105 research outputs found

    Ising t-J model close to half filling: A Monte Carlo study

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    Within the recently proposed doped-carrier representation of the projected lattice electron operators we derive a full Ising version of the t-J model. This model possesses the global discrete Z_2 symmetry as a maximal spin symmetry of the Hamiltonian at any values of the coupling constants, t and J. In contrast, in the spin anisotropic limit of the t-J model, usually referred to as the t-J_z model, the global SU(2) invariance is fully restored at J_z=0, so that only the spin-spin interaction has in that model the true Ising form. We discuss a relationship between those two models and the standard isotropic t-J model. We show that the low-energy quasiparticles in all three models share the qualitatively similar properties at low doping and small values of J/t. The main advantage of the proposed Ising t-J model over the t-J_z one is that the former allows for the unbiased Monte Carlo calculations on large clusters of up to 10^3 sites. Within this model we discuss in detail the destruction of the antiferromagnetic order by doping as well as the interplay between the AF order and hole mobility. We also discuss the effect of the exchange interaction and that of the next nearest neighbour hoppings on the destruction of the AF order at finite doping. We show that the short-range AF order is observed in a wide range of temperatures and dopings, much beyond the boundaries of the AF phase. We explicitly demonstrate that the local no double occupancy constraint plays the dominant role in destroying the magnetic order at finite doping. Finally, a role of inhomogeneities is discussed.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figure

    Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov phase in the presence of pair hopping interaction

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    The recent experimental support for the presence of the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) phase in the CeCoIn5 directed the attention towards the mechanisms responsible for this type of superconductivity. We investigate the FFLO state in a model where on--site/inter--site pairing coexists with repulsive pair hopping interaction. The latter interaction is interesting in that it leads to pairing with nonzero momentum of the Cooper pairs even in the absence of the external magnetic field (the so-called eta-pairing). It turns out that depending on the strength of the pair hopping interaction the magnetic field can induce one of two types of the FFLO phase with different spatial modulations of the order parameter. It is argued that the properties of the FFLO phase may give information about the magnitude of the pair hopping interaction. We also show that eta-pairing and d-wave superconductivity may coexist in the FFLO state. It holds true also for superconductors which in the absence of magnetic field are of pure d-wave type.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    Phase separation in a lattice model of a superconductor with pair hopping

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    We have studied the extended Hubbard model with pair hopping in the atomic limit for arbitrary electron density and chemical potential. The Hamiltonian considered consists of (i) the effective on-site interaction U and (ii) the intersite charge exchange interactions I, determining the hopping of electron pairs between nearest-neighbour sites. The model can be treated as a simple effective model of a superconductor with very short coherence length in which electrons are localized and only electron pairs have possibility of transferring. The phase diagrams and thermodynamic properties of this model have been determined within the variational approach, which treats the on-site interaction term exactly and the intersite interactions within the mean-field approximation. We have also obtained rigorous results for a linear chain (d=1) in the ground state. Moreover, at T=0 some results derived within the random phase approximation (and the spin-wave approximation) for d=2 and d=3 lattices and within the low density expansions for d=3 lattices are presented. Our investigation of the general case (as a function of the electron concentration and as a function of the chemical potential) shows that, depending on the values of interaction parameters, the system can exhibit not only the homogeneous phases: superconducting (SS) and nonordered (NO), but also the phase separated states (PS: SS-NO). The system considered exhibits interesting multicritical behaviour including tricritical points.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures; pdf-ReVTeX, final version, corrected typos; submitted to Journal of Physics: Condensed Matte

    Negativity and quantum discord in Davies environments

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    We investigate the time evolution of negativity and quantum discord for a pair of non-interacting qubits with one being weakly coupled to a decohering Davies--type Markovian environment. At initial time of preparation, the qubits are prepared in one of the maximally entangled pure Bell states. In the limiting case of pure decoherence (i.e. pure dephasing), both, the quantum discord and negativity decay to zero in the long time limit. In presence of a manifest dissipative dynamics, the entanglement negativity undergoes a sudden death at finite time while the quantum discord relaxes continuously to zero with increasing time. We find that in dephasing environments the decay of the negativity is more propitious with increasing time; in contrast, the evolving decay of the quantum discord proceeds weaker for dissipative environments. Particularly, the slowest decay of the quantum discord emerges when the energy relaxation time matches the dephasing time.Comment: submitted for publicatio

    Isotope effect in impure high T_c superconductors

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    The influence of various kinds of impurities on the isotope shift exponent \alpha of high temperature superconductors has been studied. In these materials the dopant impurities, like Sr in La_{2-x}Sr_xCuO_4, play different role and usually occupy different sites than impurities like Zn, Fe, Ni {\it etc} intentionally introduced into the system to study its superconducting properties. In the paper the in-plane and out-of-plane impurities present in layered superconductors have been considered. They differently affect the superconducting transition temperature T_c. The relative change of isotope shift coefficient, however, is an universal function of T_c/T_{c0} (T_{c0} reffers to impurity free system) {\it i.e.} for angle independent scattering rate and density of states function it does not depend whether the change of T_c is due to in- or out-of-plane impurities. The role of the anisotropic impurity scattering in changing oxygen isotope coefficient of superconductors with various symmetries of the order parameter is elucidated. The comparison of the calculated and experimental dependence of \alpha/\alpha_0, where \alpha_0 is the clean system isotope shift coefficient, on T_c/T_{c0} is presented for a number of cases studied. The changes of \alpha calculated within stripe model of superconductivity in copper oxides resonably well describe the data on La_{1.8}Sr_{0.2}Cu_{1-x}(Fe,Ni)_xO_4, without any fitting parameters.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, Phys. Rev. B67 (2003) accepte

    Eliashberg-type equations for correlated superconductors

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    The derivation of the Eliashberg -- type equations for a superconductor with strong correlations and electron--phonon interaction has been presented. The proper account of short range Coulomb interactions results in a strongly anisotropic equations. Possible symmetries of the order parameter include s, p and d wave. We found the carrier concentration dependence of the coupling constants corresponding to these symmetries. At low hole doping the d-wave component is the largest one.Comment: RevTeX, 18 pages, 5 ps figures added at the end of source file, to be published in Phys.Rev. B, contact: [email protected]

    Upper critical field for underdoped high-T_c superconductors. Pseudogap and stripe--phase

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    We investigate the upper critical field in a stripe--phase and in the presence of a phenomenological pseudogap. Our results indicate that the formation of stripes affects the Landau orbits and results in an enhancement of Hc2H_{c2}. On the other hand, phenomenologically introduced pseudogap leads to a reduction of the upper critical field. This effect is of particular importance when the magnitude of the gap is of the order of the superconducting transition temperature. We have found that a suppression of the upper critical field takes place also for the gap that originates from the charge--density waves.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Vortex structure in d-density wave scenario of pseudogap

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    We investigate the vortex structure assuming the d-density wave scenario of the pseudogap. We discuss the profiles of the order parameters in the vicinity of the vortex, effective vortex charge and the local density of states. We find a pronounced modification of these quantities when compared to a purely superconducting case. Results have been obtained for a clean system as well as in the presence of a nonmagnetic impurity. We show that the competition between superconductivity and the density wave may explain some experimental data recently obtained for high-temperature superconductors. In particular, we show that the d-density wave scenario explains the asymmetry of the gap observed in the vicinity of the vortex core.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure

    Strong interaction of correlated electrons with phonons: Exchange of phonon clouds by polarons

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    We investigate the interaction of strongly correlated electrons with phonons in the frame of the Hubbard-Holstein model. The electron-phonon interaction is considered to be strong and is an important parameter of the model besides the Coulomb repulsion of electrons and band filling. This interaction with the nondispersive optical phonons has been transformed to the problem of mobile polarons by using the canonical transformation of Lang and Firsov. We discuss in particular the case for which the on-site Coulomb repulsion is exactly cancelled by the phonon-mediated attractive interaction and suggest that polarons exchanging phonon clouds can lead to polaron pairing and superconductivity. It is then the frequency of the collective mode of phonon clouds being larger than the bare frequency, which determines the superconducting transition temperature.Comment: 23 pages, Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Electron transport across a quantum wire in the presence of electron leakage to a substrate

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    We investigate electron transport through a mono-atomic wire which is tunnel coupled to two electrodes and also to the underlying substrate. The setup is modeled by a tight-binding Hamiltonian and can be realized with a scanning tunnel microscope (STM). The transmission of the wire is obtained from the corresponding Green's function. If the wire is scanned by the contacting STM tip, the conductance as a function of the tip position exhibits oscillations which may change significantly upon increasing the number of wire atoms. Our numerical studies reveal that the conductance depends strongly on whether or not the substrate electrons are localized. As a further ubiquitous feature, we observe the formation of charge oscillations.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure
