136 research outputs found

    Mycobacterium tuberculosis Beijing genotype emerging in Vietnam.

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    To assess whether the Mycobacterium tuberculosis Beijing genotype is emerging in Vietnam, we analyzed 563 isolates from new cases by spoligotyping and examined the association between the genotype and age, resistance, and BCG vaccination status. Three hundred one (54%) patients were infected with Beijing genotype strains. The genotype was associated with younger age (and hence with active transmission) and with isoniazid and streptomycin resistance, but not with BCG vaccination

    GMRT Detection of HI 21 cm-line Absorption from the Peculiar Galaxy in Abell 2125

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    Using the recently completed Giant Meterwave Radio Telescope, we have detected the HI 21 cm-line absorption from the peculiar galaxy C153 in the galaxy cluster Abell 2125. The HI absorption is at a redshift of 0.2533, with a peak optical depth of 0.36. The full width at half minimum of the absorption line is 100 km/s. The estimated column density of atomic Hydrogen is 0.7e22(Ts/100K) per sq. cm. The HI absorption is redshifted by ~ 400 km/s compared to the [OIII] emission line from this system. We attribute this to an in-falling cold gas, or to an out-flowing ionised gas, or to a combination of both as a consequence of tidal interactions of C153 with either a cluster galaxy or the cluster potential.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, uses jaa.sty (included

    Electrons in a ferromagnetic metal with a domain wall

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    We present theoretical description of conduction electrons interacting with a domain wall in ferromagnetic metals. The description takes into account interaction between electrons. Within the semiclassical approximation we calculate the spin and charge distributions, particularly their modification by the domain wall. In the same approximation we calculate local transport characteristics, including relaxation times and charge and spin conductivities. It is shown that these parameters are significantly modified near the wall and this modification depends on electron-electron interaction.Comment: 10 pages with 4 figure

    Effect of a Domain Wall on the Conductance Quantization in a Ferromagnetic Nanowire

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    The effect of the domain wall (DW) on the conductance in a ballistic ferromagnetic nanowire (FMNW) is revisited by exploiting a specific perturbation theory which is effective for a thin DW; the thinness is often the case in currently interested conductance measurements on FMNWs. Including the Hund coupling between carrier spins and local spins in a DW, the conductance of a FMNW in the presence of a very thin DW is calculated within the Landauer-B\"{u}ttiker formalism. It is revealed that the conductance plateaus are modified significantly, and the switching of the quantization unit from e2/he^2/h to ``about 2e2/h2e^2/h'' is produced in a FMNW by the introduction of a thin DW. This accounts well for recent observations in a FMNW.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, Corrected typos and added reference

    Reflection of electrons from a domain wall in magnetic nanojunctions

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    Electronic transport through thin and laterally constrained domain walls in ferromagnetic nanojunctions is analyzed theoretically. The description is formulated in the basis of scattering states. The resistance of the domain wall is calculated in the regime of strong electron reflection from the wall. It is shown that the corresponding magnetoresistance can be large, which is in a qualitative agreement with recent experimental observations. We also calculate the spin current flowing through the wall and the spin polarization of electron gas due to reflections from the domain wall.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Ballistic and diffuse transport through a ferromagnetic domain wall

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    We study transport through ballistic and diffuse ferromagnetic domain walls in a two-band Stoner model with a rotating magnetization direction. For a ballistic domain wall, the change in the conductance due to the domain wall scattering is obtained from an adiabatic approximation valid when the length of the domain wall is much longer than the Fermi wavelength. In diffuse systems, the change in the resistivity is calculated using a diagrammatic technique to the lowest order in the domain wall scattering and taking into account spin-dependent scattering lifetimes and screening of the domain wall potential.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    B2 0648+27: a radio galaxy in a major merger

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    We present WSRT observations of the neutral hydrogen in the nearby radio galaxy B2 0648+27. In emission, we detect a very large amount of HI (M_HI = 1.1 x 10^10 M_sun) that is distributed in a very extended disk, or ring-like structure, of about 160 kpc in size. We also detect HI absorption against the central radio continuum component. The detection of the HI, its structure and kinematics, give us key information for building a possible evolutionary scenario. The characteristics of the detected HI are explained as the result of a major merger event that is likely to have occurred <10^9 yr ago. Interestinly, we find that, when observed in radio continuum at higher resolution, this galaxy has a double lobed, steep spectrum structure of about 1 kpc in size. Thus, despite its low radio power, B2 0648+27 bears striking similarities with Compact Symmetric Objects, i.e. objects believed to represent the early phase of radio galaxies (< few thousand yrs old). B2~0648+27 is one of the few nearby radio galaxies where extended neutral hydrogen has been detected so far. This, and other recent results, appear however to indicate that nearby radio galaxies are more often gas rich than commonly assumed. The phenomena described are likely to be much more common at high redshift and galaxies like B2 0648+27 may provide valuable information on the evolution of high redshift radio sources.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 8 pages (6 figures, two of them in gif format). The full paper can be found in http://www.astron.nl/~morganti/Papers/0648.ps.g

    CHILES VI:HI and H alpha observations for z &lt;0.1 galaxies; probing HI spin alignment with filaments in the cosmic web

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    We present neutral hydrogen (HI) and ionized hydrogen (Hα{\alpha}) observations of ten galaxies out to a redshift of 0.1. The HI observations are from the first epoch (178 hours) of the COSMOS HI Large Extragalactic Survey (CHILES). Our sample is HI biased and consists of ten late-type galaxies with HI masses that range from 1.8×1071.8\times10^{7} M_{\odot} to 1.1×10101.1\times10^{10} M_{\odot}. We find that although the majority of galaxies show irregularities in the morphology and kinematics, they generally follow the scaling relations found in larger samples. We find that the HI and Hα{\alpha} velocities reach the flat part of the rotation curve. We identify the large-scale structure in the nearby CHILES volume using DisPerSE with the spectroscopic catalog from SDSS. We explore the gaseous properties of the galaxies as a function of location in the cosmic web. We also compare the angular momentum vector (spin) of the galaxies to the orientation of the nearest cosmic web filament. Our results show that galaxy spins tend to be aligned with cosmic web filaments and show a hint of a transition mass associated with the spin angle alignment.Comment: 24 pages, 25 figures, 6 tables, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Observations of HI Absorbing Gas in Compact Radio Sources at Cosmological Redshifts

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    We present an overview of the occurrence and properties of atomic gas associated with compact radio sources at redshifts up to z=0.85. Searches for HI 21cm absorption were made with the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope at UHF-high frequencies (725-1200 MHz). Detections were obtained for 19 of the 57 sources with usable spectra (33%). We have found a large range in line depths, from tau=0.16 to tau<=0.001. There is a substantial variety of line profiles, including Gaussians of less than 10km/s, to more typically 150km/s, as well as irregular and multi-peaked absorption profiles, sometimes spanning several hundred km/s. Assuming uniform coverage of the entire radio source, we obtain column depths of atomic gas between 1e19 and 3.3e21(Tsp/100K)(1/f)cm^(-2). There is evidence for significant gas motions, but in contrast to earlier results at low redshift, there are many sources in which the HI velocity is substantially negative (up to v=-1420km/s) with respect to the optical redshift, suggesting that in these sources the atomic gas, rather than falling into the centre, may be be flowing out, interacting with the jets, or rotating around the nucleus.Comment: 10 pages, accepted for publication in A&

    Carbon Recombination Lines from the Galactic Plane at 34.5 & 328 MHz

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    We present results of a search for carbon recombination lines in the Galaxy at 34.5 MHz (C575α575\alpha) made using the dipole array at Gauribidanur near Bangalore. Observations made towards 32 directions, led to detections of lines in absorption at nine positions. Followup observations at 328 MHz (C272α272\alpha) using the Ooty Radio Telescope detected these lines in emission. A VLA D-array observation of one of the positions at 330 MHz yielded no detection implying a lower limit of 10' for the angular size of the line forming region. The longitude-velocity distribution of the observed carbon lines indicate that the line forming region are located mainly between 4 kpc and 7 kpc from the Galactic centre. Combining our results with published carbon recombination line data near 76 MHz (\nocite{erickson:95} Erickson \et 1995) we obtain constraints on the physical parameters of the line forming regions. We find that if the angular size of the line forming regions is 4\ge 4^{\circ}, then the range of parameters that fit the data are: \Te =2040= 20-40 K, \ne 0.10.3\sim 0.1-0.3 \cm3 and pathlengths 0.070.9\sim 0.07-0.9 pc which may correspond to thin photo-dissociated regions around molecular clouds. On the other hand, if the line forming regions are 2\sim 2^{\circ} in extent, then warmer gas (\Te 60300\sim 60-300 K) with lower electron densities (\ne 0.030.05\sim 0.03-0.05 \cm3) extending over several tens of parsecs along the line of sight and possibly associated with atomic \HI gas can fit the data. Based on the range of derived parameters, we suggest that the carbon line regions are most likely associated with photo-dissociation regions.Comment: To appear in Journal of Astrophysics & Astronomy, March 200