469 research outputs found

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Citra Tubuh Pasien Diabetes Melitus yang Mengalami Ulkus Diabetikum

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    The purpose of this research is to identify influencing factor of body image among diabetic patient by foot ulcer at Arifin Achmad hospitals Riau province. The research used correlative descriptive with cross sectional approach as its design. The number of samples is 30 people taken using pusposive sampling technique. The analysis used was univariate using frequency distribution and bivariate analysis using chi-square test. Based on the statistical test (chi-square) results, it is concluded that there is significant between changes in body apprearance with body image [p value <α (0,042<0,05)], there is significant between changes in function of body with body image [p value <α (0,011<0,05)], there is significant between reactions of others with body image [p value <α (0,027<0,05)] and there is significant between comparison of others with body image [p value <α (0,033<0,05)]. The result of research expected nurse more pay attention to psychological aspects when giving nursing interventio

    Exploring patient satisfaction of a joint-consultation clinic for trigeminal neuralgia: Enabling improved decision-making

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    Background: Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) is a relatively rare condition which has a profound impact not only on the patient but also on those around them. There is no cure for TN, and the management of the condition is complex. The most effective forms of treatment are either through medication, neurosurgery, or combination of the two. Each option has risks and implications for the patient. As with all clinical decisions, it is important for patients to understand and be fully informed of the treatments available to them. A London UK unit adopted a joint-consultation clinic approach where the patient meets with both physician and neurosurgeon at the same time to discuss treatment options. The purpose of this evaluation is to understand patients’ level of satisfaction with the joint-consultation clinic and evaluate utilisation of a clinical decision-making tool. Method: Patients who had attended the joint-consultation clinic over a period of 12 months were invited to participate in a telephone or paper survey (N = 55). Responses were analysed using descriptive statistics and thematic analysis. Results: Forty-one patients (77% response rate) participated in the survey, and the results were overwhelmingly positive for the joint-consultation clinic regarding satisfaction. The benefits were broad ranging including increased understanding, collaboration and confidence in decision-making. Conclusions: A joint-consultation clinic comprising a neurosurgeon and a physician for the treatment of TN is valued by patients who become better informed and able to make decisions about their care. Positive application of clinical decision-making aids in this situation offers potential across specialities

    Desalination Performance of Nano porous Mos2_2 Membrane on Different Salts of Saline Water: A Molecular Dynamics Study

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    The freshwater crisis is a growing concern and a pressing problem for the world because of the increasing population, civilization, and rapid industrial growth. The water treatment facilities are able to supply less than 1% of the total water demand. Water desalination can be a potential solution to deal with this alarming issue. Researchers have been exploring for quite some time to find novel nano-enhanced membranes and manufacturing techniques to increase the efficiency of the desalination process. Graphene and graphene modified membranes showed huge potential as desalination membranes for comparatively easier synthesis process and higher ion rejection rate than conventional filter materials. Currently, single-layer Mos2_2 has been discovered to have the same potential of water permeability and ion rejection rate as graphene membrane in a more energy-efficient way. For almost analogous nano porous structure of the graphene membrane, almost 70% of the higher water flux is obtained from the Mos2_2 membrane. In this work, it has been shown that nano porous Mos2_2 membranes provide a promising result for desalinating other salts of seawater alongside NaCl. We have also observed the effect of variations in ions, pore size, and pressure on water permeation and ion rejection rates in the water desalination process. In this study, water permeation increased significantly by increasing the pore area from 20{\AA} to 80{\AA}. The rate of water filtration increases in proportion to both applied pressure and pore size, sacrificing the ion rejection rate for the type of ions studied. A combination of salt ions in the saline water for desalination has also been studied, where the rejection rates for the different ions are separately represented for various applied pressures. For seawater, the Mos2_2 membrane has showed quite promising performance in the study of ion variation

    Dermal exposure to the herbicide-paraquat results in genotoxic and cytotoxic damage to germ cells in the male rat

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    The effects of exposure to low doses of paraquat, a herbicide, via the dermal route were studied on the spermatozoa of Sprague-Dawley rats. Paraquat (1, 1&#8217;-dimethyl-4, 4&#8217;-bipyridinium dichloride) was administered once a day for five days, at intervals of 24 h at 0, 6, 15 and 30 mg/kg, and the rats were sacrificed on days 7, 14, 28, and 42 after the last exposure. The sperm suspensions were obtained by mincing the caudae epididymes and ductus deferens for the purpose of performing a sperm morphology test, sperm count and analysis of sperm mortality and sperm motility, as per the standard procedures. The sperm count was decreased (p < 0.05) only on days 7 and 14 but sperm abnormalities increased on all days (p < 0.05). Sperm mortality increased at higher dose-levels (p < 0.05) except on day 42, and motility was affected by 30 mg/kg only on day 42. In conclusion, paraquat is a genotoxic and cytotoxic agent to germ cells in the male rat

    Conflict Resolution: the Truncated Zoning Arrangement and the Buhari Political Tsunami in Nigeria

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    The Nigerian Fourth Republic ushered in a demo-cratically elected government in 1999 that paved way for the civilians to take over government after a long period of military rule in Nigeria. This made the political parties to project their candidates for contest in occupying the political positions at the federal, states and local government levels. Thus, such projection through the ruling political party that won the election in 1999 known as the People's Democratic Party (PDP), went into zoning arrange-ment that could give the country's six geopolitical zones a place for participation in the administration of the country. This arrangement coordinated the highest positions such as the President, Vice-Presi-dent, President of the Senate, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Secretary to the Government of the Federation, and Chairman of the ruling party. However, such arrangements were only practiced from 1999 to 2011. The zoning arrangements were trun-cated in 2011, which led to conflict in the Northern part of the country. The objective of the study there-fore, is to examine the consequences of the trun-cated zoning arrangement and lessons from the Buhari Political tsunami in 2015 general elections in Nigeria, with interest on how to resolve such con-flicts that emanated. The study made use of qualita-tive research and the review of previous literature as sources of data collection. The findings revealed that, many people were killed during the years 2011-2015 under study; both private and public properties were also destroyed. This study recom-mends constitutional approach regarding the zoning formula to accom-modate all the six geopolitical zones in Nigeria in order to resolve the conflicts therein

    Determination of Yield and Yield Components of Vetch and Cereal Mixture and Evaluation Using by GGE-Biplot Analysis

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    This study was carried out to determine forage and seed yield and its effecting component in different vetch and cereal mixtures, ecological condition of Tekirdağ-Thrace region of Turkey. The study was conducted using a total 5 vetch and cereals varieties includes three different vetch species orakefe, Hungarian vetch species sarıefe, narbon vetch candidate variety 570, two different cereals (barley variety scarpia, oat variety sebat) and their mixture combinations, each species were sown as sole, double and triple mixtures (8 combinations for each genotype) a randomized complete block design with 3 replications was laid out on 2013-2015 growing season. Eight mixture combinations for each genotype (common vetch, Hungarian vetch, Narbon vetch, barley and oat) were evaluated for yield and major plant structural characteristics. Genotype-Trait (GT) biplot analyses were used. Applying type of analyses to the multiple trait data revealed that GT biplot graphically displayed the interrelationships among traits and facilitated visual comparison of mixtures and selection for each genotype. Wide variation was observed for traits plant structure and components (plant height, branch number and pod number/plant, 1000 seed weight, individual genotype ratio). It was found that; seed yield, 1000 seed weight, plant height, branch and pod number /plant were the highest value in pure stand NV570. In addition (570+sebat) had maximum dry forage yield, sarıefe as pure stand has the maximum plant height and seed yield value. On the other had sarıefe+scarpia combination showed very high value for pod number/plant, branch number/plant and fresh and dry forage yield. Pure stand scarpia was the best performer in seed yield. CV+NV+scarpia had the highest 1000 seed weight, fresh and dry forage yield. Maximum planth height was determined from sebat+scarpia, CV+O+B and CV+HV+B combinations. Favorable seed yield and 1000 seed weight value was produced under pure stand sebat seeding. Intercrop NV570+O combination had the higher fresh and dry forage yield. CV+HV+O, CV+NV+O and CV+B+O combination had the highest plant height of sebat

    Use of Wireless Sensor and Microcontroller to Develop Water-level Monitoring System

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    This paper presents the design and development process of Wireless Data Acquisition System (WiDAS) which is a multi-sensor system for water level monitoring. It also consists of a microcontroller (ATMega8L), a data display device and an ultrasonic distance sensor (Parallax Ping). This wireless based acquisition system can communicate through RF module (Tx-Rx) from the measurement sources, such as sensors and devices as digital or analog values over a period of time. The developed system has the option to store the data in the computer memory. It was tested in real time and showed continuous and correct data. The developed system is consisting of a number of features, such as low energy consumption, easy to operate and well-built invulnerability, which cangive successful results to measure the water level. Finally, its flexibility facilitates an extensive application span for self-directed data collection with trustworthy transmission in few sparse points over huge areas

    Psychological skills assessment and referee rugby sevens performance

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    This study aims to examine the psychological skills that are commonly used among referees rugby sevens and their relationship with referees’ performance. The Psychological Skills Inventory for Sports (Mahoney, Gabriel, & Perkins, 1987) was adapted and modified specifically for use by rugby sevens referees. It was administered to 132 rugby sevens referee (mean age 33.4 + 1.5 years; 132 males) of the Malaysian Rugby Union (MRU) which has been refereed in 10 rugby sevens tournament in Malaysia. The psychological skills variables employed in the questionnaire included confidence, anxiety management, mental preparation, motivation and concentration. The IRB Referee Sevens Performance Evaluation Form (r=0.94) was used to evaluate referee performance. These instruments measure the performance variable that contains the dimensions of control, communication, application of the law and the positioning. The descriptive statistics of the variables are Psychological skills (M= 120.14, SD= 6.97) and performance (M= 136.45, SD= 4.47) identified at a moderate level. Findings indicated no significant differences [F= (3, 72) =.636, p>0.05] in psychological skills across age levels but there are significant differences [F= (3, 128) =57.616, p<0.05] across experience levels. Highly experienced referees scored significantly higher in all psychological constructs compared to less experienced referees. Variables that showed strong and positive relationships with performance were anxiety management (r= .61), concentration (r= .57), confidence(r= .54) and motivation (r= .50). In conclusion, the psychological skills assessment can improve the efficacy of rugby referees and recommends that referee coaches increase the use of psychological skills in competitions and future training. Researchers should investigate the effectiveness of applied sport psychology interventions in enhancing referee performance in the future

    Psychological skills assessment and referee rugby sevens performance

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    This study aims to examine the psychological skills that are commonly used among referees rugby sevens and their relationship with referees’ performance. The Psychological Skills Inventory for Sports (Mahoney, Gabriel, & Perkins, 1987) was adapted and modified specifically for use by rugby sevens referees. It was administered to 132 rugby sevens referee (mean age 33.4 + 1.5 years; 132 males) of the Malaysian Rugby Union (MRU) which has been refereed in 10 rugby sevens tournament in Malaysia. The psychological skills variables employed in the questionnaire included confidence, anxiety management, mental preparation, motivation and concentration. The IRB Referee Sevens Performance Evaluation Form (r=0.94) was used to evaluate referee performance. These instruments measure the performance variable that contains the dimensions of control, communication, application of the law and the positioning. The descriptive statistics of the variables are Psychological skills (M= 120.14, SD= 6.97) and performance (M= 136.45, SD= 4.47) identified at a moderate level. Findings indicated no significant differences [F= (3, 72) =.636, p>0.05] in psychological skills across age levels but there are significant differences [F= (3, 128) =57.616, p<0.05] across experience levels. Highly experienced referees scored significantly higher in all psychological constructs compared to less experienced referees. Variables that showed strong and positive relationships with performance were anxiety management (r= .61), concentration (r= .57), confidence(r= .54) and motivation (r= .50). In conclusion, the psychological skills assessment can improve the efficacy of rugby referees and recommends that referee coaches increase the use of psychological skills in competitions and future training. Researchers should investigate the effectiveness of applied sport psychology interventions in enhancing referee performance in the future

    The evaluation of shear deformation for contact analysis with large displacement

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    A common problem encountered in the study of contact problem is the failure to obtain stable and accurate convergence result when the contact node is close to the element edge, which is referred as "critical area". In previous studies, the modification of the element force equation to apply it to a node-element contact problem using the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory [1]. A simple single-element consists two edges and a contact point was used to simulate contact phenomenon of a plane frame. The modification was proven to be effective by the convergeability of the unbalanced force at the tip of element edge, which enabled the contact node to "pass-through", resulting in precise results. However, in another recent study, we discover that, if shear deformation based on Timoshenko beam theory is taken into consideration, a basic simply supported beam coordinate afforded a much simpler and more efficient technique for avoiding the divergence of the unbalanced force in the "critical area". Using our unique and robust Tangent Stiffness Method, the improved equation can be used to overcome any geometrically nonlinear analyses, including those involving extremely large displacements
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