275 research outputs found

    Recognizing Graphs Close to Bipartite Graphs with an Application to Colouring Reconfiguration

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    We continue research into a well-studied family of problems that ask whether the vertices of a graph can be partitioned into sets AA and~BB, where AA is an independent set and BB induces a graph from some specified graph class G{\cal G}. We let G{\cal G} be the class of kk-degenerate graphs. This problem is known to be polynomial-time solvable if k=0k=0 (bipartite graphs) and NP-complete if k=1k=1 (near-bipartite graphs) even for graphs of maximum degree 44. Yang and Yuan [DM, 2006] showed that the k=1k=1 case is polynomial-time solvable for graphs of maximum degree 33. This also follows from a result of Catlin and Lai [DM, 1995]. We consider graphs of maximum degree k+2k+2 on nn vertices. We show how to find AA and BB in O(n)O(n) time for k=1k=1, and in O(n2)O(n^2) time for k≄2k\geq 2. Together, these results provide an algorithmic version of a result of Catlin [JCTB, 1979] and also provide an algorithmic version of a generalization of Brook's Theorem, which was proven in a more general way by Borodin, Kostochka and Toft [DM, 2000] and Matamala [JGT, 2007]. Moreover, the two results enable us to complete the complexity classification of an open problem of Feghali et al. [JGT, 2016]: finding a path in the vertex colouring reconfiguration graph between two given ℓ\ell-colourings of a graph of maximum degree kk

    Diet in Early Childhood Education and Care Institutions

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    Problemstilling: Hvordan kan barnehagen legge til rette for et variert, sunt og nÊringsrikt frukt- og grÞntmÄltid i barnehagen?bachelor-v201

    Caractérisation du produit du gÚne sty4221, unique à Salmonella enterica sérovar Typhi

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    Salmonella enterica sĂ©rovar Typhi (Typhi) est une bactĂ©rie pathogĂšne spĂ©cifique Ă  l’homme. Typhi est l’agent Ă©tiologique de la fiĂšvre typhoĂŻde chez l’humain, causant plus de 16 millions de nouveaux cas par annĂ©e et plus de 600 000 morts. Il a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©montrĂ© que pour causer une infection systĂ©mique, Salmonella doit nĂ©cessairement survivre dans les macrophages de l'hĂŽte. Paradoxalement, S. enterica sĂ©rovar Typhimurium, trĂšs apparentĂ© Ă  Typhi (prĂšs de 90 % d’homologie), n’a pas la capacitĂ© de se dissĂ©miner dans l’organisme humain et peut infecter plusieurs espĂšces animales. Nous avons antĂ©rieurement identifiĂ© 36 gĂšnes uniques Ă  Typhi (absents chez Typhimurium) situĂ©s sur 15 rĂ©gions diffĂ©rentes et exprimĂ©s sĂ©lectivement lors de l’infection de macrophages humains. Ainsi, l’une de ces rĂ©gions a suscitĂ© notre attention, soit la rĂ©gion sty4217-4222 et plus particuliĂšrement le produit du gĂšne sty4221, une aminotransfĂ©rase hypothĂ©tique. Ce dernier gĂšne est d’intĂ©rĂȘt dĂ» Ă  l’homologie qu’il dĂ©tient avec une hĂ©molysine connue (Hly) produite par Treponema denticola, possĂ©dant elle-mĂȘme une activitĂ© d’aminotransfĂ©rase. Chez T. denticola, Hly dĂ©grade la cystĂ©ine et produit du H2S qui est toxique pour l’hĂŽte. Notre hypothĂšse est que la spĂ©cificitĂ© d’hĂŽte et la capacitĂ© de produire une infection systĂ©mique de Typhi sont dues Ă  l’expression de gĂšnes qui ne se retrouvent pas chez d’autres salmonelles. Le but de cette Ă©tude Ă©tait donc de caractĂ©riser le gĂšne sty4221 quant Ă  son activitĂ© hĂ©molytique, cytotoxique et tenter de dĂ©terminer son rĂŽle dans la virulence de cette bactĂ©rie. Le gĂšne sty4221 a Ă©tĂ© clonĂ© sous le contrĂŽle d’un promoteur inductible Ă  l’arabinose et exprimĂ© par E. coli. L’activitĂ© hĂ©molytique du clone a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©terminĂ©e par simple observation sur gĂ©lose sang. Ce clone a Ă©galement permis d’observer l’effet cytotoxique du surnageant de culture sur diffĂ©rentes lignĂ©es cellulaires, par quantification de la relĂąche de LDH. Le gĂšne sty4221 a Ă©tĂ© mutĂ© chez la souche sauvage de Typhi, ISP1820, l’implication pathogĂ©nique du gĂšne a ainsi pu ĂȘtre Ă©tudiĂ©e. Des tests de phagocytose, d’invasion et de survie dans des macrophages humains ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©s, ainsi que des tests d’adhĂ©sion et d’invasion sur des cellules HeLa. Par ailleurs, une premiĂšre tentative de purification de la protĂ©ine a Ă©tĂ© entreprise. En somme, nous savons maintenant que STY4221 a des propriĂ©tĂ©s hĂ©molytiques, augmentĂ©es par la prĂ©sence de cystĂ©ine. De plus, STY4221 a un effet cytotoxique sur les macrophages THP-I, mais aucun effet sur les HeLa. Or, sty4221 ne semble pas impliquĂ© dans les Ă©tapes d’adhĂ©sion, d’invasion, de phagocytose ou de survie. La caractĂ©risation de sty4221 permettra sans doute d’approfondir nos connaissances sur les toxines trouvĂ©es uniquement chez Typhi.Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi (Typhi) is a human restricted pathogen causing typhoid fever, a systemic infection. Annually, at least 16 million new cases with 600, 000 associated deaths are reported. It has been demonstrated that Salmonella has to survive in the macrophages of its host, in order to produce a systemic disease. This ability to cause a disseminated infection in human is unique to Typhi. Our laboratory had isolated 36 genes that were unique to Typhi (absent from Typhimurium’s genome), and that were expressed during human macrophages infection. One of these genes, sty4221, a putative aminotransferase, was of high interest since it shares sequence similarities with a known hemolysin (Hly), which also possesses an aminotransferase activity. That hemolysin is produced by Treponema denticola, it catabolizes cysteine and produces H2S, a toxic metabolite for the host. Our hypothesis is that host specificity and the ability to cause a systemic infection might be explained by the expression of genes that are not found in other salmonellas. The goal of this study was to characterize the gene sty4221, in terms of hemolytic and cytotoxic activity and to determine its role in virulence. The sty4221gene has been cloned in a vector under an arabinose inducible promoter and transformed in a strain of E. coli. The hemolytic activity has been investigated on blood-agar medium. To evaluate the cytotoxicity of the STY4221 protein on human cultured cells, direct observation by photonic microscopy was done. The cytotoxicity activity on human cultured cells has been quantitatively measured with a lactate dehydrogenase release assay. Moreover, the sty4221 gene has been deleted in order to study its implication in the infection and the survival within human macrophages and for adhesion/invasion on epithelial. Protein purification was also attempted. We now know that protein STY4221 has a hemolytic activity that is enhanced by cysteine. Also, we proved that the expression of sty4221 has a cytotoxic effect on THP-I macrophages, but not on epithelial HeLa cells. Meanwhile, sty4221 does not seem to be important during adhesion, invasion, infection nor survival. The characterization of protein STY4221 might extend the list of known exotoxin of Typhi

    Contaminant (PAHs, OCs, PCBs and trace metals) concentrations are declining in axial tissue of sand flathead (Platycephalus bassensis) collected from an urbanised catchment (Port Phillip Bay, Australia)

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    © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. Concentrations of PAHs, OCs, PCBs and trace metals were determined in the white muscle of sand flathead Platycephalus bassensis collected at 6 locations in Port Phillip Bay during 2015. No PAHs, OCs or PCBs were detected in the white muscle of sand flathead at any of the locations, however measurable levels of As, Cu, Hg, Se and Zn were detected at all sites. Only As and Hg exhibited regional difference in white muscle concentrations, with As present only in a non-toxic organic form and Hg measured at levels that are comparable to levels reported in reference sites in other studies. All contaminants detected in the white muscle of sand flathead collected in Port Phillip Bay in 2015 were below Australian Food Standards guideline values, and by world standards, the Port Phillip Bay sand flathead population is considered minimally contaminated. Furthermore, tissue contaminant concentrations appear to be decreasing over time

    Deploying a clinical innovation in the context of actor-patient consultations in general practice: A prelude to a formal clinical trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Innovations to be deployed during consultations with patients may influence the clinical performance of the medical practitioner. This study examined the impact on General Practitioners' (GPs) consultation performance of novel computer software, designed for use while consulting the patient.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Six GPs were video recorded consulting six actor-patients in a simulated clinical environment. Two sessions were recorded with six consultations per GP. Five cases presented cancer symptoms which warranted a referral for specialist investigation. Practitioners were invited to use a novel software package to process referrals made during the consultations in the second session. Two assessors independently reviewed the consultation performance using the Leicester Assessment Package (LAP). Inter-rater agreement was assessed by a Bland-Altman plot of the difference in score against the average score.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Sixty of the seventy two consultations were successfully recorded. Each video consultation was scored twice by two assessors leaving 120 LAP scores available for analysis. There was no evidence of a difference in the variance with increasing score (Pitmans test p = 0.09). There was also no difference in the mean differences between assessor scores whether using the software or not (T-test, P = 0.49)</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The actor-patient consultation can be used to test clinical innovations as a prelude to a formal clinical trial. However the logistics of the study may impact on the validity of the results and need careful planning. Ideally innovations should be tested within the context of a laboratory designed for the purpose, incorporating a pool of practitioners whose competencies have been established and assessors who can be blinded to the aims of the study.</p

    Teenage childbearing and school dropout in a sample of 18,791 single mothers in Cameroon

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    Background: Adolescent childbearing increases the risk of adverse health and social consequences including school dropout (SDO). However, it remains unclear why some teenage mothers drop out of school and others do not, especially in sub-Saharan Africa settings. We aimed to investigate the background and behavioral characteristics of single mothers, associated with school dropout in a sample of 18,791 Cameroonian girls, who had their first child during adolescence. Methods: We used data from a national registry of single mothers, collected during the years 2005–2008 and 2010–2011. Both bivariate analysis and logistic binary regression models were used to explore the relationship between adolescence motherhood and SDO controlling for a range of socio-economic, family, sexual and health seeking behavior characteristics. Results: Among the 18,791 single mothers, 41.6% had dropped out of school because of pregnancy. The multivariable regression model showed that SDO was more common in those who were evicted from their parental home (aOR: 1.85; 95% CI: 1.69–2.04), those who declared having other single mothers in their family (aOR: 1.16; 95% CI 1.08–1.25) and in mothers who had their first child before 15. Using modern contraceptive methods, having declared no sexual partner during the last year and having less than 2 children were associated with a reduced likelihood of school dropout. Conclusions: Strong social support is essential to ensure school continuity in this vulnerable population. Dropping out of school may put the teenage mother more at risk of unsafe health behaviour and new pregnancies

    Characterizations and comparison of low sulfur fuel oils compliant with 2020 global sulfur cap regulation for international shipping

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    © The Author(s), 2022. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Nelson, R. K., Scarlett, A. G., Gagnon, M. M., Holman, A. I., Reddy, C. M., Sutton, P. A., & Grice, K. Characterizations and comparison of low sulfur fuel oils compliant with 2020 global sulfur cap regulation for international shipping. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 180, (2022): 113791, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2022.113791.The International Marine Organization 2020 Global Sulfur Cap requires ships to burn fuels with <0.50% S and some countries require <0.10% S in certain Sulfur Emission Control Areas but little is known about these new types of fuels. Using both traditional GC–MS and more advanced chromatographic and mass spectrometry techniques, plus stable isotopic, ÎŽ13C and ÎŽ2H, analyses of pristane, phytane and n-alkanes, the organic components of a suite of three 0.50% S and three 0.10% S compliant fuels were characterized. Two oils were found to be near identical but all of the remaining oils could be forensically distinguished by comparison of their molecular biomarkers and by the profiles of the heterocyclic parent and alkylated homologues. Oils could also be differentiated by their ÎŽ13C and ÎŽ2H of n-alkanes and isoprenoids. This study provides important forensic data that may prove invaluable in the event of future oil spills.This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. CMR and RKN were supported by the National Science Foundation (OCE-1634478 and OCE-1756242). GC × GC analysis support provided by WHOI's Investment in Science Fund

    Stages of Change – Continuous Measure (URICA-E2): psychometrics of a Norwegian version

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    Aim: This paper is a report of research to translate the English version of the Stages of Change continuous measure questionnaire (URICA‐E2) into Norwegian and to test the validity of the questionnaire and its usefulness in predicting behavioural change. Background: While the psychometric properties of the Stages of Change categorical measure have been tested extensively, evaluation of the psychometric properties of the continuous questionnaire has not been described elsewhere in the literature. Method: Cross‐sectional data were collected with a convenience sample of 198 undergraduate nursing students in 2005 and 2006. The English version of URICA‐E2 was translated into Norwegian according to standardized procedures. Findings: Principal components analysis clearly confirmed five of the dimensions of readiness to change (Precontemplation Non‐Believers, Precontemplation Believers, Contemplation, Preparation and Maintenance), while the sixth dimension, Action, showed the lowest Eigenvalue (0·93). Findings from the cluster analysis indicate distinct profiles among the respondents in terms of readiness to change their exercise behaviour. Conclusion: The URICA‐E2 was for the most part replicated from Reed’s original work. The result of the cluster analysis of the items associated with the factor ‘Action’ suggests that these do not adequately measure the factor
