67 research outputs found

    Assimilation of phytate-phosphorus by the extracellular phytase activity of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) is affected by the availability of soluble phytate

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    Phytate, the major organic phosphorus in soil, is not readily available to plants as a source of phosphorus (P). It is either complexed with cations or adsorbed to various soil components. The present study was carried out to investigate the extracellular phytase activities of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum variety GeXin No.1) and its ability to assimilate external phytate-P. Whereas phytase activities in roots, shoots and growth media of P i-fed 14-day-old seedlings were only 1.3-4.9% of total acid phosphatase (APase) activities, P starvation triggered an increase in phytase secretion up to 914.9 mU mg -1 protein, equivalent to 18.2% of total APase activities. Much of the extracellular phytase activities were found to be root-associated than root-released. The plants were not able to utilize phytate adsorbed to sand, except when insoluble phytate salts were preformed with Mg 2+ and Ca 2+ ions for supplementation. Tobacco grew better in sand supplemented with Mg-phytate salts (31.9 mg dry weight plant -1; 0.68% w/w P concentration) than that with Ca-phytate salts (9.5 mg plant -1; 0.42%), presumably due to its higher solubility. We conclude that insolubility of soil phytate is the major constrain for its assimilation. Improving solubility of soil phytate, for example, by enhancement of citrate secretion, may be a feasible approach to improve soil phytate assimilation. © Springer 2006.postprin

    Web Searching: A Quality Measurement Perspective

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    The purpose of this paper is to describe various quality measures for search engines and to ask whether these are suitable. We especially focus on user needs and their use of web search engines. The paper presents an extensive literature review and a first quality measurement model, as well. Findings include that search engine quality can not be measured by just retrieval effectiveness (the quality of the results), but should also consider index quality, the quality of the search features and search engine usability. For each of these sections, empirical results from studies conducted in the past, as well as from our own research are presented. These results have implications for the evaluation of search engines and for the development of better search systems that give the user the best possible search experience