Different models are proposed depending on the timing of the chemotactic forcing. Generalizations of the models to include linear reaction dynamics are also derived. Finally a Monte Carlo method for simulating anomalous subdiffusion with chemotaxis is introduced and simulation results are compared with numerical solutions of the model equations. The model equations developed here could be used to replace Keller-Segel type equations in biological systems with transport hindered by traps, macro-molecular crowding or other obstacles.Comment: 25page

    Time evolution of the reaction front in a subdiffusive system

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    Using the quasistatic approximation, we show that in a subdiffusion--reaction system the reaction front xfx_{f} evolves in time according to the formula xftα/2x_{f} \sim t^{\alpha/2}, with α\alpha being the subdiffusion parameter. The result is derived for the system where the subdiffusion coefficients of reactants differ from each other. It includes the case of one static reactant. As an application of our results, we compare the time evolution of reaction front extracted from experimental data with the theoretical formula and we find that the transport process of organic acid particles in the tooth enamel is subdiffusive.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure

    Squeezed States and Hermite polynomials in a Complex Variable

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    Following the lines of the recent paper of J.-P. Gazeau and F. H. Szafraniec [J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 44, 495201 (2011)], we construct here three types of coherent states, related to the Hermite polynomials in a complex variable which are orthogonal with respect to a non-rotationally invariant measure. We investigate relations between these coherent states and obtain the relationship between them and the squeezed states of quantum optics. We also obtain a second realization of the canonical coherent states in the Bargmann space of analytic functions, in terms of a squeezed basis. All this is done in the flavor of the classical approach of V. Bargmann [Commun. Pur. Appl. Math. 14, 187 (1961)].Comment: 15 page

    On the Consistency of the Solutions of the Space Fractional Schr\"odinger Equation

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    Recently it was pointed out that the solutions found in literature for the space fractional Schr\"odinger equation in a piecewise manner are wrong, except the case with the delta potential. We reanalyze this problem and show that an exact and a proper treatment of the relevant integral proves otherwise. We also discuss effective potential approach and present a free particle solution for the space and time fractional Schr\"odinger equation in general coordinates in terms of Fox's H-functions

    Dynamics of Fractal Solids

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    We describe the fractal solid by a special continuous medium model. We propose to describe the fractal solid by a fractional continuous model, where all characteristics and fields are defined everywhere in the volume but they follow some generalized equations which are derived by using integrals of fractional order. The order of fractional integral can be equal to the fractal mass dimension of the solid. Fractional integrals are considered as an approximation of integrals on fractals. We suggest the approach to compute the moments of inertia for fractal solids. The dynamics of fractal solids are described by the usual Euler's equations. The possible experimental test of the continuous medium model for fractal solids is considered.Comment: 12 pages, LaTe

    Measuring subdiffusion parameters

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    We propose a method to extract from experimental data the subdiffusion parameter α\alpha and subdiffusion coefficient DαD_\alpha which are defined by means of the relation =2Dα/Γ(1+α)tα =2D_\alpha/\Gamma(1+\alpha) t^\alpha where denotes a mean square displacement of a random walker starting from x=0x=0 at the initial time t=0t=0. The method exploits a membrane system where a substance of interest is transported in a solvent from one vessel to another across a thin membrane which plays here only an auxiliary role. Using such a system, we experimentally study a diffusion of glucose and sucrose in a gel solvent. We find a fully analytic solution of the fractional subdiffusion equation with the initial and boundary conditions representing the system under study. Confronting the experimental data with the derived formulas, we show a subdiffusive character of the sugar transport in gel solvent. We precisely determine the parameter α\alpha, which is smaller than 1, and the subdiffusion coefficient DαD_\alpha.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, revised, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Hyperbolic subdiffusive impedance

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    We use the hyperbolic subdiffusion equation with fractional time derivatives (the generalized Cattaneo equation) to study the transport process of electrolytes in media where subdiffusion occurs. In this model the flux is delayed in a non-zero time with respect to the concentration gradient. In particular, we obtain the formula of electrochemical subdiffusive impedance of a spatially limited sample in the limit of large and of small pulsation of the electric field. The boundary condition at the external wall of the sample are taken in the general form as a linear combination of subdiffusive flux and concentration of the transported particles. We also discuss the influence of the equation parameters (the subdiffusion parameter and the delay time) on the Nyquist impedance plots.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Non-Markovian Levy diffusion in nonhomogeneous media

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    We study the diffusion equation with a position-dependent, power-law diffusion coefficient. The equation possesses the Riesz-Weyl fractional operator and includes a memory kernel. It is solved in the diffusion limit of small wave numbers. Two kernels are considered in detail: the exponential kernel, for which the problem resolves itself to the telegrapher's equation, and the power-law one. The resulting distributions have the form of the L\'evy process for any kernel. The renormalized fractional moment is introduced to compare different cases with respect to the diffusion properties of the system.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure