1,015 research outputs found

    Stability of the r-modes in white dwarf stars

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    Stability of the r-modes in rapidly rotating white dwarf stars is investigated. Improved estimates of the growth times of the gravitational-radiation driven instability in the r-modes of the observed DQ Her objects are found to be longer (probably considerably longer) than 6x10^9y. This rules out the possibility that the r-modes in these objects are emitting gravitational radiation at levels that could be detectable by LISA. More generally it is shown that the r-mode instability can only be excited in a very small subset of very hot (T>10^6K), rather massive (M>0.9M_sun) and very rapidly rotating (P_min<P<1.2P_min) white dwarf stars. Further, the growth times of this instability are so long that these conditions must persist for a very long time (t>10^9y) to allow the amplitude to grow to a dynamically significant level. This makes it extremely unlikely that the r-mode instability plays a significant role in any real white dwarf stars.Comment: 5 Pages, 5 Figures, revte

    Hypernova Nucleosynthesis and Galactic Chemical Evolution

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    We study nucleosynthesis in 'hypernovae', i.e., supernovae with very large explosion energies ( \gsim 10^{52} ergs) for both spherical and aspherical explosions. The hypernova yields compared to those of ordinary core-collapse supernovae show the following characteristics: 1) Complete Si-burning takes place in more extended region, so that the mass ratio between the complete and incomplete Si burning regions is generally larger in hypernovae than normal supernovae. As a result, higher energy explosions tend to produce larger [(Zn, Co)/Fe], small [(Mn, Cr)/Fe], and larger [Fe/O], which could explain the trend observed in very metal-poor stars. 2) Si-burning takes place in lower density regions, so that the effects of α\alpha-rich freezeout is enhanced. Thus 44^{44}Ca, 48^{48}Ti, and 64^{64}Zn are produced more abundantly than in normal supernovae. The large [(Ti, Zn)/Fe] ratios observed in very metal poor stars strongly suggest a significant contribution of hypernovae. 3) Oxygen burning also takes place in more extended regions for the larger explosion energy. Then a larger amount of Si, S, Ar, and Ca ("Si") are synthesized, which makes the "Si"/O ratio larger. The abundance pattern of the starburst galaxy M82 may be attributed to hypernova explosions. Asphericity in the explosions strengthens the nucleosynthesis properties of hypernovae except for "Si"/O. We thus suggest that hypernovae make important contribution to the early Galactic (and cosmic) chemical evolution.Comment: To be published in "The Influence of Binaries on Stellar Population Studies", ed. D. Vanbeveren (Kluwer), 200

    An upper limit on the contribution of accreting white dwarfs to the type Ia supernova rate

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    There is wide agreement that Type Ia supernovae (used as standard candles for cosmology) are associated with the thermonuclear explosions of white dwarf stars. The nuclear runaway that leads to the explosion could start in a white dwarf gradually accumulating matter from a companion star until it reaches the Chandrasekhar limit, or could be triggered by the merger of two white dwarfs in a compact binary system. The X-ray signatures of these two possible paths are very different. Whereas no strong electromagnetic emission is expected in the merger scenario until shortly before the supernova, the white dwarf accreting material from the normal star becomes a source of copious X-rays for ~1e7 yr before the explosion. This offers a means of determining which path dominates. Here we report that the observed X-ray flux from six nearby elliptical galaxies and galaxy bulges is a factor of ~30-50 less than predicted in the accretion scenario, based upon an estimate of the supernova rate from their K-band luminosities. We conclude that no more than ~5 per cent of Type Ia supernovae in early type galaxies can be produced by white dwarfs in accreting binary systems, unless their progenitors are much younger than the bulk of the stellar population in these galaxies, or explosions of sub-Chandrasekhar white dwarfs make a significant contribution to the supernova rate.Comment: 10 pages, 1 tabl

    The Peculiar Type Ic Supernova 1997ef: Another Hypernova

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    SN 1997ef has been recognized as a peculiar supernova from its light curve and spectral properties. The object was classified as a Type Ic supernova (SN Ic) because its spectra are dominated by broad absorption lines of oxygen and iron, lacking any clear signs of hydrogen or helium line features. The light curve is very different from that of previously known SNe Ic, showing a very broad peak and a slow tail. The strikingly broad line features in the spectra of SN 1997ef, which were also seen in the hypernova SN 1998bw, suggest the interesting possibility that SN 1997ef may also be a hypernova. The light curve and spectra of SN 1997ef were modeled first with a standard SN~Ic model assuming an ordinary kinetic energy of explosion EK=1051E_{\rm K} = 10^{51} erg. The explosion of a CO star of mass MCO≈6M⊙M_{\rm CO} \approx 6 M_\odot gives a reasonably good fit to the light curve but clearly fails to reproduce the broad spectral features. Then, models with larger masses and energies were explored. Both the light curve and the spectra of SN 1997ef are much better reproduced by a C+O star model with EK=E_{\rm K} = 8 \e{51} erg and MCO=10M⊙M_{\rm CO} = 10 M_\odot. Therefore, we conclude that SN 1997ef is very likely a hypernova on the basis of its kinetic energy of explosion. Finally, implications for the deviation from spherical symmetry are discussed in an effort to improve the light curve and spectral fits.Comment: "To appear in the Astrophysical Journal, Vol.534 (2000)

    Bipolar Supernova Explosions: Nucleosynthesis & Implication on Abundances in Extremely Metal-Poor Stars

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    Hydrodynamics and explosive nucleosynthesis in bipolar supernova explosions are examined to account for some peculiar properties of hypernovae as well as peculiar abundance patterns of metal-poor stars. The explosion is supposed to be driven by bipolar jets which are powered by accretion onto a central remnant. We explore the features of the explosions with varying progenitors' masses and jet properties. The outcomes are different from conventional spherical models. (1) In the bipolar models, Fe-rich materials are ejected at high velocities along the jet axis, while O-rich materials occupy the central region whose density becomes very high as a consequence of continuous accretion from the side. This configuration can explain some peculiar features in the light curves and the nebular spectra of hypernovae. (2) Production of 56^{56}Ni tends to be smaller than in spherical thermal bomb models. To account for a large amount of 56^{56}Ni observed in hypernovae, the jets should be initiated when the compact remnant mass is still smaller than 2-3\msun, or the jets should be very massive and slow. (3) Ejected isotopes are distributed as follows in order of decreasing velocities: 64^{64}Zn, 59^{59}Co, 56^{56}Fe, 44^{44}Ti, and 4^{4}He at the highest velocities, 55^{55}Mn, 52^{52}Cr, 32^{32}S, and 28^{28}Si at the intermediate velocities, and 24^{24}Mg, 16^{16}O at the lowest velocities. (4) The abundance ratios (Zn, Co)/Fe are enhanced while the ratios (Mn, Cr)/Fe are suppressed. This can account for the abundance pattern of extremely metal-poor stars. These agreements between the models and observations suggest that hypernovae are driven by bipolar jets and have significantly contributed to the early Galactic chemical evolution.Comment: Accepted version, to appear in the Astrophysical Journal. Additional figures and an appendix. 58 pages including 21 figs and 9 table

    Shock Breakout in Type II Plateau Supernovae: Prospects for High Redshift Supernova Surveys

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    Shock breakout is the brightest radiative phenomenon in a supernova (SN) but is difficult to be observed owing to the short duration and X-ray/ultraviolet (UV)-peaked spectra. After the first observation from the rising phase reported in 2008, its observability at high redshift is attracting enormous attention. We perform multigroup radiation hydrodynamics calculations of explosions for evolutionary presupernova models with various main-sequence masses MMSM_{\rm MS}, metallicities ZZ, and explosion energies EE. We present multicolor light curves of shock breakout in Type II plateau SNe, being the most frequent core-collapse SNe, and predict apparent multicolor light curves of shock breakout at various redshifts zz. We derive the observable SN rate and reachable redshift as functions of filter xx and limiting magnitude mx,limm_{x,{\rm lim}} by taking into account an initial mass function, cosmic star formation history, intergalactic absorption, and host galaxy extinction. We propose a realistic survey strategy optimized for shock breakout. For example, the gâ€Čg'-band observable SN rate for mgâ€Č,lim=27.5m_{g',{\rm lim}}=27.5 mag is 3.3 SNe degree−2^{-2} day−1^{-1} and a half of them locates at z≄1.2z\geq1.2. It is clear that the shock breakout is a beneficial clue to probe high-zz core-collapse SNe. We also establish ways to identify shock breakout and constrain SN properties from the observations of shock breakout, brightness, time scale, and color. We emphasize that the multicolor observations in blue optical bands with ∌\sim hour intervals, preferably over ≄2\geq2 continuous nights, are essential to efficiently detect, identify, and interpret shock breakout.Comment: 26 pages, 23 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Supplement Serie

    Properties of Deflagration Fronts and Models for Type Ia Supernovae

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    Detailed models of the explosion of a white dwarf, which include self-consistent calculations of the light curve and spectra, provide a link between observational quantities and the underlying explosion.These calculations assume spherical geometry and are based on parameterized descriptions of the burning front during the deflagration phase. Recently, first multi-dimensional calculations for nuclear burning fronts have been performed. Although a fully consistent treatment of the burning fronts is beyond the current state of the art, these calculations provided a new and better understanding of the physics, and new descriptions for the flame propagation have been proposed. Here, we have studied the influence on the results of previous analyses of Type Ia Supernovae, namely, the nucleosynthesis and structure of the expanding envelope. Our calculations are based on a set of delayed detonation models with parameters that give a good account of the optical and infrared light curves, and of the spectral evolution. In this scenario, the burning front propagates first in a deflagration mode and, subsequently, turns into a detonation. The explosions and light curves are calculated using a one-dimensional Lagrangian radiation-hydro code, including a detailed nuclear network.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, macros 'crckapb.sty'. The Astrophysical Journal (accepted
