9,474 research outputs found

    The Structural Behavior of Glass Pressure Hulls

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    Approximate Sum Rules of CKM Matrix Elements from Quasi-Democratic Mass Matrices

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    To extract sum rules of CKM matrix elements, eigenvalue problems for quasi-democratic mass matrices are solved in the first order perturbation approximation with respect to small deviations from the democratic limit. Mass spectra of up and down quark sectors and the CKM matrix are shown to have clear and distinctive hierarchical structures. Numerical analysis shows that the absolute values of calculated CKM matrix elements fit the experimental data quite well. The order of the magnitude of the Jarlskog parameter is estimated by the relation ∣J∣≈2(mc/mt+ms/mb)∣Vus∣2∣Vcb∣/4|J| \approx \sqrt{2}(m_c/m_t + m_s/m_b)|V_{us}|^2|V_{cb}|/4.Comment: Latex, 15 pages, no figure

    Estimating Single and Multiple Target Locations Using K-Means Clustering with Radio Tomographic Imaging in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Geolocation involves using data from a sensor network to assess and estimate the location of a moving or stationary target. Received Signal Strength (RSS), Angle of Arrival (AoA), and/or Time Difference of Arrival (TDoA) measurements can be used to estimate target location in sensor networks. Radio Tomographic Imaging (RTI) is an emerging Device-Free Localization (DFL) concept that utilizes the RSS values of a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) to geolocate stationary or moving target(s). The WSN is set up around the Area of Interest (AoI) and the target of interest, which can be a person or object. The target inside the AoI creates a shadowing loss between each link being obstructed by the target. This research focuses on position estimation of single and multiple targets inside a RTI network. This research applies K-means clustering to localize one or more targets. K-means clustering is an algorithm that has been used in data mining applications such as machine learning applications, pattern recognition, hyper-spectral imagery, artificial intelligence, crowd analysis, and Multiple Target Tracking (MTT)


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    We study Gorenstein dimension and grade of a module M over a filtered ring whose associated graded ring is a commutative Noetherian ring. An equality or an inequality between these invariants of a filtered module and its associated graded module is the most valuable property for an investigation of filtered rings. We prove an inequality G-dimM <= G-dim grM and an equality grade M = grade grM, whenever Gorenstein dimension of grM is finite (Theorems 2.3 and 2.8). We would say that the use of G-dimension adds a new viewpoint for studying filtered rings and modules. We apply these results to a filtered ring with a Cohen-Macaulay or Gorenstein associated graded ring and study a Cohen-Macaulay, perfect, or holonomic module.ArticleCommunications in Algebra. 37(2):406-430 (2009)journal articl

    Settlement rehabilitation of a 35 year old building : case study integrated with analysis and implementation

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    This paper presents a rehabilitation project concerning the settlement of a 35 year old building. The foundation system of the northwest wing of the building consists of strip footings and slabon-grade. Differential settlement results in significant cracking of the masonry partition walls located on the footing and hence rehabilitation of the footing is required to stabilize the foundation system. Geotechnical and structural investigations are conducted, including site borings and analytical modeling based on one-dimensional consolidation theory that is incorporated into a finite element analysis. The predictive model exhibits that the differential settlement does not cause noticeable distress for the primary structural members, whereas the continued settlement affects use of the building. Site implementation is performed with the pushpile method to terminate the continuous settlement of the foundation

    Secure Grouping Protocol Using a Deck of Cards

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    We consider a problem, which we call secure grouping, of dividing a number of parties into some subsets (groups) in the following manner: Each party has to know the other members of his/her group, while he/she may not know anything about how the remaining parties are divided (except for certain public predetermined constraints, such as the number of parties in each group). In this paper, we construct an information-theoretically secure protocol using a deck of physical cards to solve the problem, which is jointly executable by the parties themselves without a trusted third party. Despite the non-triviality and the potential usefulness of the secure grouping, our proposed protocol is fairly simple to describe and execute. Our protocol is based on algebraic properties of conjugate permutations. A key ingredient of our protocol is our new techniques to apply multiplication and inverse operations to hidden permutations (i.e., those encoded by using face-down cards), which would be of independent interest and would have various potential applications

    The cross-frequency mediation mechanism of intracortical information transactions

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    In a seminal paper by von Stein and Sarnthein (2000), it was hypothesized that "bottom-up" information processing of "content" elicits local, high frequency (beta-gamma) oscillations, whereas "top-down" processing is "contextual", characterized by large scale integration spanning distant cortical regions, and implemented by slower frequency (theta-alpha) oscillations. This corresponds to a mechanism of cortical information transactions, where synchronization of beta-gamma oscillations between distant cortical regions is mediated by widespread theta-alpha oscillations. It is the aim of this paper to express this hypothesis quantitatively, in terms of a model that will allow testing this type of information transaction mechanism. The basic methodology used here corresponds to statistical mediation analysis, originally developed by (Baron and Kenny 1986). We generalize the classical mediator model to the case of multivariate complex-valued data, consisting of the discrete Fourier transform coefficients of signals of electric neuronal activity, at different frequencies, and at different cortical locations. The "mediation effect" is quantified here in a novel way, as the product of "dual frequency RV-coupling coefficients", that were introduced in (Pascual-Marqui et al 2016, http://arxiv.org/abs/1603.05343). Relevant statistical procedures are presented for testing the cross-frequency mediation mechanism in general, and in particular for testing the von Stein & Sarnthein hypothesis.Comment: https://doi.org/10.1101/119362 licensed as CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0

    Single crystal MgB2 with anisotropic superconducting properties

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    The discovery of superconductor in magnesium diboride MgB2 with high Tc (39 K) has raised some challenging issues; whether this new superconductor resembles a high temperature cuprate superconductor(HTS) or a low temperature metallic superconductor; which superconducting mechanism, a phonon- mediated BCS or a hole superconducting mechanism or other new exotic mechanism may account for this superconductivity; and how about its future for applications. In order to clarify the above questions, experiments using the single crystal sample are urgently required. Here we have first succeeded in obtaining the single crystal of this new MgB2 superconductivity, and performed its electrical resistance and magnetization measurements. Their experiments show that the electronic and magnetic properties depend on the crystallographic direction. Our results indicate that the single crystal MgB2 superconductor shows anisotropic superconducting properties and thus can provide scientific basis for the research of its superconducting mechanism and its applications.Comment: 7 pages pdf fil

    Laugh syncope as a rare sub-type of the situational syncopes: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Laughter is a good medicine; it enhances cardiovascular health and the immune system. What happens, however, if a person laughs too much or the laughter becomes out of control? Laughter-induced syncope is rare and likely goes unrecognized by many health care providers. It is thought to be another form of Valsalva-induced syncope.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We report the case of a 56-year-old, moderately obese (body mass index of 35) man with a past medical history of sleep apnea, hypertension and hyperlipidemia who suffered from syncope secondary to intense laughter. The patient also had a history of syncope in the distant past when he collapsed on the floor for several seconds. Treadmill stress testing after the incident revealed no arrhythmia or ischemic disease, although he complained of dizziness after the test and a sudden drop in blood pressure was noted.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Laughter-induced or gelastic syncope is extremely rare. It is thought to be a sub-type of the situational syncopes.</p
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