1,602 research outputs found

    Growth of nonlinear optical material: L-arginine hydrochloride and its characterisation

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    Parental awareness, Knowledge, and Attitude towards Nitrous oxide sedation and Protective stabilization in children of North Kerala: A questionnaire based study

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    To assess the Parental awareness, knowledge and attitude in North Kerala population about Conscious sedation and protective stabilization as behaviour management techniques during dental treatment

    The African Experience with ICT for Rural Women’s Development

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    Television, computers and mobile phones can facilitate communication, processing and transmission of information. Singh (1999) defines rural development as the process that lead to sustainable improvement of the quality of life of the rural poor. Rural women play a major role in rural development. ICTs have the potential to improve the quality of lives of the rural women. Information and Communication Technologies for Rural Women’s Development (ICT4WD (Joseph 2007) research stems from the lack of understanding of rural women’s capabilities for their development through the use of ICTs. ICT4WD is an ongoing project that facilitates the development of rural women using ICTs. The aim of this project is to create awareness of the potential of ICTs and to improve the quality of life of rural women through the use of ICTs in developmental projects. This chapter covers only some aspects of the above ICT4WD research project

    The effect of on/off indicator design on state confusion, preference, and response time performance, executive summary

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    Investigated are five designs of software-based ON/OFF indicators in a hypothetical Space Station Power System monitoring task. The hardware equivalent of the indicators used in the present study is the traditional indicator light that illuminates an ON label or an OFF label. Coding methods used to represent the active state were reverse video, color, frame, check, or reverse video with check. Display background color was also varied. Subjects made judgments concerning the state of indicators that resulted in very low error rates and high percentages of agreement across indicator designs. Response time measures for each of the five indicator designs did not differ significantly, although subjects reported that color was the best communicator. The impact of these results on indicator design is discussed

    Voicing Silence: A Postcolonial Reading of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Half of a Yellow Sun

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    Many African countries have been disposed to colonialism and its consequences on their livelihoods. Half of a Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Adichie Ngozi sets the scene for a long battle well known as the Biafran civil war between the Igbo tribe and its counterpart, the Hausa tribe. For two years, both ethnic tribes fought for leadership and dominance, land and its accompanying resources. This ensued into poverty, diaspora, loss of identity, identity reformation, and the deaths of countless Civilians and soldiers. This paper is an attempt to analyse Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie\u27s, Half of a Yellow Sun using the post-colonial theory. The study attempts to address the following: the context of the Biafran war, the causes of the Biafran Civil war, how the identity of the Igbo tribe was shaped under the Biafran civil war, specifically, reviewing the lived experiences of major characters within the mentioned novel, namely, Olanna, Richard and Ugwu. This study found that the identity of all three characters under preview has been shaped during the Biafran war and as a result, they have emerged from the war well rooted in their culture

    The economic and social opportunities of casting technology for rural women

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    The study examines the economic and social opportunities of additive and casting technology. The Community Casting Project (CCP) is a University of Johannesburg Metal Casting Technology Station (UJ-MCTS) project aimed at converting community-based hand made jewellery and crafts into commercially viable, job creating entities, through a comprehensive number of interventions central to which is additive manufacturing and casting technology. This pilot project which is composed of two phases is the overture to the rollout of the larger project. The six-month pilot project aims to develop and test the business case for the casting technology at three community sites as well as the rollout requirements of the larger project in order to inform the sponsors for the complete project rollout. The paper analyses the rationale and the benefits of additive manufacturing and casting technology. The case study analyses the role of UJ-MCTS in transferring know-how and skills in additive manufacturing and casting technology in an attempt to bring about socio-economic transformation to rural and peri-urban areas of South Africa. The authors propose some opportunities to empower rural women to reap the benefits of additive manufacturing and casting technology to optimise their production processes

    Cloud for monitoring and logging solar energy and battery usage

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    Abstract: Data Acquisition Systems (DAS) can be used to gather changing energy parameters derived from various energy sources. This paper discusses how Arduino based data acquisition systems (DAS) can be used to gather solar energy samples and battery level information for remote monitoring and storage in the cloud. Arduino code was developed on Arduino IDE. An open source third party application was used to capture the Arduino serial transmitted values onto a Dropbox folder where it can be shared via Internet. Arduino hardware is connected to the four small 5 V, 1 W solar panels that are loaded with properly calculated resistors and a designed battery level sensor circuit. Solar energy values and battery usage pattern values were successfully stored into Dropbox for monitoring via cloud

    Imaging hydrogen oxidation activity of catalyst-coated perfluoro sulfonic acid-polymer electrolyte membranes using scanning electrochemical microscopy

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    Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy (SECM) is a unique technique for studying fast heterogeneous kinetics and to map reactivity gradients along the surface of an electrocatalyst, especially when it involves multiple surface sites of varying reactivity. It combines the dual advantages offered by ultramicroelectrode (UME) voltammetry in terms of reduced ohmic drop and insignificant double layer charging contribution with the advantages of imaging by rastering the UME across an electro-active surface. In this work, we demonstrate these distinctive features of SECM in evaluating reactivity gradients on catalyst (Pt/C) coated Nafion® films towards hydrogen oxidation activity, a reaction of immense technological relevance. Imaging has been performed in the feedback mode by allowing H2 evolution at the tip (25 μm Pt UME), which is reoxidized at the substrate electrode containing Pt/C-Nafion film. Interesting distribution in H2 oxidation activity has been observed as a function of potential applied to the Pt/C-Nafion film. In addition, a plot of normalized tip current versus the substrate electrode potential indicates the effect of potential-induced reactivity change in the catalyst-coated membranes. The results of the present investigation are believed to be useful to H2/O2 PEM fuel cells with respect to evaluating reactivity gradients of catalyst-coated polymer electrolyte membranes, which is important to rectify problems related to catalyst utilization

    Technology transfer through industry-University-government collaboration

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    Abstract: This study examines technology transfer through collaboration between Government, industry and Universities. The Metal Casting Technology Station at the University of Johannesburg (MCTS-UJ) has been a reputed Technology Station and center of excellence for trouble shooting foundry problems and conducting research in South African foundries. The Department of Science and Technology in South Africa funds the Technology Stations Programme (TSP) through the Technology Innovation Agency (TIA). There are eighteen technology stations across the country at various universities and three of these focus in supporting the foundry industry. The mandate of the Technology Station is to develop human capital and support localization through technology and skills transfer. In this paper we discuss two case studies one on human capital development and the other on localization of technology with a partner university in Germany and a local manufacturer in South Africa. Both projects, Research and Innovation in Foundry Technology (RIFT) and inorganic binders for environmental friendly moulding material has benefited graduate students in acquiring the necessary skills and industry with new technology through the use of inorganic binders for environmental friendly moulding material which helped to reduce toxic fumes while mould making. This is an innovative idea used while mould making through MCTS-University of Johannesburg and Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany collaboration
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