483 research outputs found

    Quantum receiver beyond the standard quantum limit of coherent optical communication

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    The most efficient modern optical communication is known as coherent communication and its standard quantum limit (SQL) is almost reachable with current technology. Though it has been predicted for a long time that this SQL could be overcome via quantum mechanically optimized receivers, such a performance has not been experimentally realized so far. Here we demonstrate the first unconditional evidence surpassing the SQL of coherent optical communication. We implement a quantum receiver with a simple linear optics configuration and achieve more than 90% of the total detection efficiency of the system. Such an efficient quantum receiver will provide a new way of extending the distance of amplification-free channels, as well as of realizing quantum information protocols based on coherent states and the loophole-free test of quantum mechanics.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Dynamical invariants for quantum control of four-level systems

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    We present a Lie-algebraic classification and detailed construction of the dynamical invariants, also known as Lewis-Riesenfeld invariants, of the four-level systems including two-qubit systems which are most relevant and sufficiently general for quantum control and computation. These invariants not only solve the time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation of four-level systems exactly but also enable the control, and hence quantum computation based on which, of four-level systems fast and beyond adiabatic regimes.Comment: 11 pages, 5 table

    Continuous-Variable Quantum Teleportation with a Conventional Laser

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    We give a description of balanced homodyne detection (BHD) using a conventional laser as a local oscillator (LO), where the laser field outside the cavity is a mixed state whose phase is completely unknown. Our description is based on the standard interpretation of the quantum theory for measurement, and accords with the experimental result in the squeezed state generation scheme. We apply our description of BHD to continuous-variable quantum teleportation (CVQT) with a conventional laser to analyze the CVQT experiment [A. Furusawa et al., Science 282, 706 (1998)], whose validity has been questioned on the ground of intrinsic phase indeterminacy of the laser field [T. Rudolph and B.C. Sanders, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 077903 (2001)]. We show that CVQT with a laser is valid only if the unknown phase of the laser field is shared among sender's LOs, the EPR state, and receiver's LO. The CVQT experiment is considered valid with the aid of an optical path other than the EPR channel and a classical channel, directly linking between a sender and a receiver. We also propose a method to probabilistically generate a strongly phase-correlated quantum state via continuous measurement of independent lasers, which is applicable to realizing CVQT without the additional optical path.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Trimeric mutant bacteriorhodopsin, D85N, shows a monophasic CD spectrum

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    AbstractThe structure of mutant bacteriorhodopsin (bR), D85N, was examined by CD and X-ray diffraction at pH 7. The absorption maximum of D85N at pH 7 is located at 605 nm, which is similar to the acid-blue form of wild-type bR. D85N shows a monophasic CD band, the maximum of which is at 575 nm, although the crystalline arrangement and the trimeric structure is maintained. The acid-blue form of wild-type bR shows a biphasic CD despite the similarity in absorption spectra

    Mach-Zehnder Bragg interferometer for a Bose-Einstein Condensate

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    We construct a Mach-Zehnder interferometer using Bose-Einstein condensed rubidium atoms and optical Bragg diffraction. In contrast to interferometers based on normal diffraction, where only a small percentage of the atoms contribute to the signal, our Bragg diffraction interferometer uses all the condensate atoms. The condensate coherence properties and high phase-space density result in an interference pattern of nearly 100% contrast. In principle, the enclosed area of the interferometer may be arbitrarily large, making it an ideal tool that could be used in the detection of vortices, or possibly even gravitational waves.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference 1999, Postdeadline papers QPD12-

    Realization of Arbitrary Gates in Holonomic Quantum Computation

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    Among the many proposals for the realization of a quantum computer, holonomic quantum computation (HQC) is distinguished from the rest in that it is geometrical in nature and thus expected to be robust against decoherence. Here we analyze the realization of various quantum gates by solving the inverse problem: Given a unitary matrix, we develop a formalism by which we find loops in the parameter space generating this matrix as a holonomy. We demonstrate for the first time that such a one-qubit gate as the Hadamard gate and such two-qubit gates as the CNOT gate, the SWAP gate and the discrete Fourier transformation can be obtained with a single loop.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    A novel method to create a vortex in a Bose-Einstein condensate

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    It has been shown that a vortex in a BEC with spin degrees of freedom can be created by manipulating with external magnetic fields. In the previous work, an optical plug along the vortex axis has been introduced to avoid Majorana flips, which take place when the external magnetic field vanishes along the vortex axis while it is created. In the present work, in contrast, we study the same scenario without introducing the optical plug. The magnetic field vanishes only in the center of the vortex at a certain moment of the evolution and hence we expect that the system will lose only a fraction of the atoms by Majorana flips even in the absence of an optical plug. Our conjecture is justified by numerically solving the Gross-Pitaevskii equation, where the full spinor degrees of freedom of the order parameter are properly taken into account. A significant simplification of the experimental realization of the scenario is attained by the omission of the optical plug.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figure

    Electronic States in Silicon Quantum Dots: Multivalley Artificial Atoms

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    Electronic states in silicon quantum dots are examined theoretically, taking into account a multivalley structure of the conduction band. We find that (i) exchange interaction hardly works between electrons in different valleys. In consequence electrons occupy the lowest level in different valleys in the absence of Hund's coupling when the dot size is less than 10 nm. High-spin states are easily realized by applying a small magnetic field. (ii) When the dot size is much larger, the electron-electron interaction becomes relevant in determining the electronic states. Electrons are accommodated in a valley, making the highest spin, to gain the exchange energy. (iii) In the presence of intervalley scattering, degenerate levels in different valleys are split. This could result in low-spin states. These spin states in multivalley artificial atoms can be observed by looking at the magnetic-field dependence of peak positions in the Coulomb oscillation.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    Classical Conformal Blocks and Accessory Parameters from Isomonodromic Deformations

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    Classical conformal blocks naturally appear in the large central charge limit of 2D Virasoro conformal blocks. In the AdS3/CFT2AdS_{3}/CFT_{2} correspondence, they are related to classical bulk actions and are used to calculate entanglement entropy and geodesic lengths. In this work, we discuss the identification of classical conformal blocks and the Painlev\'e VI action showing how isomonodromic deformations naturally appear in this context. We recover the accessory parameter expansion of Heun's equation from the isomonodromic Ď„\tau-function. We also discuss how the c=1c = 1 expansion of the Ď„\tau-function leads to a novel approach to calculate the 4-point classical conformal block.Comment: 32+10 pages, 2 figures; v3: upgraded notation, discussion on moduli space and monodromies, numerical and analytic checks; v2: added refs, fixed emai
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